The flight to Madripoor

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"Mack, where the fuck did you put the extra water?" Y/n shouted through to the cockpit while frantically digging through one of the duffel bags they had on the jet.

"Don't tell me you've already drunk what I gave you." Mack rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you mean the tiny bottle that you already drank half of? I just couldn't help myself." She sarcastically called back before digging her hand back into the bag.

"I can see if there's some in the back." Bucky offered from where he sat.

"No, thanks bucky, but I'll go." She sighed as she stood up from her crouch, "I'd rather hide it in the back than count the seconds it takes for deke to start opening his mouth again."

Bucky glanced over at Deke who was dancing with noise cancelling headphones on and his eyes closed, before looking back at y/n, "if I knew he was still on here, I would've kicked him out, you know?"

She smiled down at him, "I know you would've. Believe me, I would've too. I was so excited to get back, that I didn't even think about kicking that little rat out."

"If there's not enough room in this place we're going, deke's sleeping on the floor." Sam grumbled from where he was, lying across the seats with his eyes closed.

Y/n turned her head with a smile after hearing sams voice, "hey, you. Has Captain America finished his beauty sleep?"

"Don't be sarcastic with me when I'm tired." He groaned.

"You sure you're still tired after your 8 hours of sleep?" Bucky chimed in with a sarcastic tone before flashing his smirk to y/n.

"Shut up." Sam groaned for the last time before he turned his face away from the duo.

"He's grumpy when he's tired." Y/n mumbled to bucky before turning and pointing to deke, "kick him in the shin when his music stops for me, yeah?"

"Oh, of course." Bucky nodded, his eyes intensely watching and waiting for deke's music to stop.

As they'd previously established, the team did not want to keep deke on the plane. When they landed back down at the sword base, they forgot to check the back of the plane. They were so excited to see their friends again that they didn't think about who they might've left behind. Just before they came close to the facility, deke lied down in one of the back rooms to have a nap. But, of course, when it came to getting off the jet, no one remembered his little announcement. Then, when he revealed himself and casually began walking around the zephyr, arguments spiked and caused the team to divide. Mack trapped himself away in the cockpit, distracting himself in the view. Daisy swanned off to somewhere in the back of the plane and hadn't seen anyone since. Sam fell asleep on the chairs, bucky sat on the chair on the opposite side of the plane, and y/n paced around wherever she could as her impatience grew stronger and stronger.

After her impatience turned to boredom she tried to find something to occupy herself with, but nothing seemed to work. After the arguments, they'd given deke headphones which kept him quiet for a while, so she wasn't able to bully him for her own entertainment. In search for the water, y/n checked every room in the back. The more disappointment she got from not finding what she was looking for caused for her to be stressed, which only made her search become more frantic. Then, she decided to leave her search and go to the place she knew would give her comfort.

Once she pushed the door open with a force that she couldn't turn back from, she groaned to herself. However, the moment she saw that somebody was also in the room she took a breath and stepped back to the door, even though the other person had already seen her. Of course, it wasn't just anyone, it was daisy.

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