Learning to live with it

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Y/n groaned when she was pushed back from her partner once again, annoyed at herself for not being able to predict the shot that was fired at her. She balled her fists and looked directly into her girlfriends eyes, the playful fire burning inside them.

"I can feel your heart rate rising." Wanda told her, standing calmly opposite her.

The two were connected. It was no surprise that they could feel when the other was in danger, whether their powers specified in that ability or not. Powers aside, the two of them were connected. While wanda could hear people's thoughts and y/n could feel peoples emotions, the two could always feel and hear each other.

"Yeah, that's usually what happens when you're in a fight." Y/n rolled her shoulders back while keeping her fists balled.

She tilted her head, "okay, smartass."

With a cocky smile, y/n jolted forward and swung her leg up against the side of wanda, which caused her to stumble - not fall - to the side. Wanda immediately thrusted a blast of energy towards y/n's leg when it sent for another kick, which knocked it back down again.

"You like your kicks, don't you?" Wanda cocked her brow.

"I've always liked them." She smirked. And as she smirked, she threw her fist forward for another punch.

As wanda could hear thoughts, she was easily able to predict the little plan y/n came up with in her head. The punch that was sent couldn't reach where it intended to before wanda locked her own hand around it, blocking the hit entirely.

With y/n's fist caught in her hand, wanda reminded her, "you need to fight with your powers, not your body."

Y/n pulled her fist away from wanda's grasp and stood back, "I've only ever used physical combat, so... sorry if it takes a little adjusting."

"That's not a very good excuse. You're a fast learner, I know that." Wanda smirked, "you're just not trying as hard as you could be."

"Oh, come on, wanda." She dropped her guard and playfully rolled her eyes, "it's because I don't wanna spend all this time training. I'd much rather be cuddling on the couch and watching movies, watching the stars, or..." she gave her a look.

"It's not like we haven't got time to do those things. Y/n, I just... I really want you to know how to use your powers properly. To control them. You're a target now, people are gonna be after you. I just need to know that you can protect yourself."

"You've seen me fight," she squinted, "I think you know that I can protect myself."

"But I mean from bigger forces. You're good against a group of agents, but, aliens?" Wanda shrugged, "i need to make sure you know what to do. And your empathic abilities, you still can't use them."

Y/n looked away to the wall, shaking her head in disagreement, "I can use them, wanda." Then looked back at wanda and gave her a stare, "I can feel what you feel."

"But you can't manipulate feelings. You can't have a conversation with me telepathically." Wanda began telling her, "with my help, you'll be able to do that. You need to let me help you."

Y/n couldn't deny that wanda was right with what she was saying. Although she did struggle with it, it wasn't because she didn't want to learn it. It was because she struggled in her own mind, so she could never reach out of it to be in wanda's.

She shrugged, "I can have a conversation with you telepathically."

"Really?" Wanda faked an impressed look, purely for y/n's entertainment, "what am I thinking right now?"

"Hmm." Y/n hummed before fully focusing her attention on wanda.

She looked at her as though her thoughts were laid out on a screen that she could simply read within seconds, but wanda knew that it was a lie. Though, y/n gave it time to make it seem like she was intensely studying the contents of her girlfriends mind.

After a while, she gave a conclusion, "making desserts and eating them."

"No." Wanda chuckled, "what made you say that?"

"It's what I'm thinking about."

"We're in the middle of training, we can't just cut it short to have dessert."

"What if we had cake?" Y/n suggested.

"Nope. Trainings more important than cake."

"Ice cream?"



"This isn't gonna work."


"Nothing will make me-."

"Fruit salad?"

"In what universe would fruit salad ever be the decision to make me change my mind?" She sarcastically asked.

Y/n shrugged, "I don't know, I'm just listing things at this point."

"Well, you can give up now." She shrugged.

"Pancakes." She finally said, "I know you like those."

That got her. Wanda stopped arguing back and stood still, her eyes still looking at y/n, whether they gave a reasoning or not.

Y/n smirked, "you're thinking it."

But wanda didn't say anything. She didn't want to give away a hint of what she was thinking about, so she stood in silence.

"I know you're thinking about it." She said again.

"Why?" Wanda asked, "can you suddenly read minds now?"

"No, but you've been staring at me with a squint for the past 30 seconds, so unless you're about to kill me, I think you want it."

Wanda tried to keep up her guarded stare and serious tone, but deep down, she did want the pancakes. Then, all at once, she relaxed her stance and chuckled softly at her girlfriend.

"God, you're my weakness." She dropped her guard and wrapped her arm around y/n's shoulder with a giggle.

"I know." She smirked to herself before immediately swiping wanda's legs from beneath her, causing her to fall onto the floor beside her.

The moment her back was to the floor, y/n dropped down and straddled wanda's hips to keep her down. Even if she didn't have to, she grabbed wanda's wrists and pinned them to the floor, which cut the distance between their faces very short.

Y/n's face was inches away from wanda's while she panted to catch her breath, "got you."

The Scarlet Apprentice 2: The Multiverse Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now