In the hallway

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If she were anywhere else, y/n would've stayed in bed and slept until the sun fell down again. She would've let those warm sheets keep her in the bed, wrapped in it's comfort. But she wasn't anywhere else. She was in the Sanctum. The moment the shine of the sun became too much for her eyelids to bare, she pushed herself up and stretched to wake up.

After sitting on the bed and staring at the floor for what felt like hours, y/n gripped the end of a pillow and threw it at Sam on the bed beside her. In a moment of panic, he sprung out of bed and fell to floor after sliding on the end of a sheet.

A large groan escaped him when he hit the floor - a groan that was loud enough to wake the sleeping soldier on the couch. While Bucky woke up in a grumpy state, y/n laughed to herself.

"Y/n, why the fuck would you do that?" Sam asked, pushing himself off of the floor boards.

"How was I supposed to know you'd jump out of it and fall?" She scoffed and waved her hand, "don't be so dramatic."

"I could've broken my neck!" He warned her once he was back on his feet.

"Would Captain America really break his neck that easily?" She cocked her brow as she teased him.

Her words caused Bucky to laugh while rubbing his eyes, but Sam wasn't too pleased with the joke. While nodding and mumbling, Sam's hand secretly slipped to the bed behind him as he grabbed the corner of a pillow, just as y/n did.

The moment he moved his hand, y/n saw the pillow and tried to escape the attack, but Sam was too fast. The pillow came crashing down with a smack of its softness and landed on y/n's head, forcing her hair to fall in front of her face.

When Sam pulled the pillow back, he smiled proudly to himself, but y/n sat on the bed with the hair hanging over her face, "very funny, wilson. Very funny."

After the pillow fight that Bucky annoyingly instigated finally ended, the trio left their room and headed for breakfast. Y/n sat and ate with the rest of the group while she could, but immediately left when she felt Wanda getting closer and closer to the dining room. Of course, Wanda saw y/n hastily leaving the room, but she didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say.

The training session with Stephen went by smoothly as y/n retained any information about her mood. Even if strange were to ask, she promised herself that she wouldn't let anyone else know about her and Wanda.

When the training session with Stephen was over for the day, y/n showered and changed before she planned to read. She hoped that she could lose herself in the art of a book and forget about her worries, but that hope was crushed when she heard familiar footsteps approaching her in the hallway.

"Y/n, can you stop avoiding me?" Wanda asked as she followed her.

The moment y/n heard that voice, she picked up the pace and attempted to avoid her once again. However, Wanda used her magic to bring herself in front of y/n which forced her to an involuntary stop.

Wanda's face softened when she saw y/n, but y/n folded her arms in annoyance as she waited for Wanda to either move or talk.

"Y/n, please just talk to me."

Unlike all the other times she'd seen Wanda around, she couldn't ignore her. She hadn't spoken to her since that night because she didn't know what to say. Being apart from Wanda allowed her to grasp her emotions - or at least the strongest of them - which was anger. Pure, justified, anger.

She dropped her arms from the fold they were in and angrily furrowed her brows, "what the fuck do you expect me to say, Wanda? I gave you every piece of me, but you wanted a robot instead. That's it- that's the conversation done."

When y/n tried to move past her, Wanda stepped in her place and held out her hands, "I'm serious. I want to talk about this, I want to help you understand me."

"Oh, I understand perfectly well, Wanda," she gave her a look, "you're incapable of letting go of the past. I know that you loved them, but you've got to let them go. You've got to let them rest. Bringing them back from the dead every time you miss them isn't a good idea."

"That's not how I think," Wanda tried to assure her as best she could, "look, I love you, I still love you-,"

"Just not as much as them, right?" She blurted out, watching Wanda's face drop, "that's what you said to me, isn't it? Or have you forgotten?"

"I didn't word it right," she shook her head.

"Oh, god," y/n looked away in disbelief, "do you seriously think there's a better way to put it? You think the wording is the problem here?"

"This isn't easy for me," she pleaded.

Seeing the look on her face, y/n sighed, "if you want this life of yours- if you really want it... go for it. Just leave me the fuck out of it. I don't want any part of this bullshit Agatha is promising you. The people I love are right around me, I'm not going to ignore them. Not when they've sacrificed what they have just to be here."

With her eyes burning into Wanda's, y/n pushed past her without giving her a chance to stop her. Thankfully for her, Wanda didn't try to follow her, not after what she'd heard.

As y/n turned the corner at the end of the hall, she was met with someone else. She rolled her eyes when she saw Robin, but that didn't dull the girls flirtatious spirit.

"Argument with the girlfriend, huh?" Robin asked, changing her pace to catch up to y/n.

"She's not my girlfriend," y/n dismissed, "and can you leave me alone?"

"Wow, that one's really gotten you stressed, hasn't she?" Robin sympathetically looked at her, "like I said, you need to relax, y/n."

"Stop saying my name as if you know me," she gave her a harsh stare, "you don't."

"I know everything about you. That's my superpower." The moment she said that, y/n turned to her with a confused face that she managed to hide well. Robin laughed, "I'm kidding, that's lame, and I don't have any powers. But I know you've got a few. Why don't you just mind control your girlfriend into not leaving you?"

Y/n stopped in her tracks and held her hand out so that Robin had to stop as well. It was only the slightest touch, but when y/n's hand touched Robin's stomach to hold her back, Robins heart skipped a beat.

"I'm not going to do that because I'm not a fucking psychopath, she is not my girlfriend, and she isn't leaving me," y/n told her, clearly bothered by the statement.

As y/n continued her walk, Robin also followed behind her, "just a suggestion. Honestly, you could do anything with those powers. I'm just saying, you should give it a thought. It wouldn't hurt to-,"

When y/n realised that Robin wasn't going to be quiet any time soon, she grunted to herself before grabbing Robins shoulders and forcing her into the doors next to them. The doors instantly crashed open when Robin's back hit them, but y/n didn't let go of her just then.

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