Trying to learn

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Y/n's headache remained lingering over her, despite the constant support wanda offered her throughout the day. Though seemed to hover in the meaningless space at the back of her mind, it sent out an unbearable pain whenever she tried to ignore it or do anything.

So, as much as she hated another day of doing nothing, the two stayed cuddled in bed for as long as they could. Wanda read more of the book to her before she put on a low volume movie for them to watch. Despite the fact that nothing wanda did could get rid of the headache, she remained by y/n's side for the entire day, purely just to provide her comfort.

To y/n, the day was boring. All she wanted to do was go on a walk outside with Wanda, or do something lively, but she couldn't ignore the pain in her head, and she had to take it slow. Though she was impatient, she knew that once the headache was gone, she'd be able to have a nice day with Wanda again, so she waited.

One thing that annoyed her about it was that the day they were having was lovely. The sun was bright and out, and not a cloud dared to block it. The lakes waters were flowing at the perfect speed to create the calming wave that was audible from their room in the cabin, and the grass looked fresh and green. It was a fortunately beautiful day, but she had to miss it.

When the night took over once again, y/n instantly forced herself into a sleep. Not necessarily because she was tired, but because she hoped that she'd be able to sleep it off, and wake up fine the next day to be able to spend it with Wanda in a better way.

After burying herself under the covers and keeping her eyes closed, she eventually fell into a sleep. But, of course, because it was early, wanda wasn't going to go to sleep with her. She could've if she wanted to, but she thought to use the opportunity for something else.

Without leaving a hint or a message to y/n, wanda snuck out of the bed and set herself up in the living room. Y/n was fast asleep, so wanda didn't think it would bother her at all.

For the first couple of hours, it didn't. She slept soundly for a little while at first, but she did start facing a few problems that disrupted her. She'd broken out of her sleep a few times since she first lied down, but she always ignored it and tried to fall asleep again. Her disruptions weren't because of something she could instantly fix, like the lighting or temperature, but it was her head that was bothering her.

However, when she was gently awoken from her sleep this time, she didn't turn over and close her eyes again. She heard the barely audible noise of something coming from the living room, and instantly recognised it to be that of wanda's frustrated tone. Instead of ignoring it, she pushed the covers off of herself and stretched briefly before standing herself up.

Her headache - though it still hovered in her head - wasn't as bad as it previously was, so she was able to make her way to the living room without much trouble. So that's what she did. She walked out into the living to see that the only light source in there was the light coming from the tv screen.

Wanda sat on the couch, sitting alert and strong, looking as though she was just a moment away from making a sudden attack. But, when y/n looked at the screen, she realised that wanda wasn't doing anything dangerous. She had taken herself out of bed in the late evening and began to teach herself to play the game they'd played previously.

Y/n didn't question it all at, and instead leant against the wall with a smile, "hey, maximoff."

Hearing her lovers voice, wanda turned with a smile already on her face, "hey, hey, come over here."

With her soft smile remaining on her face, y/n pushed herself off of the wall and made her way over to the couch, where she slumped herself down into its comforts.

"Did I wake you up?" Wanda asked, placing the controller down to pay full attention to y/n.

"No, no, you didn't." She assured her, "I've been tossing and turning for a while, and I heard you. I just wanted to see you."

"I've been trying to get better at the game we played today." Wanda told her, "I want to be able to play it with you without dying every 2 minutes, you know?"

Y/n chuckled, "oh, but I love seeing the cute and confused side of you."

"No, I can't stand dying in this game. So, I've tried to come out here while you were sleeping and teach myself to be better at it." She explained, pointing to the state of her screen on the tv as she spoke.

"How much progress have you made?" Y/n asked.

"I cooked a piece of meat." She shrugged.

"And how long have you been out here?" She asked, her brow now cocked.

She was hesitant to admit, "three hours."

"Oh, wanda." She gave her a look, but she couldn't help but smile. She wrapped her arms around wanda's head and gently pulled her down to lay in her arms, "my darling, wanda."

Wanda surrendered herself to lie in y/n's arms, while y/n placed kisses on wanda's head and hair. The moon was shining through the glass of the window and onto the two, but they were too lost in each other's presence to notice how the shine looked.

After a while, wanda finally lifted her head up and looked up at her girlfriend, "have you still get that headache?"

"It's not as bad as it was, but it's still there, I can feel it." She told her.

"Are you sure that's a normal headache?" Wanda asked, "I know you're tough and all so you'll just get on with it, but... I don't think that's a normal headache."

"I really don't know, wanda." She sighed deeply while she stroked wanda's hair and brushed her fingers through it, "whatever it is, I'm not a fan of it, and it needs to fuck off."

Wanda chuckled softly before dropping her head back down to lie on the chest and warmth of her girl.

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