A Captain America level problem

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Trying her best to hide the aching panic in her face, y/n landed harshly on the gravel of the ground after forcing herself through the air as fast as she could. She ignored the ache in her arms she soon began to feel as she flew to the sword base, she ignored the anger burning inside her along with the sadness as she landed on the ground, and she ignored the pain in her body as she dragged herself towards the door.

When she made it to the door, she shoved it open with the weight of her body and began pacing the crowded halls of the building. Anyone who gave her a look or offered their help was refused or ignored by y/n in her desperate attempt for consolation.

"Mack?" She called out in her helplessly desperate voice, "mack?"

At this point, she'd attracted multiple stairs and few small crowds who watched her hastily rush through the building, but she didn't have a second to take any of it into consideration. She had no idea where she was trying to get to as no signs pointed towards mack, but she persevered nonetheless.

However, the moment the door her shoulder brushed past revealed the person she needed to see through the glass, she gasped in relief and forced the door open. Luckily for her, he was alone in the room and therefore wouldn't have any problem with her opening up immediately. Because that's exactly what she needed to do.

Since the moment she had left agathas hideout, she had been building up with anger, fear, worry, sadness, loss; every bad emotion swarmed her as she unwillingly mourned for the loss of the lover she hoped would return.

Once the doors of the small office room swung open, she dragged herself in side and shoved against the desks. Of course, the noise instantly caught mack's attention and filled it with worry.

He rose to his feet from the desk and instantly to her aid, "y/n- you're okay, where have you been? Are you alright?"

Instinctively, he went to pull her in for a hug, but through her shaky breath and weak arms, she ordered him back and looked him in the eyes, "she's gone- wanda- she, I don't know where she went."

After trying to understand the panicked mumbles that came from y/n, he paused her, "slow down, slow down." He allowed her to catch her breath, "now tell me what happened."

"The wanda that I went with wasn't wanda, it was agatha harkness." She tried her best to explain in a way that made sense, "we fought, she won, and she took me to this room. She was going to kill me and I called for wanda in my head... I didn't think it was possible but wanda showed up. They fought and this portal opened- mack, they both went through and I don't know what it was."

"A portal?" He squinted, then tried to think as quickly as he could. Seeing y/n so distraught was never easy for him, but it wasn't the first time he'd seen it from her. While trying to stay calm, he picked up the radio on the desk and held it to his face to speak into it, "Monica, can you hear me?"

After a small pause while Monica took the radio from her belt, she cleared her throat, "yes, director, I hear you. Is everything alright?"

"Remember what we talked about?" He asked.

"We talk about a lot of things, mack, I don't-." She paused when she connected the tone of his voice to the thing he'd requested, "are you sure?"

"Do it." He ordered before dropping the radio back onto the table.

Without a word, he gently cradled the back of y/n's head and allowed her to drop her weak body into his arms for a hug while Monica prepared herself from where she was in the sword building. She hid herself by a wall in a hallway and pulled out her phone, where she then dialled the number she'd been given by mack not long before.

It rung for a few moments, then was answered and she was greeted by the man's voice, "hello?"

"Hello, Sam." Monica greeted back as she hid behind a wall in the corridor, "I know we haven't officially met yet, my name is Monica Rambeau, I work at the sword headquarters."

Sam squinted, his confusion being instantly noticeable through the phone, "is there anything I can do for you, miss rambeau?"

"We have a problem." She bluntly told him.

"A problem?" He asked, "I think I'm gonna need a better answer than that."

With a slight scoff following his wait, Sam leant back down into the couch, which caught the attention of the man occupying the kitchen he could see from where he sat.

The harmless winter soldier turned around to face the man on the couch, the strands hanging off of his 'kiss the cook' apron turning with him. "Are the boys gonna want any of these? Otherwise I'm eating all of them."

However, instead of giving him the reply he wanted, sam remained listening to monica on the other end of the phone. He'd leant forward as though the action would improve his hearing as he listened to everything he was being told.

"Sam?" Bucky asked once he let the silence settle in for longer, "earth to falcon- or... captain america, I should say."

"Quiet, Buck, I'm on the phone." Sam dismissed.

"You're seriously on the phone? How many times do I have to say that you can't be on your phone when I'm baking. I'll get Sarah to start telling you, maybe then you'll listen." He scoffed and turned back to the kitchen.

"This is serious."

"Serious?" After licking the piece of frosting off of his thumb, he made his way over to Sam. He rested himself on the arm of the couch and gently waved his hand as if to ask for the phone. When Sam sighed and handed it to him, he put it to his ear, "hello, who is this?"

Sam sighed to himself when he realised Bucky was shouting into the phone, "Buck, it's on speaker phone, you don't need to shout."

"I'm not shouting, I'm making sure they can hear me." He argued as he took the phone away from his ear, "who is this?"

"Monica Rambeau, at sword." She explained again, before huffing away her need to be formal, "listen, I've got swords best agent here facing a massive problem, and we're not going to let her face it on her own."

Sam nodded in understanding, "okay, so... a problem. What kind of problem?"

"A captain america level problem."

The two exchanged a look of worry, but their eyes held the glisten of excitement. Then, without an explanation, Bucky pulled his eyes away and looked back down at the phone.

"Does it require the white wolf as well?" He asked.

After hearing it, Sam instantly scoffed, rolling his eyes and holding his face to his forehead, but Bucky waited patiently and quietly for the answer.

"The what?" Monica asked.

"The white wolf." Bucky leant forward and raised his voice as if his change in volume would answer Monica's question.

"I don't-..." she took an awkward pause, "i don't know what or who that is."

"Come on, man." He sighed, "the winter soldier."

"Oh," Monica understood, "yes, of course we need you too, that was implied."

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