The new director

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The room that the two entered was fairly empty considering the amount of agents that worked at that time of night. Any agents that were there had sat themselves down in their allocated group, causing the room to be divided by specialties. The room itself was of an impressive size, but no figure of authority stood at the front.

When y/n pushed the door open, Jimmy, Darcy, and Monica all turned to greet her with a smile. They remained at their division in the room and pulled over two chairs for the girls to join them, so the girls did.

Y/n sat comfortably in the chair beside Darcy, and wanda shifted her chair to be as close to y/n as possible. Then, y/n rested her hand on wanda's thigh as she slumped herself down in the chair, which made wanda smile to herself.

"Can you do cool things with your powers, yet?" Darcy immediately asked.

"Woah," y/n furrowed her brows and smiled ever so slightly, "that's the first thing you wanna ask?"

"No, no, of course not." Monica corrected her, "how are you, y/n? How did you sleep? Can you do cool things with your powers yet?"

"She did do a very impressive show with her magic for me the other day." Wanda mentioned, placing her hand over y/n's, which still rested on her thigh.

With a smile on her face, y/n turned to look in the glistening eyes of the one she loved before turning back to the group, "I did do that, yeah."

"And how are you enjoying it?" Jimmy asked, "your life at the moment?"

"Don't get me wrong, I love where I am now," she began, "but, god, I've missed this."

"We've missed you." He mentioned, "though it's been a lot quieter without you here."

"Shut up." Y/n chuckled softly while lightly pushing his arm.

"What he means to say is that there's been no cases of an agent doing something dangerous, stupid, and risky on a mission since you left." Darcy added.

"Is this how I'm remembered?" She sarcastically asked.

Wanda chimed in, "I mean, that was my first impression of you."

"And what's your impression now that you really know her? Is it any different?" Monica asked.

Eager to hear her opinion, y/n turned to face wanda with a smirk outlining her lips. However, under the gaze of her girlfriend, wanda turned away and began humming to stall.

"Uh... yeah, it's-... not anything like that at all, I don't-." She stammered and shrugged, "when I think of y/n, those words don't even enter my mind."

"Mhm." Her girlfriend hummed, "very convincing, miss maximoff."

"Why don't we change the subject, hmm?" Wanda suggested with a smile, "like how are you guys?"

"Well, sword has been completely refurbished, so we've been really busy." Monica explained, the hint of a complain in her tone, "but, apart from that, it's been the same."

"Now that Hayward's not in control anymore, I've been reassigned as an official sword scientist." Darcy bragged with a proud smile.

"Oh, Darcy, that's amazing." Y/n smiled at her, placing a comforting hold on her arm.

"And I've actually been enjoying it now. The new director is... incredible." She told her, "it was exactly what sword needed, a new, better director."

"So who is it? Who's the new director?" Y/n finally asked as she grew impatient.

No one answered her. It wasn't because they themselves didn't know, but it was because the answer to her question had entered the room behind her, and they were waiting for her to notice.

After waiting in the silence, y/n considered asking them the question once again, but her contemplation was cut short when the director spoke out loud.

"So there's the agitator." The deep voice of the man who entered boomed across the room.

It was an instantly recognisable voice to y/n, which caused her face to drop and her body to tense. She kept her stare on the table in front of her, not wanting to look up. She wasn't scared, she wasn't confused, she was just adjusting.

She was staying still and frozen as a way to calm herself down. When she recognised the voice, she froze because she didn't want to get her hopes up in case it wasn't who she suspected.

Wanda, fuelled by her own confusion, turned to see the director but, of course, she shrugged it off as she didn't know who it was, and she didn't know why her love was in so much shock.

Finally, y/n raised her head and met eyes with Jimmy who was opposite her. He was trying his best to hide the giant smile he had on his face; the smile that formed as he predicted how y/n would react when she inevitably turned around.

With a small inhale and her usual daring mentality, the girl turned and held the back of her chair as she did so, stopping when she saw the man. Once the sight she saw confirmed all of her suspicions, her body relaxed and a smile grew on her face.

The director sighed deeply and with relief, "and here I was thinking I'd never see you again."

"Oh, my fucking god." She shoved herself out of her chair with a force that knocked it to the floor at her departure.

Without any regard for her own safety, she shoved through the tables, pushing them out of their way, and ran to him. Predicting that she wasn't going to stop her run, the man crouched down slightly and held his arms out, where he caught y/n in a hug.

"Mack!" She squealed as she held onto him as tightly as she could, squeezing him out of pure excitement.

For old times' sake, Mack hugged her back for as long as he possible could, and she didn't complain at all. Not only did she love the comforting hug anyway, but she was happy to be in the arms of who she considered to be her brother figure.

Finally, he placed her down on the floor and looked down at her with a smile, watching her calm down from her excitement.

"How are you? How is everyone? How are you here? How did-." She began blurting anything in her mind.

Softly chuckling at the way y/n reacted, wanda left her seat and stood beside her girlfriend as a way to calm her down.

"Uh- wanda, this is Mack, he worked with me when I was a shield agent. Mack, this is Wanda, my girlfriend." Y/n introduced the two.

Upon hearing the word, Mack raised his eyebrows and gave y/n a look of surprise with a smirk before holding his hand out to shake wanda's.

"It's lovely to finally meet you, wanda. I've heard a lot about you." He told her.

"Good things, I hope." She mumbled as she took her hand back.

"Oh, they are. Those three told me them, so they were good." He smiled to her.

"Mack, I can't believe you're here." Y/n looked at him, "tell me everything, how is everyone?"

"If you can sit down and take a breath, I'll tell you."

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