Her wanda

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All of the rooms were quiet. Nobody dared to say anything - not even the ones who were the other side of the building made a movement that would bring noise to the building.

Once they blue of y/n's magic struck through the building and dissipated in the air around them, the team members were practically able to feel the pain. Even though it wasn't their own, the pain silenced them to a point where they wouldn't even move.

Once y/n dropped back down to the floor beside the body, Bucky gave her the space he knew she needed. His eyes occasionally glanced over at how she tried to shake the body back to life, but he clenched his jaw to stop himself from saying anything. There was nothing he could say that would assure her. He saw for himself how broken she'd become, and now, this was her final breaking point.

The moment there was no more imminent danger, y/n had a moment to think. And in that moment, she instantly regretted what she did. She held the face of who she thought was wanda in her hand in a desperate attempt to bring her back, but nothing was working. When she couldn't try any longer, she dropped her head onto her stomach and sobbed. There was nothing else she could do other than cry.

Because, to her, she'd just killed the love of her life. But she didn't know that that wasn't the case. Not until Bucky picked up on another noise that caught his attention.

"Y/n." Bucky warned her with a panic in his voice as he stepped away from the wall.

Lifting her eyes away from wandas body, y/n looked around to where Bucky was, "what?" She asked, but froze the moment she saw what he was hinting at.

The walls were parting again. The same crack that released the other wanda was appearing in the rocks once again with the same red light.

"We have to go, we can't fight this." Bucky told her as he watched her stand up.

Using the sleeve of her shirt, y/n brushed the blood off of her face. The blood from her cut had dripped down to wherever it could, but y/n didnt try harder than a small wipe on her sleeve to get it off.

"No, we can't run from it, buck."

He looked at her with disbelief, "you seriously think you're in any condition to fight right now? We need to meet up with the others, we're not doing this."

He was right, and she knew that. For some reason, she didnt want to walk away not knowing who was going to walk out of the darkness. It could've been Agatha, it could've been another wanda variant. She didnt care if it meant she'd have to fight it, she needed to know what it was.

"You can go." She assured him without taking her eyes off of the corner where a shadow began forming.

"There's no way I'm leaving without you."

"Don't be stupid, bucky, just-."

Y/n cut herself off the very moment she felt something. It wasn't a feeling of curiosity, or hope, or her usual determination. It was a confirmation. Before she even saw who it was that came from the walls, she knew. The electric feeling that shot through her heart and into every one of her veins told her exactly who it was.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asked, stepping slightly in her view so she could see him.

Once she picked her aching heart up from where it sank, she sprung forward towards the darkness without any form of protection - and, of course, Bucky couldn't let that happen.

Bucky instantly threw his hand out in front of y/n and caught her before she could run ahead, "y/n, be careful, not everything is real."

"Its real- Bucky, its her." She desperately tried to push Bucky's arm off of hers so she could rush over to the sight.

"Y/n, don't just-." He tried to warn her.

However, before she could listen to what he had to saw, she shoved his arms off of her with a force that pushed him back, and she rushed to the dark corner of the room where she felt the feeling.

Even if she was running into danger, she didn't care. The darkness could've consumed her entirely once she blindly ran into it, but she was willing. Because, she thought, if wanda wasn't in the darkness, she hoped an end would be instead.

But there wasn't any danger at all. The moment the other presence knew who was running towards them, they dropped their guard and allowed y/n to run to them.

Without any further hesitation, y/n swung her arms around who she knew was there, and felt the body weight of her love collapse onto her completely. She slowly dropped down with her and allowed her to lie in her lap while she held her head.

It was her. It was her wanda.

The dust settled around them once they were in each other's arms once again. All that pain, all that waiting, and they were finally together. It wasn't another trick, the tricks were gone. In that time, that reality, and that moment, y/n cradled wandas exhausted body in her arms while painting her entire head in kisses.

"I love you." Y/n mumbled in between the kisses she left, "I love you so much. So much, wanda."

No matter how hard she fought it, tears streamed from y/n's eyes and rolled down her cheeks, but they were wiped off by y/n's hand before they could fall onto wanda.

While lying on her side, wanda tightly gripped whatever part of y/n she could as she finally got to feel her again. "I love you, y/n. Thank you. Thank you for not giving up on me."

More tears streamed once that thought came into her head, while she rocked wanda side to side. "I'd never give up on you. I'm never letting you out of my sight again, you hear me?"

As she asked that, she cupped wandas face in her aching hands, receiving a smile from wanda. "I hear you." She nodded her head as much as she could before pushing herself up to place a kiss on y/n's lips.

It didn't matter that y/n was bloody and bruised, that wanda was exhausted and drained, or that they were sitting in the wreck of a building that could collapse at any minute. All that mattered was that they were together again. They could hold each other as tightly as they wanted, they could trust again, and they could feel each other.

Finally, their hearts were together again.

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