Morning readings

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After y/n stopped playing the game with wanda watching her, the two continued to take the rest of the day to be lazy. They were either lying together on the couch while watching a movie, or wanda would read parts of the book she was currently reading out loud. Of course, y/n would sit comfortably close to her and listen to wanda's voice for as long as she possibly could.

Then, after their unproductive but calm day, they returned to bed and spoke to each other until they fell asleep. The conversation ranged from pointless things like what to build in the game if they ever played it again - to more meaningful topics, like if they had any specific plans or wants for their future.

They spoke until their eyelids couldn't hold themselves up anymore, and their words were slurring to a murmur as they fell to sleep. The night fell smoothly and remained as a calm and gentle setting while the two girls slept the whole night through.

By the time the morning sun took over the sky, the two girls were already stirring to adjust to the day. Wanda, as usual, was fine with getting up and starting the day, but y/n wasn't exactly excited for it.

Instead of forcing y/n to be awake and lively, wanda rummaged through her bookshelf and pulled out one that appealed to her. Then, she sat herself on her crossed legs behind y/n and wrapped the covers on herself as much as she could while still allowing y/n to be buried in the warmth.

Y/n wasn't falling back to sleep, but she was soaking in the feeling she got just by listening to every change in wanda's voice as she read from the book. The morning went on without them, and for the first half an hour of them being awake, wanda had been reading to her.

When she was getting through the second chapter, she paused and rested the book on her lap to check up with y/n. Y/n, noticing that wanda had stopped, pulled the bunched covers away from her face and furrowed her brows.

"Why'd you stop?" She asked.

"I needed to make sure you're not bored of this book." Wanda told her with a small smile.

"Oh, god, no, I love it. I love your voice, I'm just trying to be comfortable and imagine myself in this world you're telling me about."

Wanda chuckled softly, "alright." And picked the book back up to continue reading. So, with a breath and a smile, she picked up where she left off.

"Suddenly, Ren's attention was taken from her and forced to be elsewhere. She stopped arguing; in fact, she had stopped processing the fact that Nat was still talking at all. Like a predator catching its prey, her attention was snatched by the feeling that grew in her gut.

No noise, no smell, and no view triggered the feeling, but it had just built up in her gut to a point that she could no longer ignore. Nat soon became annoyed with how Ren was ignoring her, but Ren didn't acknowledge her arguing about that either.

She turned her head to the darkness of the section behind her as the feeling grew stronger. Her arms held her up against the table but her head was as far around as it could be, to allow her eyes to pierce into the darkness behind them.

Nat's consistent arguing finally managed to make it to Ren's ears, and it instantly became too much for her.

"Can you shut the fuck up, please?" She asked. However, her tone made it sound more like an order rather than a question.

The girl paused, offended by Ren's demand, "oh, what is it now?"

"Don't move." Ren ordered, taking a gun from the duffel bag beside them and cocking it in her hand.

She began walking slowly over to where her suspicions came from with the gun at her side. To Nat, Ren looked crazy. Simply because, from her point of view, Ren was just creeping over to a dark, empty spot the other side of the warehouse with a loaded gun, so she dismissed the idea of a threat being imminent.

Impulsively, Ren lunged her hand into the darkness and grabbed ahold of the sleeve of an old but expensive coat. Clenching the fabric in her hand, she twisted the arm round and pushed the head of whoever stood there into the wall.

A deep grunt came from the persons voice, a grunt that Ren could recognise to be that of a man's. She kicked the back of the man's legs, causing him to fall to his knees. In a matter of seconds, Ren pulled a knife from the waist belt of her trousers and held it at the man's throat, which caused him to let out a small breath, before he held it for his own sake.

Nat finally realised the threat and panicked to herself while watching what only looked like a shadow towering above another shadow. Meanwhile, Ren kept the knife at his throat while clutching the back of his neck to keep him in place, and she adjusted her hold on the knife to prepare to strike.

The man instantly surrendered under the sharp blade of Ren's knife with a pathetic and desperate beg which came across as incoherent mutters. Gritting her teeth, she pushed the man forward onto the ground in front of her so the light could reveal who it was.

Her face flooded with frustration and the memories of her previous missions once she saw the light reveal the man, "oh, what the fuck are you doing here?" "

Wanda took a deeper breath when she stopped reading and turned to y/n's sleepy face, "who do you think it is?"

"What?" Y/n grunted in her tiredness and rubbed her eyes.

Wanda added, "who do you think she pulled out of the darkness?"

"It could literally be anyone, wanda, you need to keep reading. I miss the sound of your dramatic reading voice already." She softly smiled as she looked up at her.

After a momentary smile back, wanda furrowed her brows with worry, "is everything alright, my love?"

"Yeah, I just have a massive headache." She told her, her discomfort obvious in her tone, "I hoped I'd sleep it off, but I've still got it. But keep reading, I want to hear your voice."

"Are you sure? Do you want anything? I'm sure I can do something to make it go away." Wanda suggested.

"No, no, it's fine. It'll pass, it just annoys me, that's all."

"Would breakfast in bed help?" She asked.

Y/n gasped with wonder, "will I get whipped cream?"

"Of course you will."

"Then yes." She nodded, "breakfast in bed will definitely help."

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