Old faces

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"Fitz, how are you here?" She asked, even though she couldn't see the person the voice belonged to.

"A doorway opened in my favour." He shrugged as he emerged from the darkness.

Through the ache in her eyes and the glow of the dim light, she could only see his face in the shadows, and she smiled in relief. "Fitz, it is so good to hear your voice. Can you make any of this out? What the hell is happening to us, fitz?"

When she gained no reply, she furrowed her brows and squinted into the darkness where he revealed himself just moments before. He wasn't there anymore. She couldn't feel his presence, hear his breathing, or see his shadow moving anywhere, which urged a panic.


Then she felt a chill seep down her spine once she heard nothing from the darkness. The moment she realised that she wasn't talking to the fitz she knew, she summoned her energy at her side to stay alert.

However, she couldn't raise her hands into the darkness before her wrist was locked in someone else's hand - who she instantly knew was the doctors. With his hand locked around his wrist, he pushed her against the nearest wall and attempted to use his other hand to strangle her.

Before he could land his outstretched hand on her neck, she grabbed his wrist and pushed it out of the way so she could talk to him. "How did Fitz have this darkness in him?"

"Everyone has a darkness in them." He tried to push himself closer as he argued, "you'll find that out soon enough."

"Not that dark." She told him with annoyance before kicking her leg up to hit him in the crotch.

When he bent down in pain and freed her from the wall, she kicked him further back and moved her hair out of her face. While eagerly watching him, she cleared her throat and caught her breath.

As she began getting closer to him, he held out his hand and tried talking to her as if it would spare his life, "you have no idea what you're like in my universe. You and I, we work side by side."

She faked a laugh, "you really expect me to believe anything that comes out of your mouth?"

"There are infinite amount of other universes out there, you can't be a hero in all of them. Why else do you think your girlfriend is trying to kill you?" He asked.

"That's not my girlfriend." She clenched her jaw while looking down at him, "that's not my wanda."

"Well. In her universe, your darkness becomes everyone's fear. You destroy everything you come close to. And everyone."

"Shut up." She warned him, but part of her listened.

"Even your own family, you killed them all."

"No. No, I wouldn't do that."

"You don't know what you're capable of. You hurt everyone who ever loved you."

She clenched her fist at her side as she watched him, "I said shut up."

"You took everything from wanda. That's why she hates you."

"Shut up!" She ordered, but this time followed her threat with a punch which knocked the doctor to the floor entirely.

"You just don't want to hear the truth." He tried to push himself up.

"You don't know what you're saying. Why are you even here?" She rhetorically asked him as she watched him stand up. "I get why an evil Wanda is here, but, come on. You? Really?"

"Well, i had the opportunity to come back." He shrugged. "I thought you'd love to see me again."

She sarcastically huffed a laugh through her gritted teeth as her eyes watched every move he made. "You're fucking hilarious."

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