Other versions

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"Do we go check on her?" Daisy asked.

"Yeah, how long should we leave her for?" Deke asked, his hands resting in his pockets and his attention fixated on the rock he was kicking around.

Sam turned to Bucky, "do you think we should go check on her?"

Bucky shrugged, "let's give it a few minutes. I don't think she wants us to barge in there."

Instead of sparking a conversation with the out of breath team, the ones who had spoken up quietened down and distracted themselves with something generic to do. Some looked at the floor, some fidgeted with their own fingers, while some dealt with the few injuries they picked up on previously. Whatever they were doing, none of them knew what was happening past the walls that separated the team from y/n.

Harbouring a nervous breath, y/n walked away from the wall, "wanda. Whatever agatha's done to you, i know you can shake it off. I know you're stronger than her. You know it too."

She still didnt say anything. While gulping away the strain in her throat, y/n tried to feel the energy around wanda from where she stood. From what she could understand, it was wanda. There was no feeling of Agatha at all. There was no feeling of any kind of force being applied on wanda, but y/n knew it wasn't her wanda. The anger in her eyes was something she'd never seen from her before.

Mumbling her frustrations under her breath, y/n tried to get closer to whatever wanda was in front of her. She held her hands up as if the other wanda would notice her surrender and relieve herself of her anger. But it didnt work.

Wanda instantly shoved herself up from the ground when y/n was close enough and charged for her. With her hands full of energy, the witch threw the girl she was supposed to love into the air, then straight into the wall behind her. The moment y/n hit the floor, wanda cracked the ceiling above her, allowing the shards of stone to collapse and rain onto where y/n laid.

After the rocks settled, y/n coughed and panted for her breath. Strained groans slipped from her mouth as she tried her best to push herself up while wanda slowly made her way over there.

Just before wanda could get any closer, y/n raised her arm from underneath the wreckage and forced her remaining energy out to a blast that struck wandas chest. It threw her back and knocked her down, giving y/n long enough to free herself from the trap she was in.

Coughing harshly and breathing deeply, y/n pushed herself up and groaned when the rocks dug further into her knees. It was her only way of getting up, so she had to put up with it.

The fragments of the ceiling slid from her back as she rose to her feet as quickly as she could. She clutched her arm around her stomach in pain and tried to walk to the little open doorway, but it was too far away. With a sigh of annoyance, she used her powers to force a split down the wall closest to her, then another in the next wall.

Soon, the rocks from the wall in the groups room bursted out and spread across the floor to allow her entry. The noise instantly caught the teams attention, and they froze in shock when they saw the state she was in.

"Y/n?" Bucky instantly rushed over to her to held her to a stand.

"Nope- nope, don't touch me, all of me hurts." She dismissed before he could get too close, but she still made her way over to where the team were.

"Y/n, what the hell happened to you?" Deke asked.

Mack instantly took the opportunity to apologise, fearing that he wouldn't get the opportunity again, "Y/n, I need to take a moment to say I'm-."

"Now is really not the time mack, I've got a psychotic witch chasing after me." She grunted, leaning against whatever kind of seating she could find.

"You've got agatha?" Sam asked, sticking closely by her side in case she was to need help.

Y/n sighed through her pain, "no... not quite."

"What?" Daisy looked at sam as if he'd know what she meant.

"It wasn't Agatha, it was... wanda."

"You found wanda?" Deke tried to stay in the loop, "that's a good thing, right?"

"She just tried to kill me, deke, I wouldn't class that as a good thing." She tried her best to stay sarcastic through the pain she was in. "It looked like wanda, it... felt like wanda, but it wasn't. I know it wasn't, she had an anger."

"Why would she be angry at you, do you think Agathas done something to her?" The team tried to theorise.

"No, no, its not Agatha." Y/n cut them off before they could bounce ideas off each other, "she's not here, I couldn't feel her at all. That is wanda, just not my wanda." The team exchanged looks of confusion while y/n contemplated what she was going to say. "Guys.. what if I brought out a different wanda?"

"As in an evil version of her?"

"Or her from another universe." Daisy suggested, "a universe where she feels that way towards y/n."

"Hold on, we're talking about different versions of ourself?" Bucky asked, "how are we supposed to know if they're good or not? Or if they're us?"

"We could split up." Mack began explaining, "that way we'd-"

"No, that is a bad idea." Deke cut in just before y/n could, "that's what always happens in movies. They split up, then they all die one by one. God, Mack, have you ever seen a horror movie? You'd be the one to die first."

"I mean, that, and its just a stupid fucking plan. What are you gonna do if you run into wanda, she'd fucking kill you." Y/n added.

"Alright, so what do you suggest?"

"We split up in pairs. We pair one powered person with a non-powered person, that way each team has better chances." Daisy suggested.

"You and y/n are the only powered people though." Mack reminded her.

"Well." Bucky shrugged, "I don't think I'm a non powered person. A metal arm and super strength is pretty useful."

"Oh, don't start this shit again." Sam argued.

"That's what we're gonna have to do." Y/n rose to her feet in a panic.

"Come on, we can think of better ideas." Sam told her.

"No, we cant." She took a breath, "wanda's back."

The team turned to where y/n was looking to see the version of wanda standing at the door, twisting red energy around her hands with an anger burning like fire in her eyes.

The Scarlet Apprentice 2: The Multiverse Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now