Descent into insanity

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More and more hours passed since y/n had forced herself out of her sleep, but she didn't care. The sun began meeting their end of the earth, lighting up the sky with a gentle blue, and y/n watched it happen through the small window that was in their room. With her knees held up to her chest by her arms, she spent the early hours of the morning looking put of the window without a single interruption.

However, when bucky opened his eyes for a brief moment to adjust his pillow, he saw y/n sitting up on her bed, alone and quiet. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't imagining it, then pushed himself up to a sit so he could talk to her.

"You alright?" He asked her, quiet enough so he wouldn't wake sam, but loud enough so that she would hear. Although, despite his attempt, she didn't reply, and she didn't turn around to acknowledge him because she didn't hear him. "Y/n, you alright?"

That time she heard him, but didn't put much energy into her reply, "yeah, I'm okay."

He studied the way she was acting and sitting. "You sure?"

"I just had a bad dream." She told him, "that's all."

"You sure that's all it is?" He asked once more, "you can tell me anything. You know that."

After bitting the inside of her cheek while contemplating her response, she finally admitted, "I feel like I'm going insane."

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked as he rose from his bed. While adjusting his shirt, he sat on top of his crossed legs at the end of y/n's bed so he'd be able to listen to her. Even though he hadn't slept for that long, he was prepared to give his full, undivided attention to y/n. "You can tell me."

"I keep seeing her. When I close my eyes, I see flashes. And it-... it's so real, bucky, it's so real." As she began opening up, she felt her emotions coming up once again, "but then I blink and she's gone again."

"What do you see?" He asked, then clarified when she didn't answer, "when you see her, what do you see exactly?"

"It started off with memories." She began explaining. "When we first started this mission, it was happy moments. Moments i could look back on and feel motivated by. But now, its just... bad things. Bad things that haven't even happened yet- she's either in pain, or she's forgotten about me. In all of them, i cant move- i cant do anything."

"You know she'd never forget about you, right? I mean, she really loves you, y/n." He assured her, looking into her eyes while she looked out of the window.

Anxious to say what she needed to say, she chewed the skin on the inside of her cheek once more. "What if she loves him more?"

Bucky furrowed his brows, "who?"

"Vision." She finally turned to him.

When he saw her sad and tired eyes, he felt his own heart sink. With a small sigh under his breath, he readjusted his seat on the bed. "That's in the past. Y/n, you don't have to worry about him anymore, he's gone."

"What if there's a way to bring him back?" She asked, looking out of the window once again, "she's done it before, she knows where she went wrong. Im sure she can fix her mistakes and do it all again. If she's reminded of how much she loved him, who knows if she'll stick around with me. Can her love for me really match her love for vision?"

"Y/n, I'm not being funny, but.." he hesitated to say, but then saw how much she needed to smile, "isn't he an animatronic?"

Surprised by the unexpected remark, y/n chuckled for a brief moment before giving him a jokingly harsh stare, "you cant say things like that."

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