One inconvenience of many

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"I cannot believe this is seriously happening." Y/n huffed as they stood in the carriage of the train.

"Come on, y/n, have patience." Mack reminded her as he waited behind her.

She rolled her eyes and rocked back and forward on her feet as she waited for the people in front of her to move. A mother and her child blocked the way to the groups seats because the mother was trying to sort out her mess of bags on the seat. Although they were stuck standing, the team made sure not to make them feel rushed or pressured while they waited.

Then, the young boy - who stood at the mothers legs - turned and gave y/n a look of childish wonder. She tried to ignore the fact that he wouldn't take his eyes off of her, but when he opened his mouth, she couldn't ignore anymore.

"Why are you dressed in all black?" The small boy asked.

She looked blankly down at the boy, "because I'm going to kill someone."

"Why?" He asked.

"Because it's what I have to do." She looked away as she explained.

"Why?" He asked again.

"Because I don't like her."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Kill her, I've already said." She huffed under her breath as she grew more impatient and frustrated with the boys questions.

While still looking up at her with wonder, the boy asked after a pause, "how?"

That was the final question he was going to ask, and she made sure of that. After looking around the small area, she crouched down to be level with him, "ask me another question and you'll find out."

Before she could see his reaction, Mack grabbed her shoulder and guided her up to a stand, where he then made her stand behind him to be away from the kid. "That is not how you talk to kids... like ever."

"Well I obviously wasn't gonna do it, I was just teaching him to not be nosy." She assured him.

"It doesn't matter, he's a kid." He shook his head in disagreement.

"Alright, i wont do it again." She shrugged and looked away. However, when she looked in another direction, she could still see the kid looking at her. As Mack wasn't focused on her anymore, she stared at the kid with a long and angry look. Soon, the kid turned around and hugged his mothers leg tightly, which made y/n smile to herself and look away.

"Sorry, you can go through." The mother moved slightly to allow their group to go past.

Now that they could, the team began walking in a line to get to their seats. Mack and daisy headed to the two empty seats they saw closer to the front of the train with deke and sam following right after the two. On one side of the train there were two seats facing another two seats, so the four of them made their way over to those ones, whereas the other side was a row of two seats beside each other.

Sam sent back a look to y/n, "do you want the window seat?" He asked her.

"Of course i do." However, just as she was about to walk away to join sam, she saw that bucky stood in place, frozen where the team once were. "Buck, come on."

"I just-.." he paused, not knowing what to say.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm good." He nodded, but it clearly looked forced.

As she stood closer to him, she felt something that didn't belong to her, "Bucky, I can feel that you're scared."

"It's just... I haven't been on a train since..." he couldn't find the words to finish his sentence.

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