Falling apart

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While the dust settled on the ground around them, y/n parted from the team. She paced back and forth, acting as though what had happened was casual. Once the rest of the team were back on their feet, daisy wandered over t0 the centre of the room and looked up to see the layers of the building that the witch teared through, but the rest of the team ceased to have that wonder.

"Okay, that wasn't bad." Y/n shrugged while rubbing her hands together, "I've just got to think of something 10 times worse than that, that'll do it."

"No, y/n." Mack ordered after the tiredness finally got to him.

"Trust me, it'll be fine, you guys will just have to stay further away from me so it wont break me out of it." She continued in a motivated rush of excitement, "you guys felt that, right? This should work."

"Y/n." Mack sternly called, which caught her attention, "no."

She shook her head in confusion, "what do you mean 'no'?"

"Are you gonna ignore the fact that you almost killed all of us?" Deke asked, blocking Mack from talking out of his own annoyance.

"Deke, you were safe, i wasn't gonna let that hit you. Obviously I wasn't."

"You thought this would work." Mack mumbled as he clutched the ache in his arms.

"What?" She looked at him.

"You brought us here because you were sure it would work."

"I wasn't certain, I was determined." She explained, "it doesn't matter, I'm gonna keep trying, we just-"

"Don't say it doesn't matter." He cut her off.

When she saw the true tiredness and frustration in his face, she sighed, "Mack, I just meant that-."

"I don't wanna hear it." He cut her off as he leant his aching body against the wall. There was a silence - a tense and painful silence - until he began mumbling to himself, "we brought Sharon into this, we put her in danger."

"Hey, getting Sharon in on it wasn't my idea, that was sams."

Sam held his hand out, "alright, don't bring me into this."

"You're already in this, sam." She turned to everyone else, "you all agreed to do this, you know how many times i told you that you can leave."

"We didnt really have a choice, y/n." Deke shrugged. "We couldn't say no when you were that sad."

"Deke, stay out of this." She ordered as she began to feel bombarded by the sudden change of mood from everyone on her team.

"No, he's right." Daisy stepped forward.

"What?" She turned to her in shock.

"We've tried to help you, y/n, but we have people waiting on us to get back." She told them, "we have friends who are hoping for us to get out of here alive."

"I stopped the rock from hitting you guys, you're fine." She reminded them.

Bucky hesitantly added, "you also caused them to fall."

"Yeah, because i-..." she choked on the lump in her throat, "because i was letting my emotions free, i was doing deke's plan."

"You should've pulled back when Mack told you to." Sam raised his head to look at her.

"How the fuck do you expect me to do that, sam?" She asked, "wanda might just be another mission for you guys, but she means the world to me. I cant just give up because its too hard, i need her back with me."

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