Y/n's letter

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Dear daisy,

If you're reading this, it should be a few days before you leave. Or you've found it right away, if I'm lucky. I'm writing this because I have no other option. You know how fucking terrible I am at putting my feelings into a conversation, there's no way this would work verbally. Remember the time I had to tell Coulson we broke his collectible car figure? God, that was painful. I still think you should've been the one to tell him but that's a conversation for another day.

You know, as I'm writing this, I'm thinking of the time I found the post it note you left for simmons. You think it's embarrassing, but I think it's the cutest thing ever. I still have it, you know? It's in the drawer on the left of my bed, along with all the other random things I've found that remind me of you. Like that little globe we got from the future, remember that? We were both so weak, and so tired from surviving, so you made that corny joke. I did like the little date you set up for us though. But you should know, that I'm never gonna let that line go. "This globe reminds me of you because you're my world." You're so adorable, but I'm never letting you live that down.

Do you remember how after our... third proper 'shield' mission together, we came back and your air conditioning was broken. Yeah, it was making this ridiculous noise that could only be heard in your room. And we couldn't turn it off because it was in a system which would turn everyone's off, and you know how much Fitz loves his air con. I invited you to sleep in with me, and you did. I never told you this but the next day, when I went to get coffee in the morning, I got the 'dad talk' from coulson. Admittedly, it wasn't exactly how I thought the 'dad talk' was supposed to go. He was a lot calmer, he didn't really threaten me like how dads do in the movies, which I was a little disappointed with, but it's fine. I just want you to know that Coulson is our number one supporter. I'm gonna miss him.

Or can we take a moment to think back to when I tried to make you a special meal for your birthday. Remember? That whole selection of party foods i made with Fitz. Again, I didn't tell you this but I got angry at packaging and ripped open a bag of sausage rolls that went all over the floor. They weren't the ones I served up, don't worry. I love thinking back to your birthday. I've actually been watching videos to improve my wrapping skills, can you believe that? It's crazy to say, but I think I'm at an above-average level. I know you loved making jokes about my terrible wrapping, but I need an extra something to impress the destroyer of worlds, dont I?

I cant talk about our happy memories forever. As much as I wish I could... I can't. I know that the team is breaking. We're falling apart. And I know you'll choose any option that'll let you run away from it and ignore the pain, but I'm asking you, this one time, please don't run from it.

From the moment I met you, you've been my escape. My place to go when I need a break from work, from stress, from people. You've told me so many times that I'm your escape, too, so please, show me you meant it. Daisy, you know I don't like being soppy, but I need you to stay more than I've ever needed anything in my life. It's dramatic, I know, but it's true. My family is breaking apart, I just need you to promise me that you won't break away either.

I know you're a hero. You're the 'quake' that people are talking about now. I know you have your heart set on saving people, and I know you want to do what's right, but I can't let you leave. Daisy, you're going into outer space. You're planning on travelling to places the richest scientists in the worlds haven't even dreamt of, you're literally going somewhere where no one will be able to bring you back from. I know you think you have to do this, but I love you too much to watch you do this to yourself.

Think about all the things we can do if you stay. It'll take a while to rebuild shield, so we have time to live. Haven't you always wanted to do that? Live? We have the chance to do that - to be together with no mission, and no world ending threat heading our way. We can get a cat, and name her skye so you can have something from your childhood. We can redecorate our room. Finally make those walls the right shade of white so you don't have to complain about how it's slightly off to the point where it bothers you. Or, we can go on holiday. What about Tahiti? If I remember correctly, Its a magical place. We can do whatever you want, I don't care how ridiculous it sounds. You want to take a quinjet and spend a week in Bora Bora? We can do that, I don't even have to tell Mack about it.

Or we can just be together. I don't need quinjets, cats, or the right wallpaper. All I need is you. All I want is you. I love you so much, daisy. You know I do. So please. Just this once... stay. Stay for me.

My dear. My darling. My daisy.

y/n <3

The paper rested painfully in her aching hands, barely managing to stay in the grip of her weak fingers. As the aching in her heart anchored her body to where she sat, the only movement she could make became the shaking in her hands.

A lump in her throat formed during one of the earlier paragraphs, but she wasn't able to get rid of it. Even when she thought she'd swallowed it, it seemed to remain there. It was a reminder of her regret.

All this time, she thought that y/n didn't care about her leaving. She thought it was better that she left, because y/n clearly didn't care enough to beg her to stay. But now, of course, she knew of the truth. She knew how desperately she wanted her to stay, she felt how strong it was just by the way it radiated through her words.

The letter was her evidence - but it was too late. It was no longer an opportunity, or an invitation to spend the rest of her life with her love anymore, but now a sheet of paper with the fine words of the woman she loved most, only to be used as a memory.

The memory rested loosely in daisys hand, stained with the pained tears that streamed from her eyes and fell from her cheeks.

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