The final fight

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After the third hit that came from Agatha's pure anger, y/n pushed herself back up to her feet again. Though her wounds stung and her head rang with pain, her persistence was frustrating Agatha even more, which is exactly what she'd hoped for.

Brushing blood off of her lip, y/n scoffed, "you can't handle the truth, can you?"

By that point, Agatha had became too overflowed with anger to entertain y/n's cockiness. Blast after blast, Agatha did what she could to shut y/n up but nothing was ever enough. Every time y/n was struck to her feet, she'd get up again and spit out another sarcastic or hateful comment.

"Awh, is someone too hurt to argue back?" She faked a sympathetic frown, knowing it would get under her skin.

Like she planned, Agatha flooded with anger and launched another hit directly at her. It hit her right in the stomach and sent her tumbling to the floor once again, this time leaving her down for longer while she recovered.

Lying on her back, looking up at the sky, she panted for breath. Her pained groans were soon replaced by a devilish laugh as she began to feel Agatha weakening.

"Laughter," Agatha nodded in annoyance, "if that's how you need to console yourself, then so be it."

While she pushed herself to sit up - her hand aiding her wounded stomach - she looked at Agatha while her laugh died down, "you're a fucking joke."

"How can you possibly feel so confident?" She asked as she made her way towards her, "you can't win. You're on the brink of death, there's no way you can beat me. You're nothing compared to me. You're nothing at all."

Still panting to catch her breath, y/n watched Agatha walk towards her. She stayed where she was on the ground, listening to Agatha's desperate attempt to claw back her intimidating persona.

"If I'm nothing compared to you, then how comes I have people who actually care about me?" Y/n asked, which caused a hitch in Agatha's heart, just like she planned, "you've lived for hundreds of years, but not a single person on this planet gives a shit about you."

Hearing y/n's quiet laugh on top of that comment finally pushed Agatha over the edge. When she was close enough to y/n, she gripped her hand round her throat tightly and pulled her charged fist back.

With her hand gripping y/n's throat, Agatha crouched down and bitterly spat, "I should've just killed you when I had the chance."

"Yeah," y/n nodded. While taking in a deep and inconspicuous breath of preparation, she tightly locked her hand on Agatha's wrist. Agatha thought of it as nothing more than a desperate plea for release, but y/n knew it wasn't that. Slowly, she tightened her grip on Agatha's wrist and released her heavy breath. "You should've."

Just as Agatha began to pull her hand away, y/n's grip became inescapable. With her eyes deathly locking into Agatha's, y/n pulled herself up off of her feet and into the air, dragging Agatha up with her as she went.

While the pair of them arose, the purple storm became engulfed by the blue of y/n's strength. The team on the outside were blown back by the speed of the winds and the force of the energy, but they kept their eyes on how every spec of purple changed to blue in a matter of seconds.

As y/n's grip became charged with her energy, it was clear that Agatha begged for mercy in the way that she looked at her. But y/n didn't care. While her arm charged up all the energy she'd collected from Agatha's hits as well as all the energy her body could provide, y/n stared into Agatha's eyes without a single care in the world as to if it was hurting her.

In the blink of an eye, her arm was surrounded in her blue, making it impossible to distinguish where her arm was within the energy. Then it began funnelling its way into Agatha's body, slowly and excruciatingly. Y/n wanted to feel the pain pouring from her body; wanted to see the begging in her eyes. After everything Agatha had done to Wanda, to their relationship, y/n wanted nothing more than to feel her die.

Agatha's hand fell out of y/n's grasp as her body began to go limp - the only thing holding her up being y/n's capability. When Agatha started to be drained of her life, y/n lowered the both of them to the ground until Agatha was lying on the floor below her. From there, y/n charged up one large blow and struck it down on Agatha's helpless body.

The pressure of the energy was too much for her body to withstand, so, as it drained itself out of her arm, her life began fading with it. In a long and powerful stream, it broke Agatha down until she had nothing left; until she was nothing.

Even during the painful process of her own life escaping her, y/n felt the sweet release of all her anger and spite towards the world. As she felt everything rush away from her, she hoped for one thing and one thing only; peace for Wanda.

"Please, world, treat her well. Take care of her and all she has. Give her a reason to wake up every morning and to go to sleep every night. If she is ever alone, send the light from a star to shine wherever she is, and let her know, that the star will be me."

Finally, the blue stopped. The air around them cleared in just enough time for y/n to witness Agatha's everything fade away into nothingness. As she took her next breath, it felt like it would be her last, the puff of air fading away from her shattered lungs.

When Agatha was finally gone, the dust started to settle around the area. Although she was short of breath and life itself, y/n stood on her own two feet for as long as she could while the air cleared.

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