Ready to go

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By the time the sun finished its journey to their side of the world, half of the team had already woken up and started their day. They didn't have a set time to be gone, but sharon already informed them that her and her team would be leaving at some point for a mission of their own, so they did need to leave before then. It had been under an hour since the first person - which was daisy -woke up and left her room to get to the breakfast area, and since then everyone else slowly woke up as well.

The moment the gentle breeze came through the recently opened window, bucky opened his eyes. Instinctively, he extended his arm for a morning stretch, but recoiled it the moment he remembered that y/n was lying beside him. While clearing his throat, he turned to wake her up, but felt his heart drop when the space next to him was empty. Before he could spend another second panicking, he heard the small laughter coming from sam - who stood by the door, looking in the mirror.

"What are you laughing at?" Bucky asked in annoyance while still panicking about y/n.

Instead of answering, sam let his laughter die down, "she's fine, she's having breakfast." With a groan, bucky rolled his eyes and rubbed his head, but sam didn't stop his urge to make jokes. "Did you sleep walk during the night?"

"What are you talking about?" He scoffed as he slowly pushed himself off of the bed.

"Last time I checked, your bed was over there." Sam reminded him, "she has a girlfriend, you know?"

Bucky scoffed and rolled his eyes as he turned away from sam as he began getting changed, "fucking hell, sam, its not like that."

"I'm just teasing you." He laughed once more, "out of curiosity, what's it like?"

He shook his head, "I'm not telling you."

"Why? It cant be pettiness, can it?" Sam sarcastically asked, making the final adjustments to his clothes.

"Because I don't know if y/n would want me to tell you."

"Are you serious?" Sam looked shocked at him, "you know she likes me more than you, right?"

Bucky turned to him, flashed a cocky smile, then began to leave, "if it makes you feel good, I'll let you believe that."

"Oh, no." Sam argued, quickly catching up to him as he walked down the hall, "this is not debatable."

"You're right. Because we both know she likes me more." He told him without looking at him.

"I'm the one that's supposed to tease you. Its not the other way around."

Bucky cocked his brow, "you sure about that?"

"Yes. Yes, i am very sure about that."

Before the two could continue bickering like always, they stopped themselves at the hall when they were able to see everyone who was in the kitchen. Few of Sharon's agents were scattered around, their team were just about to be ready to go, while y/n sat with her arms resting on her legs while she looked at sharon. They didn't know what was going on, but they didn't try to question it when they heard sharon read from a note she had in her hand.

"Switchblade, i like that." She agreed as she looked up from the note y/n gave her.

"That was one of my favourites, that's why i underlined it so many times." She smiled momentarily before clearing her throat to calm down her excitement.

"Yeah, i figured." She chuckled before turning to the girl sitting on her lap, "babe, can you read the rest while i help bow with the cleaning?"

"Of course." Her girlfriend placed a kiss on her lips while taking the paper from her.

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