A proposition

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There was nothing but the faint light of agatha's powers to accompany y/n in her wake to awareness.
Her eyes were closed to a squint as she desperately searched for answers to the swarm of questions that entered her mind the moment she could think, but she garnered no response.

When her eyes were fully opened, she began to take in her surroundings. The room she was held in was dark in its ceiling and lighter on its floors. The faint signature glow of purple provided the majority of the light in the room, but it didn't make it easy for y/n to figure out where she was exactly.

Of course, she knew she wasn't in the cabin, or anywhere close to it at all. But she couldn't figure out where she was, and she wouldn't be able to unless she searched the room herself.

However, the moment she attempted to stand up to explore, she was harshly tugged back by something that had wrapped itself around her wrists. When she looked over her shoulder, all she could see was the purple glow coming from her wrists, but even that was enough to answer the question she had about it.

She grunted to herself while trying to pull her arms out of the violet restraints, but all of her attention was completely captured and drawn to the person who entered the room. In the purple light stood agatha, her arms in a fold and her head tilted to the side.

"Good, you're finally awake." She smiled, "I thought I might've accidentally killed you."

"Where are we?" Y/n asked.

"You think I'm just gonna give you all the answers you want?" She sarcastically asked her, "oh, no, dear, I'm going to be answering the questions you haven't even thought to ask."

"How very philosophical of you, now can you answer the fucking question?" She grunted as she remained trying to free herself.

Agatha smiled, "what a friendly personality."

Ignoring her initial want to argue, she asked, "why am i here?"

"You are here because people are keeping things from you. People aren't telling you your true purpose, and I think that's unfair." She explained.

"And you're gonna be the one to tell me that, I'm guessing?" She raised her brow, "yeah, because you're the first person I'd trust."

"You're being lied to, you know?" Agatha enlightened her.

"Oh, yeah?" Y/n casually asked while still trying to remove her hands from the restraints, "is it any worse than you making yourself look like my girlfriend to get me alone?"

"No one is telling you who you are meant to be. The scarlet apprentice?" She asked, shaking her head in disagreement, "you're not an apprentice, you are your own witch. You can be your own witch, and you can be so strong."

"I don't care about that- I don't care about being strong, all I care about is Wanda." She argued.

"You see, that's your flaw." Agatha pointed, "you don't let yourself be the best you can be. That and, like I said earlier, you trust that girl too much."

She cocked her brow, "and why's that a flaw?"

"She could hurt you." She suggested, "she could leave you. Then what will you do? You'll regret not taking this opportunity."

"She won't hurt me, and she wouldn't just leave me, wanda's not like that."

"Really?" Agatha squinted, "you haven't thought about what she'd do given the opportunity to bring back vision?"

"What do you mean?" She scowled.

"Think about how much she loved vision... what she did for him, you really think she wouldn't jump at the opportunity to see him again?" She rhetorically asked, knowing the answer she'd get.

With the heavy weight of the newfound worry resting on her shoulders, y/n stopped all attempts of being cocky or sarcastic with agatha. She didn't want to argue her way out of it, not when she now had that to worry about. It was obvious how much it hit her by the look on her face, which is what agatha intended.

She smiled sympathetically and looked down at the disappointment on y/n, "you deserve better than that, my dear. You know you do."

"Wanda wouldn't do that." She insisted, shaking her head to convince herself as well as agatha.

"Well, she'd take an entire town hostage and mentally torture them just to be with him, so I think she could give you up for it." She shrugged.

Y/n gulped, "she loves me."

"What if she loves him more?"

While letting go of the breath she tightly held on to, y/n dropped her head down and sealed her eyes closed, "stop."

"And her kids. What about them? You think she'd choose you over her own children?"

"Stop." She pleaded while keeping her head low.

"Doesn't matter how many rocks you give her, vision was the love of her life. She risked everything to see him again. She left everyone who might've cared about her for him." Agatha boldly stated, watching the affect it was having on y/n, "you shouldn't trust her, y/n, because if vision ever walked through the door of that tiny little cabin you two have, she'd be in his arms in a heartbeat. she'll never love you as much as she loves him."

Y/n didn't say anything. Her eyes stayed locked to the floor as she felt the painful feeling of her heart aching within her chest. Over all the time she'd spent with Wanda, she never even considered that wanda might still be attached to her past love, and now it was hitting her all at once. She kept her head low and her face expressionless until agatha crouched down into y/n's view.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" She asked with a caring look on her face, "at least you know now. You know before you can give up everything for her."

However, unlike agatha was expecting, y/n didn't immediately fall to her arms. She didn't give in, instead, she remained silent where she stood and looked at her ground by agatha's feet.

After a while of silence between the two, Agatha furrowed her brows, "aren't you going to say something?"

"What do you want me to say?" Y/n raised her head and looked at her in spite, "that I trust you? That I'm taking your side now that you've told me that? That I'll do whatever you say when you've just said that to me?"

"You could ask me questions about who you're meant to be." She suggested, "I want to tell you this, you need to know all of this."

The girl scoffed, "you only want me to know this so you can take it from me and use it for yourself."

"Oh, believe me, if that was the case I would've drained you of your power the moment we entered the cabin. But, with you... well, I just can't seem to take anything from you. Not without your approval, obviously."

"That's a shame, then." She shrugged, "because I'm never giving you my approval."

Agatha raised her brows in surprise, "we'll have to see about what, won't we?"

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