The calm before the storm

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Wanda smiled down at y/n as she moved her head to get herself comfortable. The Scarlet Witch was sitting on one of the sofa's properly, whilst her love, The Scarlet Apprentice, laid across the sofa with her head on Wanda's thighs.

To fit everyone in the room, Sam sat at the other end of the couch that the girls sat on. Y/n kept her legs tucked away from him as much as she could, but when noticed that it was uncomfortable for her, he allowed her to rest her legs over his lap as long as she didn't fidget.

While Sam resting his beer on y/n's legs, y/n smiled up at Wanda, who was running her hands through her hair.

Wanda's smiled dropped, "how do you expect to drink a beer like that?"

"I have many talents, Miss Maximoff," y/n winked up at her, causing her to blush slightly.

Shang looked at Y/n and Wanda, then smiled to Katy who sat beside him, "hey, if you weren't so aggressive we could be like that."

"I'd rather kill myself," she fired back before sipping her beer.

Y/n chuckled to herself due to overhearing the exchange between the two, which made Wanda smile and stroke her hair more. After finding the snacks and drinks, Strange and Bucky returned and began sitting wherever they could in the crowded room. Strange had already assigned himself his own couch and stopped anyone from getting it while he was away, but Bucky just sat on the floor, leaning against the couch that Sam, y/n, and Wanda were on.

Fitz and Simmons cuddled at the end of one couch, while Coulson and May sat together at the other end of it. Yoyo sat on Mack's lap on one of the single couches, while Strange took up his own single couch.
Daisy took up the last reminding couch along with Wong, who laid himself across it, taking up more seats than he needed to.

Shang and Katy sat comfortable on two bean bags that rested between both of the couches, forming a perfect circle of everyone there. When Deke realised he didn't have anywhere to sit, he practically begged strange to let him have the revolving chair from his office; strange finally caved in after his endless whines.

When the dancing died down, a few of the guests had taken their leave. Monica and Darcy needed to get back to their apartment to feed their cats, and Jimmy needed to get the only flight back with them.

"So, guys," Deke leant forward, gently spinning his chair back and forth, "where are you fighting Agatha tomorrow?"

Y/n looked up at Wanda in confusion. When all she received was a confused shrug, she looked back at Deke, "Deke, the point of this party is to celebrate tonight, not think about tomorrow."

"Oh, it's just that... I don't really have anyone specifically to 'celebrate tonight' with," he mumbled and slumped back down into the back of his chair.

"Us?" Simmons mentioned.

"Whatever," Deke shrugged, "what do we talk about then?"

"Let's talk celebrity crushes," Shang suggested, raising his arms in a proud exchange at the idea.

Katy stared at him, "how have we been friends for so long?" 

"No, I like that idea," Deke sat forward, "okay, I'll go first, mine was the destroyer of worlds."

Y/n sat up from Wanda's lap, her hair hung in her face messily from where Wanda had been playing with it, and she looked at deke, "you mean daisy?"

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