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"I think that's a fucking terrible idea," y/n repeated in her argumentative tone.

The moment the rest of the team walked into the room and heard what was happening, they stopped in their tracks. Bucky, as always, stood forward and spoke for the rest of the group.

"Woah, what's going on?" He asked, his eyes assessing the room.

While y/n and Stephen stood in the middle of the room arguing with each other, Robin sat on the chair, her arm rested on the back of the vacant chair beside her. She watched y/n with a precise gaze while occasionally rolling her eyes at the things she was used to hearing Stephen say.

"These two are arguing about nothing again," Robin answered for him.

"No, we are not arguing about nothing, strange is being ridiculous!" She snapped, trying to get her point across to the others in the room.

"What has he done?" Sam asked.

Before Strange could explain himself, y/n harshly cut in, "strange expects us to drop our guards to have a fucking party tomorrow night."

"No- y/n, that is not how I put it," Strange tried to explain to her in an annoyed tone, "we have no leads on Agatha yet, there is nothing we can do. I just thought it would be a good idea to unwind. We deserve a break, and there's an event happening tomorrow night, I thought we should go."

"What event?" Wanda asked, suddenly appearing behind the rest of the team.

"An exclusive party," he began, "look, I know the owner of this venue, I can get us all on the list. We will be safe in there and we need to have fun, y/n you desperately need to calm your shit down."

Y/n rolled her eyes with a frustrated laugh and began trailing the room in annoyance, "you're out of your mind."

"Why are you opposed to this idea, y/n?" Bucky asked, then tried to clarify as he saw her burning stare, "I mean, there are some more questions I'd need to ask Stephen, but... it seems like an alright suggestion. Why don't you want to do it?"

"Because I just don't agree with this whole relaxing bullshit!" She blurted.

Robin shrugged her shoulders, "you seemed fine with it when you were kissing me in the library."

The moment Robin said that, y/n's eyes darted to Wanda. Instead of looking back, Wanda gulped and dropped her gaze to the floor, her feet urging her to stand further away from the group.

"Okay, this is getting out of hand," strange waved his hand to stop the mumbles coming from the crowd of people, "leave your personal bickering out of this."

With those words, y/n bit back her argumentative urges and crossed her arms together while looking at the floor. As she stared at her feet, she bit the skin off of her lip to avoid looking at anyone else.

Meanwhile, Robin's eyes couldn't leave Wanda. Even though Wanda wasn't looking at anyone, Robin noticed her expression. The way she bit the skin of her cheek as if to hold back tears fascinated her.

What did she have to be sad about? - Robin thought to herself. She did this to herself.

With a cocky smirk and a raised brow, Robin drew her attention away from Wanda and placed it back into y/n just like everyone else.

"Y/n, just sleep on it. You might feel differently about it tomorrow," Sam suggested.

However, y/n wasn't paying attention to what anyone was saying anymore. Her hands began to shake as she held them, and her eyes stayed on the ground for as long as they could until they impulsively looked up to Wanda again.

"Y/n?" Bucky called.

When y/n saw Wanda looking at her - when she saw that look in her eyes - she cleared her throat, "Robin, can I talk to you for a second?"

Robin smirked, looking at Wanda out the corner of her eye, "is that code for something? Or do you just wanna talk?"

"Get off your ass and come with me, for gods sake."

While the smirk lingered on her face, she did eventually follow y/n out of the room with a much slower, relaxed pace. When y/n had entered another room with Robin behind her, she slammed the door shut and pushed Robin into the wall again: with very different intentions.

"Why the fuck would you do that?"

"Do what?" She playfully tilted her head.

Y/n's fingers dug into the skin on Robin's shoulders as she frustratingly thrusted her into the wall behind her, "don't fuck with me, Robin, I'm serious."

"Oh, come on. Did you see the look on Wanda's face when I said that?" She rhetorically asked, "complete regret."

"Wha-..." y/n momentarily paused, "really?"

"Yes. God, you should've seen it. Honestly if you would've went along with it, she would've left the room."

The way Robin was easily rambling about it as if it was nothing baffled y/n, but it didn't discourage Robin from speaking any more.

Y/n squinted and released her hold on Robin, "so you're... you're doing this to help me get back at her?"

"That, and because I think you're hot. Like insanely hot. Killing two birds with one stone, really. Very practical, just how you like it."

"I'm not just going to use you, Robin," she shook her head, "that's not fair."

"It's not like I was expecting you to fall in love with me. Relationships aren't my thing," Robin casually shrugged, "they disgust me, actually."

"Okay, that's-," her head drew a blank.

"I'm what they call Aromantic," she began to explain for her, "not to be confused with a romantic."

"Who's they?" Y/n asked.

Robin paused, "... the general public."

Y/n took a breath and calmed herself, "I don't want to make this a thing. I don't want to run to you every time I need to forget about Wanda, it's- it's just not right."

"Alright," she nodded, "but if you need a distraction, i'm yours until I have to leave this place."

The Scarlet Apprentice 2: The Multiverse Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now