A different setting

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"I'll be honest, mack." Y/n began as she cuffed the sleeves of her blazer, "you did pretty good."

"Thank you." He smiled, "after working with you for so many years, I have managed to get a small understanding of your fashion sense."

She hummed, "blazers a bit big. The boots aren't as intimidating as I would've wanted them to be, but I can overlook a few things."

"Okay, this really isn't the time to be complaining, we've got a mission." He shrugged it off.

"Speaking of that, mack, does this mission not seem slightly off to you?" Daisy asked Mack through the coms while she searched the room.

Y/n stood impatiently up on the 2nd floor, overlooking the dance floor where Daisy was positioned to see her squinting suspiciously at everything she saw.

"I have to agree with Daisy on this one." she added.

"What do you mean?" Mack asked as he stood with Fitz.

"Do you really think a doorway to another universe will open up in a room at the back of this shit hole?" She asked, causing y/n to chuckle under her breath.

"First of all, it's not a doorway to another universe it's just a weak part of the stream that we can reach into, and second of all, this place isn't that much of a..." fitz cut in, but hesitated to say, "shit hole."

Y/n scoffed and looked over to where a man was taking sips of multiple strangers drinks, where she then scowled and looked away, "trust me, fitz, it is."

The same man she'd watched be blatantly disgusting had seen y/n out the corner of his eye and smiled to himself. While he began wobbling his drunken self over to her, she muttered curse words under her breath and closed her eyes tightly.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." His words slurred as they poured from his mouth.

Realising she wasn't able to sneak away from him, she opened her eyes in annoyance and turned to the man, "what?"

"It means you're beautiful." He explained with a bragging tone.

"Yeah, I know what it means." She nodded to the mess of a man, "why are you talking to me?"

"I want to get to know you." He smiled, "become friends."

"I don't want that." She shook her head.

"Come on, loosen up a bit."

With a frustration fuelled sigh, she looked in front of her instead of beside her as a way to ignore the man without causing a scene. However, the man was persistent to talk to the girl.

"So what kind of stuff are you into?" He drunkenly asked with a smirk.

She paused momentarily while looking at him as she decided whether or not to react aggressively. But, with a small sigh, she looked at his slurred face and nodded.


He waited for a moment before talking again, "and guys?"

"No." She bluntly told him again before faking a bright smile, "fuck off, please." As she watched the man stumble away with a snarl, she began speaking into the coms, "am I not dressed gay enough? Mack, I thought you said you knew my fashion sense."

"What makes you say that?" Simmons asked.

"A man just hit on me." She shuddered, "and I thought my night couldn't get any worse."

"Lighten up a bit, we've got a little bit of time before the energy shows up, why don't you talk to some people?" Mack suggested as he guarded the door.

"I don't want to talk to people, mack." She whined.

"Actually- y/n, I'd like a word." Bucky told her as he made his way over to her.

"And you can't just talk to me over the coms?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Can you just meet me at the bathroom?" He asked her.

"Out of all places, why choose that one?" She scoffed, but began making her way to it.

He impatiently waited for her, "It's the only private room this place has."

"This is a bar in a busy part of town, Bucky, are you really sure about that?" She sarcastically asked before stopping, "wait- do you expect me to go into the men's bathroom?"

"They're not gendered, there's only one." He told her.

"Oh, that's... progressive." She picked up her pace. When she eventually made it to the bathroom, she pushed the door open and sighed in relief when she saw Bucky in the room, "oh, thank god, I was scared I'd open the door to a sight I did not want to see."

"Come on." He rushed her.

"Jesus, Bucky, whats so important that you need to be in the bathroom to tell me?" She asked.

Instead of answering her with words, he performed a series of hand signs in order to signal something, but she wasn't understanding any of it. She tried to understand as she looked at him with a squint, but she couldn't figure out what he was trying to say.

"I don't know what you're trying to tell me." She shrugged.

"Take out your coms." He whispered.

"What?" She whispered back, "why?"

"Just do it." He gave her a look.

Rolling her eyes, she removed her coms from her ear and placed it in the open hand that Bucky offered to her. The moment the device was in his hand, he dropped it to the ground and stomped on it with his shoes, which crushed it instantly.

Y/n looked at him with shocks and annoyance, "what the fuck, Bucky? Why did you do that?"

"Because I don't want anyone else hearing."

"Oh, so you just decide to get rid of our only form of contact with them? What if we die in here?"

"No ones gonna die in the bathroom of a shitty club."

"You will if you ever fucking do something like that again."

Before the two could finish arguing or resolve it, they were cut off by the sound of one of the toilets flushing, which forced them to a silence. They watched a man shyly walk out of the bathroom as fast as he could, where they waited to argue again.

"Have a nice night." She smiled to the man before the door closed, "this better be important, Bucky, or only one of us is leaving this bathroom tonight."

"I like sam." He admitted.

Her sudden frustrations and annoyance flushed away as she sighed deeply and relaxed her shoulders. She looked at him calmly and asked, "why are you telling me?"

He looked at the ground, "because I know he's talked to you about me. I just wanna know if there's a chance of him liking me back."

"Bucky, it really isn't my place to be doing this. If you like him, you have to tell him." She told him.

Just as Bucky was about to say something, the bathroom door was kicked open with a force that almost knocked it off of its hinges. The duo turned harshly to see Mack storming into the room with daisy at his side.

"Why aren't you on the coms?" He angrily asked.

Y/n improvised, "they broke. We came in here so no one would see us fixing them."

Mack huffed, "well, come on, the energy's spiking."

Once he left the room, the two began moving. As Bucky leant his hand on the counter to push himself away from it, he scoffed a laugh, "I can't believe he bought that."

"Your hand is right next to a pile of cocaine." She told him before walking out.

Instantly pulling his hand away, he groaned, "god."

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