Panicked planning

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The team stood calmly in the zephyr as they awaited y/n's arrival while trying to remain as positive as they could. Not only did they have to carry the weight of y/n's noticeable disappointment, but they also had to deal with their own disappointment. They were patient enough while waiting in silence for y/n to come back in, but it had been a while since they heard anything.

"Should we go out and make sure she's okay?" Monica asked.

"Or send one of us out to go sit with her?" Fitz suggested.

"Bucky's already out there with her." Sam mentioned.

Deke looked at everyone, "well should we make sure that she hasn't killed him?" After his statement, most of the team turned to look at him with a confused and annoyed facial expression, "you can't blame her, he did stop her from saving the girl whose the new love of her life."

The group turned to look at deke with a wide range of expressions. Some scoffed, some rolled their eyes, but daisy specifically furrowed her brows in annoyance and confusion. With a shrug, he turned his attention to something else to let the rest of the team think about their next strategy.

"Okay, someone go get her, we're going." Mack sighed as he turned to the control panel.

As daisy was the closest one to the exit, she dropped her crossed arms to her side and turned out of the exit and swiftly paced down the hall, heading to the door. However, before she could even leave the groups sight, y/n rushed in with a speed that shocked her. The hallway was only big enough to fit one person, so the moment y/n entered with bucky behind her, daisy had no other option but to back up slowly. So, with y/n awkwardly stuck between daisy and bucky, all she could do was urge daisy forward to get out.

"Coming through." Y/n mumbled, hoping the line would move.

"Yeah, I'm trying to turn." She huffed an awkward chuckle.

"What's the hold up?" Bucky asked from the back - almost in a shout.

"Alright, daisy, just walk backwards, i'll tell you if there's anything behind you."

"Is there anything behind me?" She asked as she walked backwards.

"Nope, you're fine." Once daisy was out of the way, y/n cleared her throat as she passed her, "okay."

"You okay, y/n?" Mack asked her.

"We've been looking at this wrong." She announced as she rushed to the centre of the room, ignoring his question.

Swamped in confusion, no one seemed to answer. That was until Sam decided to speak, "I'm sorry?"

"I've been trying to pull Wanda out, that's not gonna work. If agathas the one controlling it all, we need to lure her out and separate the two." She explained, "I've been trying to grab wanda, I need to get Agatha."

"I don't think she's gonna let you pull her out of her little fantasy world." Simmons reminded her.

"No, I don't pull her out, I lure her out." She pitched with hope, "guys, the reason she even has wanda is because she wanted me and my powers, if I act like I'm giving that to her, she'll come out."

"Then what?" Sam asked, "y/n, how are we actually gonna stop her?"

"I don't know, Sam, I just want to get Wanda back, we can figure out the rest of the plan when I know she's safe." She shrugged.

The team remained in place, looking at y/n in the centre of the room. Her eyes were filled with hope and trust to a point that none of them could ignore or say no to. It wasn't just that they'd feel guilty if they said no, but they also believed in the theory themselves. At least, they believed it enough to listen to what she was saying.

"This could work." Fitz agreed, which allowed the team to feel more secure knowing that someone as smart as fitz also had hope for y/n's theory.

"So where do we lead her out?" Daisy asked.

"Did you find out where the next energy pulse is?" Y/n turned to Mack.

He shook his head, "no, not yet."

"Good. I'm gonna make an opening for them." She told the group.

"Can you do that?" Sam asked.

"I have no idea." She shrugged as she looked over at bucky to see his supportive smile, which comforted her, "but I'm willing to give it a try."

"Do you have an idea of where you wanna try this portal thing?" Mack asked, trying his best to plan it out.

"We need a big area that's away from the city. Away from people so no one innocent gets hurt. Somewhere to keep the zephyr away, and somewhere to immediately go and hide out once we've got Wanda." She explained, "does anyone know a place like that?"

When no one spoke up for a moment, she huffed and prepared to consider another method or another location until someone came forward.

"We do." Sam stepped forward, referring to Bucky and himself.

"We do?" Bucky whispered to him.

"I know someone." He announced, "someone who will help us. She'll get us resources, a place to sleep for the night that isn't those tiny bunks on here."

"Hey." Mack furrowed his brows.

"They're lovely, man, but they're tiny. I need something comfortable and a blanket that fits me. You need to get a blanket for a man-." He began ranting but sighed himself back on track, "anyway, she'll help us if I give her a call. Problem is, she can't help this many of us."

Fitz shrugged, "we should touch down at sword and let some of us go."

"None of you guys are expendable." Y/n told them, "I can't just get rid of you."

"We won't be completely tossed out, some of us can operate from the sword headquarters." Jemma assured her, "Fitz and I can keep contact with the zephyr at all times."

"Darcy and Jimmy could do with some help back there. And some company." Monica shrugged.

"Sam, how many do we have to get rid of?" Y/n asked.

"We're about to go to a girl whose on the run from so many people. I honestly don't think she'd be able to take anymore than..." he shrugged, "four or five of us."

"So we have to get rid of most of the team." She realised.

"Y/n, this is how we have to do this." Monica told her, stepping forward, "we're still gonna be doing this with you, but we can't go with you any further."

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