Blue in the night sky

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"Wanda, you ready?" Y/n called, once again, while she checked her hair in the mirror.

"Are you wearing the dress I gave you?" Wanda called out, ignoring y/n's question.

Y/n sighed, "yeah, yeah. You know I would've preferred a suit but... this dress isn't too bad."

"I'll just turn it into a suit if you really want me to." Wanda told her.

"No, no." She shook her head, "this is great. This is what you wanted, so of course I love it."

"Great, because I really wanted to go matching. I have a red dress, red powers, you have a blue dress, blue powers." Wanda explained, still getting ready in her own room.

It must've been around midnight by the time the girls were in the cabin getting ready, but they had no intentions of having an early night. When they first settled in the cabin after the fight with sword, they decided to choose a day to have a celebration. The day itself didn't mean anything, but the girls wanted a day that they could make theirs. And today, October 15th, was that day.

The night sky was a beautiful navy blue, filled with the crystal like stars that were scattered across it. The moon was shining down onto the lake, almost as if it was paving the way for the two to have a lovely night.

Wanda was tucked away in her own room as she was getting ready, while y/n stood in the living room, scanning over the way she looked in the small mirror on the table. Surprisingly, y/n was waiting patiently, despite how long wanda was taking to finish getting ready.

"Honestly, if my hair gets wet, I think I'll-." Y/n began turning as she spoke, and wanda left her room without saying anything. The moment she saw wanda in her dress, looking over at her, she cut herself off and went quiet.

Wanda blushed under the undivided attention she'd gained from her love, "how do I look?"

"I don't even-..." she stammered, "know if I can describe it."

She stood at the end of the hall with her hands hanging at her side, the dress wrapped nicely around her torso, where it then fell to a flow at her hips. It was red, of course, and it ended just above her feet. Her hair hung down in soft curls, while two front parts of it were in gentle braids.

As Wanda walked over to y/n, she watched the way the skirt of the dress flowed as her legs moved, which made her smile to herself. Then, when she stopped in front of y/n, she raised her head to look up into her eyes.

"You look beautiful." Y/n told her, "like... really beautiful."

To hide her blush, wanda looked down at y/n's dress, then turned it on her, "so do you."

"Your hand, m'lady." Y/n leant over.

"M'lady?" Wanda chuckled, holding out her hand.

"Is it dramatic enough for you?" Y/n asked, taking the hand of her beloved.

Wanda bit back her grin, "it's perfect."

"Let's go, we don't wanna miss our ride." Y/n joked as she began leading wanda out of the room.

Wanda chuckled softly as she followed y/n out of the house. Just before y/n could leave, she grabbed a bag she'd placed by the door and took it in her hand, which Wanda noticed.

"What's that?" She asked, referring to the bag y/n had picked up without explanation.

"It's a bag, my dear." She shot back to avoid the question.

"No, i obviously know it's a bag." She told her, watching her shut the door to the cabin, "but what's in the bag?"

"You'll find out, won't you?" Y/n smiled to her before taking her hand again and leading her out onto the grass.

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