The suit

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The breeze grew slightly stronger for an unexplained reason, but that didn't bother the girls. Both in a teary mess, they let their tiredness take over, and they rested in each other's arms on their bed.

There were times in the night where y/n heard Wanda sniffle, or where Wanda felt y/n squeeze her tighter to feel her more. It was only a few hours of sleep, but they made it last a lifetime.

With her magic, y/n had projected the illusion of their wedding into hers and Wanda's head. She played through the scenario, changing bits of it to Wanda's liking.  Although the officiation could never have been authentic, it was recreated in their minds.  They did stand, face to face, hand in hand, and they did say their vows. They placed the rings on each other's hands and kissed. They said the long awaited 'I do', and melted into each others arms. There was a ceremony where every one danced together to the music.

It all happened. They had been pronounced married: wives. But it was all inside their own heads. The only witnesses they had to the marriage - and to the proposal - was each other. And although it didn't make the marriage official, it was all the girls could've wanted.

Love and care. Peace and-

Alarms blaring, feet pacing. Those were the noises that shattered the silence and forced the girls to wake up with a panic beating in their chest. Instantly pushing the covers off of herself, y/n searched the bed with her hand in the darkness to find Wanda.

"Wanda?" Y/n called out to her. Even though she'd just felt her resting in her arms, she needed to be sure that Wanda was near her. Always.

"I'm here," Wanda called back in the darkness, gripping tightly onto y/n's hand

Before either of them could raise a question, their door was forced open to allow Bucky to run through.

"Get up, Agatha's hitting now," he warned them, already dressed in his superhero attire.

"What?" Wanda asked, rushing out of bed, "what do you mean she's hitting now?"

"I mean there's a large storm circling in a field not far from here. A large purple storm," he briefly explained before rushing back out of the room, disappearing just as quickly as he entered.

"It's happening," y/n mumbled under her breath.

Wanda held back the tears in her eyes, "oh, god."

"Wanda, remember what I said last night, okay? I'm with you now, and I'll be with you always," she reminded her, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Y/n nodded, "let's go kill this psychopath."

"And if we can't?" Wanda asked, "if we can't kill her?"

She shrugged, "then we hurt her. Really fucking badly."

With a small smirk on her face, Wanda turned to the door and mumbled, "I'll see you when I'm ready."

When Wanda began leaving the room, y/n stopped her quickly, "wait- Wanda, what am I supposed to wear? I don't have a... super suit or whatever you call it."

"Okay- it's not called a super suit- and I'm sure Wong has something, y/n, I'm sorry, I need to see Strange now," with that, she was gone.

The desperate need to see Strange confused y/n at first, but she brushed it off as she ran to find Wong. Peering her head in different rooms as she ran, she scoffed when she couldn't find him. Until, finally, she saw him in the weapons room.

"Wong," she panted, "have I got something to wear? Something combative? To protect me? Like armour but... cooler."

"Strange has prepared it for you," he explained to her while collecting weaponry, "it's in his study. Pull the red book in the furthest shelf."

"Okay," just as she was about to leave, she quickly asked, "does it have a skirt? Because if it's a skirt, then I'm not wearing it."

"Just go, y/n!" He demanded her, clearly in distress.

When she saw the mess left behind from everyone's rushing carelessness and heard the sound of everyone shouting at each other with stress, y/n realised how serious it was. Pushing the worry to the back of her mind, she barged in Stephen's study and immediately headed for the bookshelf.

After scouring the shelves for a few seconds, y/n finally found the book and pulled it instantly. Just as she expected - and hoped - the bookshelf dramatically slid open to reveal a secret room in the Wizard's office.

She'd always suspected him to have a secret room filled with dangerous weapons and ancient secrets, but there was only one thing in the room when she entered: a suit. Not one of Stephen's expensive and luxurious suits that y/n had taken an interest in, it was a suit for this exact occasion.

It was the same suit Wanda had crafted out of her own magic in Westview - which made her realise that Wanda had clearly worked on it with him. Of course, instead of it being red, it was a deep blue, but the exact same other than that.

Taking her time, y/n admired the suit as she slipped it on. Every part of it practically glided onto her body and fitted to her perfectly, providing both comfort and protection. Wearing something like that made her feel even closer to Wanda, and proud to be fighting beside her, even if she knew it was going to be her last fight.

She wasn't as panicked as the others. Although she knew her life was going to end in a mere few hours, she wasn't panicking. She wasn't rushing, she wasn't racing around. She took her time. Only because she'd already done everything she wanted to do in her life. All she wanted was to marry Wanda, to call her wife, to cherish and love her. And she'd done that. And she knew she'd keep doing it, even after she was gone.

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