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"How many pillows do you sleep with?" Sam asked her as he took one off of his bed.

"Two will be fine," y/n watched as he tossed it over to her, "thank you, Sam."

"Y/n, do you prefer peanuts or almond nuts?" Bucky asked as he looked through the assorted snacks Wong had laid out for them when they first arrived.

"If you give me either of those, I will kill myself."

"Thought you'd say something like that," Bucky nodded his head and picked up the last packet of m&ms on the table, "here you go," he announced before throwing them over to where she sat on the bed.

"Yes!" She caught them with an excited smile before instantly ripping open the bag to eat one.

In Sam and Bucky's room, there were two beds and a large couch. Despite the countless times y/n told them that she'd be fine with sleeping on the couch, it was decided that Bucky would give up his bed for her and sleep on the couch. Which was surprising considering that he'd already said that Sam would be the one to sleep on the couch.

Y/n hadn't seen Wanda for the rest of the day until dinner, and even then, she didn't pay her any attention. Then, when it was time for them all to start going to bed, y/n walked into Sam and Bucky's room knowing that Wanda was behind her - knowing that Wanda could see her.

While Sam sacrificed a few of his pillows for y/n and Bucky to use, y/n tried to get comfortable in Bucky's bed. When she finally got comfortable, she took a sigh and closed her eyes.

"You mind turning that lamp off?" Y/n asked to either of the boys. When she received no reply in any form, she opened her eyes but furrowed her brows when she saw Bucky sitting at the end of her bed and Sam sitting on the edge of his own. "What's happening?"

"You really think we're gonna let you go to sleep knowing what you're thinking?" Sam sarcastically asked her.

"What do you- you don't know what I'm thinking," she shrugged.

"Oh, we do," Bucky nodded, "it's obvious."

Cocking her brow at Bucky's comment, y/n turned to Sam, "oh, Sam, did I tell you what I felt from Bucky when he-"

"Alright, y/n, just-," Bucky panicked for a brief moment, "we just mean, we don't want to let you go to sleep if you're not in a good mood."

When y/n saw Sam's sympathetic reaction, she looked at Bucky with an unamused face, "did you seriously tell him?"

"I had to!" Bucky squealed, "I can't keep anything from him."

"You could've kept this one thing," she told him.

Sam gave her a look, "how are you gonna trust Bucky with this but not me?"

"Sam, I didn't even mean to tell Bucky. I didn't want anyone to know because I don't want to talk about it," she sighed, "look, I don't want this to become a thing, alright?"

"Can you at least tell me a bit about it? So that I don't have to just believe Bucky's word." Sam asked.

Taking a breath, she nodded, "I guess that's fair," she thought to herself. She knew what to say, but not how to say it. How could she put 1000 emotions into a few words? "At some point in the... multiverse shit, Wanda saw her life with vision. It's not real, I know it's not, but she believes it is. The other night, Wanda told me that she wants this life with vision more than she wants me."

Sam's face dropped as he listened to this for the first time, but Bucky's face dropped as he listened to what y/n didn't tell him earlier.

"She tried to say that I could go back to my life with Daisy, and we'd all be fine and happy if we were with our past loves," y/n shrugged, "I guess she didn't realise that I chose her over my old life."

While Bucky remained even more speechless having known how y/n felt after seeing that moment of Wanda and Vision in the window in one of her dreams, Sam tried to comfort her.

"That can't be Wanda. There's no way that's your Wanda, your Wanda loves you."

"Sam, I felt it the entire time," she looked at him, her eyes stinging with tears, "that was Wanda. There was never a 'my wanda'."

"That's ridiculous." Sam shook his head.

While y/n wiped the few tears from her face, Bucky lightly pushed Sam's arm, "Sam, have some decency."

"No. Sorry, y/n, but I'm not having that. You didn't spend all that time and energy bringing her back just for her to tell you that she wants to be with a fucking dishwasher," Sam angrily rambled, "that's not fucking fair."

"Come on, man," Bucky tried to calm him down.

"Sam, can we please change the subject?" Y/n asked.

"I can't sit by knowing that she's done that to you, I can't know that-"

"Sam, please," y/n's tired face displayed her desperation perfectly, which is what finally convinced him to stop, "thank you."

While Sam mentally calmed himself down, Bucky thought of the perfect way to change the conversation and cheer y/n up immediately.

"Sam slept with a stuffed animal until he was in his early twenties," he admitted, trying to contain his laughter.

"DUDE!" Sam shot up and punched Bucky's arm.

"I was just trying to make y/n laugh," he quickly glanced at y/n to see her snickering, "and it worked. You're welcome."

"You didn't have to embarrass me like that," Sam gave him a harsh stare.

"Okay, okay, I'll even it out," y/n announced, which caused Bucky to look at her instantly, "earlier, in the gym, Bucky and I-"

"NO- no, y/n, we promised that it stayed between us, come on, don't," he pleaded.

"You embarrassed Sam, it's only fair," y/n tried to assure him.

"My story is way worse, it doesn't even compare. Come on, y/n, I'll do whatever you want, just don't tell him."

Sam smirked in amusement, "oh, I've got to hear it now."

"Bucky and I had a little tussle which ended with me on top of him with my legs either side, and he-"

"Y/n, come on," Bucky whined.

"With my powers I could he feel that he was, you know... enjoying it, let's say that."

Bucky dropped his head into hands, "oh, my god."

Sam's face instantly lit up as if he'd received the best news ever, "oh, my fucking god!"

The Scarlet Apprentice 2: The Multiverse Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now