The lake

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It had been a few weeks since the ceremony and since y/n had been reunited with her team. Every moment that past, she spent with her team. Usually she'd like some time alone every now and then, but after she thought she'd never get to see her team again, she didn't want to spend a second without them. Especially Wanda. After spending all day with her team, she'd spend all night with Wanda, spoiling her and making her feel good in any way she could.

Strange and Wong had returned to the sanctum almost instantly when news of an issue spiked up, but they insisted that the team stayed in Wakanda to rest. Which is exactly what they did.

Bucky had spent a while reconnecting with the Wakandan children he'd met when he first got there, telling them stories of what they'd faced. Sam, whenever he wasn't with Bucky, enjoyed his morning runs throughout Wakanda's outskirts. The forests and the fields had become his sanctuary over the few weeks they were there. Y/n and Wanda spent most of their time together, whether it was exploring Wakanda or sitting and simply doing nothing.

On one particular day, when Bucky had been asked to help round up cattle that had escaped from the fields, Sam found himself sitting by a lake with the girls. Dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top on the particularly hot day, y/n sat at a bench in the fields of Wakanda. Sam lied on the grass, barely dressed in anything while he enjoyed the shine of the sun. And Wanda, of course, sat the closest she could get to y/n, admiring her every move. Even if all y/n did was wipe the sweat off of her brow or bite her lip to focus on what she was writing, Wanda couldn't help but smile.

"I think we should let Bucky choose the music," Wanda suggested, casually reading over the notes that were laid out on the table.

"Absolutely not," y/n instantly dismissed.

"Why not?" Wanda couldn't help but chuckle at how quickly y/n shut the idea down.

"Because I just know that 'Careless Whisper' will be at the top of his list," she groaned, "Sam showed him it once and he thinks it's amazing."

Wanda tilted her head softly, "what's wrong with that? It's not a bad song, is it?"

"It's not, but I'm not having that song play for our first dance as a married couple. That just sets us up for failure," she explained, "he doesn't even know what it's about, he just likes to sing it loudly to annoy Sam."

"If you let Bucky control the music, then I'm not coming," Sam added from where he lied in the grass.

Y/n looked down at him, brows furrowed. With how focused she'd been, and how quiet he'd surprisingly been, she didn't even realise he was there.

"You can't not come, Sam, you're giving a speech. And I've told everyone that it's going to be one hell of a speech," Wanda whined.

Y/n nodded, scowling at him, "if you don't give the speech of your life and you disappoint my future wife I will have to kill you, Sam."

He rolled his eyes and rested back down comfortably in the long blades of grass. When y/n turned back to look at Wanda, she saw that Wanda was already smiling at her, which brought butterflies to her stomach. Then, the heat became too much once again, and it was no secret that y/n couldn't bare the heat.

"God, I'm melting," she dropped the pen to fan herself.

"I actually like the heat," Sam shrugged, lying in the sun, shirtless and in a pair of shorts.

"Oh, go fuck yourself, Sam," she scoffed, jealous at how little clothing he was actually allowed to get away with wearing.

He lifted his head up with an offended look, "woah! What the hell?" He turned to Wanda for answers.

"She's not the nicest when she's hot," she answered for y/n, "temperature wise, I mean," then placed her head on her knee, eyes glued to her girlfriend as she admired the way the sun shone on her.

"You should try to enjoy it, it's beautiful outside," he announced before dropping back down to lay on the grass.

Once she felt more beads of sweat forming on her head, y/n scoffed and stood up without saying anything. Wanda, naturally admiring every move she made, noticed her getting up and asked what she was doing but she received no answer.

Instead, just like it had happened before, y/n began pacing her way over to the large lake that rested a short distance away from them. Wanda practically squealed in excitement and pushed herself off of the bench to race after her when she saw y/n pulling her clothes off as she walked, leaving her in her underwear.

"Wait up!" Wanda yelled, catching up to her.

Y/n stood at the edge of the lake, pushing her hair out of her face while she watched Wanda pull her dress off of her body, again, leaving herself in her underwear. When Wanda stood beside her and granted her a smile, y/n wrapped her arms around her and pulled the both of them into the water.

Of course, the sun had made the water warm, but it was heavenly compared to the heat outside of it. When the girls came up from the water, Wanda had already perched herself onto y/n's lap, arms stretched around her shoulders. Wanda's hand traced patterns in the wet hairs on the back of y/n's neck while y/n wiped the water off of her face with one hand, her other one locked around Wanda's waist under the water.

"Better now?" Wanda asked with a cocked brow.

She shook her head, her thumb circling the small of Wanda's back while her fingers rested on the band of her underwear, "you have no idea."

Her face flushed and a smile took over her before she was pulled into a kiss by y/n. The water droplets from their face morphed into each other's as their lips tasted each other. Every part of themselves had become whole with the other.

After pulling out of the kiss, Wanda flung her head back, smiling up at the sun while y/n spun the two of them around in the water. The two of them were truly happy again, holding each other in the lake in Wakanda, where they were guaranteed safety. Or so they thought. 

On the other side of the planet, somewhere desolate and discrete, brewed the teams next big problem. Metal clanged to make a new age of deadly weapons. After many years of preparing, the group was finally ready to begin stepping out of the shadows and into the light.

"Are you sure you're ready to do this?" The boss asked, a cigarette loosely hanging from his mouth as he slumped in one of the chairs, watching his men do his work for him.

"Готов сэр," his best agent replied, looking straight ahead.

With the confirmation from his strongest asset and the nod from his leading weapons developer, the boss smiled. He didn't get up from his chair and worry about the pushback, and he didn't instantly prepare to take over the world. He knew it would be a slow process, but he only needed one thing for it to work.

One thing for the world to fall to its knees: y/n.

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