Wizard, Doctor, whatever...

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"If you're taking me in here to kill me, you made the right choice by getting wanda away from us." Y/n began talking while he led her into a room away from everyone else.

The room had no windows, not even a single gap in the wood, and one door, which he locked once she was inside. Her eyes scanned every corner of the room, every crack in the wood, and every shadow of the frame. But there was nothing suspicious in sight. Of course there wasn't. Stephen strange had nothing to hide. He had no traps, no secrets, nothing that he wouldn't gladly tell y/n if she asked.

"Why would I kill you?" He asked as he made his way to the centre of the room.

She shrugged while watching him cautiously. "One of my comments might've shattered your ego and pissed you off."

A soft, deep, chuckle came from him as he looked down at the ground before looking back up at the girl with a stone cold face. "My ego isn't that easy to shatter."

"Really?" She cocked a curious brow. "So me shouting at you... criticising you... calling you a 'wizard bitch' behind your back, that didn't hurt you? At all?"

"No, it-" he froze in shock, "hold on, 'wizard bitch' what-?"

"Why am I here, strange?" She cut him off, saving herself from an argument or a lecture.

Taking a quick and unnoticeable breath of preparation, Stephen began with something simple enough. "What are your powers? What's the main thing you can do?" He asked. She could tell he seemed to dumb it down for her, which she didn't like at all.

Instead of having a civilised conversation with him, she lightly flicked her wrist and twirled her fingers that were aimed towards him. With the blue flakes of her magic wrapping around it, Strange's cape lifted from his shoulders as glided through the small bit of air between them until y/n stopped it in front of her.

"This is a cool cape you've got," she rambled while moving it around. "Makes you look like a proper wizard."

"I am not a wizard, and you're not allowed to touch my stuff, remember?" He reminded her, pulling the cape back over to himself. "You need to understand true power first."

"Oh, I understand true power." She said, her tone bragging but her claim a lie.

He arched his brow, knowing it was a lie. "Really? Please, enlighten me. What do you know about it?"

"I know that I can kick your ass with it right now if you're going to continue being sarcastic with me."

"You're also very sarcastic, you know that? Why cant I be sarcastic if you can?"

"I think I've earned the right to be sarcastic with you, doctor, after the shit that just happened to me."

"I've also been through shit." He firmly told her. Y/n couldn't help but smirk at how innocent his curse word sounded, almost as if he'd never used one before. Even though he had, of course. Many times.

"Something funny?" He asked after noticing that her smirk turned to a small chuckle.

"Oh, no, not at all." She forced her smile to stay that way instead of turning into a laugh. The situation wasn't even funny, y/n just had a habit of laughing when she knew she wasn't supposed to.

"I'd rather you be honest with me, since you and I will be spending a lot of time together in the next few days."

That stopped her laugh. "Woah- what? Why?"

"Your training." He cut her off before she could say anything, "and don't say that you don't need any training, you can't beat a witch as powerful as Agatha Harkness with the light show you displayed for me."

"How am I supposed to learn to beat a witch as powerful as Agatha Harkness in a few days? I'm good, strange, but I'm not that good."

"It's simple. We'll fit as many hours as we need to into the few days we have." He explained. Sort of.

"And how do you think that'll happen?" She folded her arms.

"Easy," he backed up, waving his finger in the air. "Time doesn't flow between these falls. When the time stone enters this room, it slows everything down on the outside world until it eventually stops. We can train for 4 hours in here, and not a second will go by in the real world."

Y/n remained in silence for a few moments. "Yeah, that's impossible."

"You just ripped two of the most powerful women through an inter-dimensional portal using nothing but your own hands. You really wanna argue about what's possible?"

"Fair enough." She tilted her head. There was no way she could argue with that.

"The moment we step out of this room with the time stone, you could probably catch up with your friends. They wouldn't have made it to their rooms yet."

"You're losing me," she looked at him blankly. "You really expect me to believe that no matter how long we spend in here, not a second goes by for everyone else?"

He shrugged. "You wanna sit in here for another hour and test it out?"

"Okay, I'll believe you. I do not wanna do that. But... just so you know I'm exhausted. You can't seriously expect me to jump into training mode in this state."

"I'm not expecting you to do that. Have a rest, we'll try tomorrow. If you're still exhausted, stay in this room until you're better again. It doesn't affect me."

"That's nice, I'm leaving now." As she tried to turn to leave, a grunt slipped from her breath. Turning on her heel angered the wound that still stung in her leg, the wound she'd tried so hard to neglect, but she didn't want it let it show.

"That looks painful." He noticed as if it wasn't completely obvious.

She shook her head, visibly biting back the urge to reply with something along the lines of 'no shit, Sherlock' she refrained from angering him - or the wound - any longer. "it's fine."

"Do you want me to fix it?" He offered, and it was very clear that she didn't expect that kind of response.

She managed to mask the slight moment of shock she felt, quickly covering it up with a blunt, "no."

He clarified, "I am still a doctor, you know?"

"Really? You've never mentioned that before? It's not like it's your fucking brand, doctor strange." She couldn't help herself.

"Stop being stubborn and let me fix your leg, god dammit." He ordered, and she turned. When he saw the way she looked at him, he shrugged, "we've got all the time in the world."

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