Party guest

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"Look, Bucky, I'm not saying that I'm not gonna help you, I just don't want to be caught in the middle of this high school, gossiping-like relationship." Y/n shrugged as she walked beside Bucky.

"Why not?" He asked in a whine.

"Because that's special, it should be between you two, I can't take away the 'love confession' you two are gonna have, that's the best part." She explained.

"Okay, that's a good reason, but I just-." He stumbled for words, "I don't know how to tell him."

"Really?" She cocked her brow, "Bucky Barnes, handsome gentleman of the 40s, doesn't know how to charm someone?"

"Oh, come on, it's different with Sam. It must've been the same with you." He told her, then thought for a moment, "but, you know, with... women."

She smiled but hid it, "honestly, in my opinion, it's easier. It's nerve racking at first because it's new, but when I'm with a women, there's already that connection. It gets rid of the awkward stage because we're already sharing so many things in common. The hard part is getting out of that friendly stage, but I'd say you and Sam are way past that."

Hearing that, Bucky stopped and placed his hand in front of y/n to stop her from walking as well, "wait, what do you mean 'way past that'?"

She rolled her eyes playfully when she stopped, and she shrugged, "it's so obvious, Bucky. If I were you, I'd just come out and tell him, I'd be pretty surprised if he says he doesn't feel the same."

"That's just something people always say, you don't actually know that." He argued.

"Bucky, I don't have the time to keep reassuring you about this, you'll just have to trust me." She chuckled weakly and turned her attention elsewhere, while still allowing Bucky to be heard by her.

While her eyes scanned the interior of the building with an animalistic hunt, Bucky continued to ramble into her ear. For most of the time, she was able to focus on what he was saying, but she stopped listening when she saw Mack aggressively trying to get her attention from where he stood - stuck on the second floor.

After a squint, she quickly realised what his intentions were, so she shut Bucky up by lightly tapping his arm, "we haven't got our coms, mack's trying to talk to us."

"What's he saying?" Bucky asked, immediately prepared to help y/n.

"I don't know, this place is so loud." She grunted as she pushed dancing strangers away from her.

"HEY, CAN WE TURN THE MUSIC DOWN?" He shouted in his loudest voice to the man in the music booth.

Instantly flinching from the sudden and loud booming of his voice, y/n sharply turned and grabbed his wrist before leading him through the crowded room, "god, Bucky, you can't ask a DJ to turn their music down when we're at a party."

"It's always worked for me." He shrugged, letting y/n gently pull him through the people.

"Probably because they're scared of that hunk of metal you've got on you." She mentioned, "which I think is pretty cool, but... you know, everyone has an opinion."

When the two made it to the edge of the dance floor - which was the closest place they could be to Mack - y/n looked up and shouted to get mack's attention. The director heard her within seconds and leant over the railings to call back down to her.


"Shit." She muttered as she released Bucky's wrist from her hand and pivoted to look at the crowd.

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