A release

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"Okay, okay." Y/n shook her hands as she prepared herself in the centre of the room.

"Everyone stay behind here, we don't know how this is gonna work." Mack ordered, "let's just stay as cautious as we can."

"Yeah- yeah, guys," deke began as he took a stand once more. He was suddenly overwhelmed with a confidence that came from the last time everyone else listened to him, so he tried to get that flush of confidence to stay. "I've already said, we don't know what we're dealing with. This is gonna be really hard for y/n so we should just stay back. Again, just a suggestion."

Y/n paused for a moment before looking at him with annoyance, "you done?"

"Yeah." He clapped his hands once before sitting back down in his spot of safety.

Y/n inhaled a deep breath. "I'm not really sure how to start this."

"Start thinking about something emotional, then use your magic on something. Make a mess that she'll have to come to." Bucky suggested.

"What can i use it on? I cant destroy anything." She shrugged, "and I don't think i should kill deke... yet."

"You'll be fine using it in the air, and don't kill any of us, please." Mack rolled his eyes with a small chuckle. "Not even deke."

After waiting for a few moments while preparing, the witch cleared her throat. "Can you guys not look at me while I do this?" She asked in the nicest way possible, "it kinda makes it awkward."

"Yeah, of course." Sam nodded, "everybody turn around." With his order, everyone did.

When she was finally able to feel comfortable in the centre of the room again, she closed her eyes and began thinking. Her memory pulled her back to the dream she had the night before. It wasn't a particularly old memory. She thought - only for a moment - that a recent memory might not even work. Perhaps because it hadn't settled in yet, it wouldn't bring out her emotions in the way she needed it to. In the moments she spent worrying, she didnt realise that the memory existed deep in her subconscious all this time.

From the moment she became close with Wanda, she feared the memory. She was well aware of how much wanda loved vision, and she didnt need half a brain to realise how much it hurt to have them pulled away. Even though she knew wanda loved her, she worried that she still loved the vision more. And even if wanda did love him more, there was nothing y/n could do about it. It wasn't like she could be mad at wanda for still loving him, it wasn't her fault. It wasn't her fault she loved him, it wasn't her fault they were torn apart, so how could it be her fault if she still loved him?

When her eyes closed, she began imagining the haunted surroundings around her. The tree in the front garden. The kids swings in the back one. This whole world of Wanda's was coming to life behind y/n's eyes and she just had to watch. She could already feel her hands aching to release magic, but she needed to build it up, so she remained imagining.

"Hello?" She remembered herself calling, even though it wasn't something to remember.

Just as she expected - and instead of a reply - a soft tune began playing from a radio. Even though she knew the outcome, she tried to move her head to see if someone turned it on, but the radio was still out of view, hidden away on the kitchen counter. Y/n could practically count the seconds it took for the couple to waltz into the living room, which caused her to give up trying with the radio.

They were holding each other lovingly in their arms and swirling from side to side as the sound of the music continued radiating through the house.

While the sight played behind her eyes, a deep blue glow took up the room. The team were facing the other way, but the ocean of her magic poured into their view to a point they could no longer ignore. While trying to remain unspotted, a few of them poked their heads over the rocks to see y/n standing with her eyes closed while a blue wave surrounded her. She was barely visible past the swirls and dashes, which caused a worry.

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