Getting to safety

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"I know this isn't exactly the best thing for us right now." Y/n mumbled to wanda.

Once the team finally met up again, they practically ran from the horrors of the building as fast as they could. As far as they know, when Agatha fled from her place of control, her tricks and illusions disappeared with her. Of course, they didn't have time to check, and y/n wouldn't have let them because she knew how much wanda needed safety.

With Wanda in her arms, y/n led the team out of the building and back to the fastest way they could get to Sharon's, which was the train station. Y/n cradled wanda in her arms the entire time until they got to their seats, but even then, y/n didn't let her go. She vowed not to let her go.

"I did offer to scare everyone off the train so it wouldn't be so crowded in here." Bucky joined in after overhearing.

With a slight smirk and a roll of her eyes, y/n turned to look at Bucky, "that's not what I meant."

"This is fine, y/n." Wanda assured her, burying her head further into y/n's shoulder, which caused y/n to tighten her hold. "We can put up with it."

After glancing at the line of impatient passengers beside them, y/n turned her head closer to wanda to be able to mumble her, "it'll be alright if these people can stop staring at us. I cant stand being stared at."

Wanda softly lifted her head up for a moment to see the people who were staring, then she dropped her head onto y/n's shoulder again. "We'll be alright."

"You sure? Because this one woman's been staring at us for a while." She mentioned as she studied the woman in the line.

They'd managed to get to their seats without worry, but the line for the other carriages had poured out into the empty space between the team. Y/n didn't mind the inconvenience until they started to gain stares - which was fair, considering that her ripped clothes which were covered in blood and dirt were bound to gain unwanted attention.

One woman in particular hadn't been able to keep her eyes away from the two the moment she made it into the carriage, and y/n tried to put up with it, though it was clear that it was bothering her. The last time the woman's beady eyes darted to the two was when y/n couldn't take it anymore. With an annoyed groan, she stared at the woman with a scowl.

"It's blood," she told her, assuming that the blood was what she was staring at, "you've never seen a bit of blood before?"

The woman turned her nose up and mumbled something before the line started moving again. "That's not what I'm staring at."

The very moment y/n caught on to what she meant, she impulsively forced herself out of her seat. However, before she could get too far, wanda stretched her hand across y/n's torso and held her back down.

"Leave it, y/n, she doesn't matter." Wanda assured her.

"Did you not hear what she said?" Y/n asked in shock.

"Be nice." She gave her girlfriend a stern but loving look. "You'll never see her again, she doesn't matter."

Though she was frustrated, y/n took a breath and sunk deeper into her seat. She wanted to argue with the woman. She wanted someone to hurt as if it would release the anger she had against agatha. But wanda didn't want her to hurt anyone, so she kept it in.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team began to interact with each other as casually and quietly as they could, but the talk of their questions soon made it to y/n's ears.

"This isn't the end yet." Sam tried to whisper, but everyone realised that y/n heard it. When y/n turned her head to look at them, sam shuffled awkwardly in his seat as though he owed her more of an explanation. He raised his voice from a whisper and explained. "Agatha's still out there."

When she felt wanda tense under her arm, y/n shook her head, "we'll figure something out."

"This isn't plans for the weekend, y/n, we can't just figure something out. This could be fatal." Mack reminded her.

"Mack, we'll sort it out. I promise, we will, but r ight now, I need to get wanda safe."

"We're heading to Sharon's, right?" Deke asked, gaining confused looks from the rest of the team, especially wanda, "just to confirm... are we going there?"

"Yes, deke." Y/n looked at him blankly, yet with annoyance, "where else would we go?"

With a grunt from under his breath, he dropped back in his seat, "just a question."

Even when the team returned to a casual silence, wanda couldn't help but squint at deke in confusion while her head remained to lie on her lovers shoulder.

"Who are you?" Wanda asked.

Deke - after realising that wanda was talking to him - answered with a shrug, "I'm deke."

Wanda chuckled slightly to herself when she heard the scoff coming from her girlfriend, before she then pushed her head up to look at the man properly.

"I mean, who are you?" She repeated.

"How am I-," deke turned to y/n for assurance, "how am I supposed to answer that?"

Y/n chuckled softly and began twirling strands of wanda's hair in her fingertips, "calm down, deke, she's asking you a question, not aggressively interrogating you. Wanda, this is someone from my old team. They tried to leave him in the past, but he's like wine in a white carpet."

Deke scowled, "what does that even mean?"

"It means you're a stain, deke." She bluntly told him with a look, "you're hard to get rid of and annoying."

"How have you managed to put up with him for this long?" Wanda asked, her bright puppy-dog eyes shining into y/n's as she looked up at her.

"It's crazy the lengths I'll go to just to find you, isn't it?" She masked the words she wanted to say in her sarcasm.

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