Nothing but the truth

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"What?" Y/n shook her head in confusion, "I don't-,"

"Wait, let me get it all out," Wanda cut her off.

"Sorry, okay," y/n softly apologised whilst looking at Wanda with nothing but love in her eyes.

The clear distress on Wanda's face and the feelings y/n could recognise coursing through her veins made her want to hold her and speak for her, but Wanda wanted to speak more than anything, so y/n had to let her.

"I lied," she admitted. To herself and to y/n.

When y/n realised that Wanda was waiting for her to ask, she spoke, "about what?"

"All of it. About vision, about my life with the kids, I don't want that," the words seemed to pour out of her mouth, "how could I want that when I've got you?"


Panicked and shaking, Wanda cut her off, "Agatha showed me something and I-... I needed to make sure it wouldn't happen. So I had to lie to you."

"What did she show you?" Y/n carefully asked with concern.

"Before I say it, I need you to promise me... you won't do it," she spoke with her head held low.

"Do what?"

"Just promise me," she whimpered.

"Wanda- how can I promise when-,"

"Please. Please, I'm begging you," Wanda finally lifted her head to show y/n her tired and pleading eyes, "promise me you won't do it,"

Although cautious and weary, y/n couldn't bare to see that look in Wanda's eyes, so she clenched her jaw and nodded softly, "... okay. I promise."

"When we eventually fight Agatha... when we fight to stop this whole thing... you end up sacrificing yourself for me."

The silence that came after her confession shattered the room and hit the girls immediately. Wanda was silent as she processed her thoughts, planning out the best way to explain it, but y/n was silent out of shock. Pure, unexpected, shock.

"That's your whole purpose- your meaning. You're the scarlet apprentice because I had to make you powerful enough to save me when I need it. But I swear to you, y/n, I didn't know any of this. Stephen visited you when you changed into the scarlet apprentice and he was acting like something was off. The way he looked at me- he was keeping something from me. That's what this is," she rushed to explain in fear she was losing y/n, "Agatha showed me it, and I-.... I couldn't let it happen. So I needed you to hate me. I needed you to hate me so bad that you wouldn't even think about sacrificing yourself for me."

Silenced in confusion, y/n attempted to make sense of it all, even though it seemed to be one big blur to her, "So you... you weren't shown your perfect life with vision?"

"I was," she nodded, "at first, I was, but I love you too much to give you up for anything else."

While Wanda watched y/n's face with worry for her next words, y/n couldn't bring herself to look up from the floor. "Why didnt you tell me?"

Wanda tried to move her head to get into y/n's line of sight, but y/n wouldn't look up, "because i didnt want you doing anything stupid."

"So you thought to... break my heart?" She finally looked back up at her, tears blurring her eyes.

"Look, y/n, i needed you to hate me. I needed you to not want to even think about sacrificing yourself for me. I needed you to want to let me die."

"Why?" She asked, "why couldn't you have just locked me up so I couldn't be at the fight? Why didn't you think to just kill Agatha yourself?"

"If I held you back, I knew you'd find a way to get back to me and sacrifice yourself," she explained, "it doesn't matter what I do to keep you away, I knew that if you loved me you'd stop at nothing to protect me. So I needed to make you hate me. I had to take away your reason to be with me in that fight."

Again, she took a moment to adjust before speaking, "this doesnt make sense, wanda.'

"I know- i know, i-... i didnt have much time to think about it- when Agatha showed me it, it was the first idea i could think of. Then I'd already gone too far, and i-"

Y/n cut her off before she could ramble, "so what made you want to tell me the truth now?"

"I realised that you'd do it either way," she explained, "no matter how much i make you hate me, i knew you'd always make the sacrifice play. You're just that kind of person. I'd rather stop you from doing it myself than make you stop yourself from doing it."

"Wanda, I-... we wasting all this time- I spent all this time hating you when we could've been planning- we could've found another way to do this," y/n panicked as she realised they didn't have much time left.

"I know- I know, and you can still hate me or blame me for all this but I need you to know I'm sorry. I cant pretend that I'm not helplessly in love with you anymore, I can't stop myself from kissing you every time I see you," her eyes became strained with the wetness, "I'm sorry, y/n, I didn't mean to take it this far, I was just scared. I'm so fucking scared, y/n, because I- I cant lose you. No matter what happens I can't do it- I can't lose you."

When y/n predicted that Wanda was going to break down in that moment, she cradled her head in her hand and pulled her in for a hug. Wrapping her arms tightly around her, y/n held Wanda as she sobbed.

Whilst holding her love and absorbing the information, y/n could only think of one thing: "how could Stephen keep this from me?"

The Scarlet Apprentice 2: The Multiverse Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now