Another lead

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Y/n sat on the couch furthest from everyone else in the room with her bottle resting loosely in her hand. She stared off into the distance as the faint mutters from the group in front of her were blocked out by her concentrated thoughts.

There was nothing in her direction that caught her eye, but she stared off into the blankness in order to finally process the mess of her thoughts. There were a few times where someone from the group would send a glance her way to make sure she was okay, but they then left her to herself for most of the evening.

The routine remained like that until sam decided he didn't want to abandon y/n to her thoughts for a moment longer. So, after clearing his throat, he dipped out of the group conversation to call y/n.

"Y/n, you getting in on this conversation?" He asked.

Shaking her head lightly to pull herself from her damaging thought process, she replied with her attention loosely focused on the group, "is it interesting?"

"It's about if our lives were normal, so it depends if you consider that interesting." Bucky joined in.

She thought for a moment, "fine, I've got nothing better to do."

"Get your ass over here." Monica smiled while shuffling to the side to provide a seat for y/n.

While hiding the small smile on her face, the girl made her way over to sit with the group. They all stopped their conversations and waited while she got seated, but she was eager to jump into talking - or what was most likely distracting herself.

"So what would everyone's life be like if we were... normal?" She asked.

"Well, I was just saying how I'd be an Internet sensation for hacking racist and homophobic troll accounts." Daisy answered.

The soft smile broke through y/n's defences, "yeah, I remember you telling me that."

Daisy shrugged, smiling to herself because of the seemingly normal conversation she had with the girl she once would've given her life for. "Still my guess."

"I'd still be a biochemist." Jemma announced, "I mean, not with all the experience I have now, obviously, but I'd still be in a lab somewhere."

Fitz shook his head, "if I had the chance to go back and restart, I'd choose something fun."

"Oh, yeah?" Y/n cocked her brow, "and what would that be, Fitz?"

"I'd own a zoo that only has monkeys." He shrugged.

"Do you even know how to take care of a monkey? I know you love them, but have you ever even gotten close to one?" She asked with a playful smile.

"Oh, alright, what would yours be then?" He rolled his eyes jokingly and asked.

Even if his question seemed like another one of the bunch, everyone's eyes in the group immediately redirected themselves to look at y/n. She paused under the unexpected attention, but soon returned to herself with a small cough.

"I don't know, really. I've never thought about it. I don't think I'd want a very big and famous life, you know? Owning my own book shop would be cool. But, then again, I'd need something to blow off steam, so maybe I'd be a criminal on the side." She answered, "that's a joke, Sam, before you go all 'captain america' on me."

"Alright, alright." He playfully groaned while sipping some of his drink.

"Go on, what would you wanna be if you weren't captain america?" She asked, looking at him with a curious stare.

He thought for a moment, "I'd still want to be doing whats right. I don't need to wear the Stars and Stripes to be able to help people, and I don't need a shiny metal shield to be able to defend people. Under the charade and the costume has to be someone who's willing to do whatever it takes for the greater good. There can't be a captain america if the person holding the shield isn't a good person. If I wasn't captain america, I'd be no different. Sure, I wouldn't have the fame, the resources, or the protection... but I'd have the morals and the determination, which is all I'd need." After his emotional and heartfelt speech that left everyone in silence, he shrugged, "or a chef."

"For me, personally, I would still be partying in the 50s." Bucky shrugged, "god, I miss that."

"Yes, I love dancing." Monica agreed with a smile.

Simmons smiled as she reminisced, "it's been so long since I've danced."

"There's nothing like dancing in the 50s, I hate to break it to you." Bucky shook his head.

"The 50s were pretty fun, you're right." Daisy nodded.

"When were you in the 50s?" Bucky asked.

"It's a long story."

"Guys, don't get too hurt over it, we're going to a party for the next reading." Fitz reminded everyone.

While the group casually nodded or shrugged along, y/n furrowed her brows, "that's a joke, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like that's just something mack said to get us in a better mood?" She explained, "we're not actually going to a party, are we?"

"Do you not want to go to a party?" Sam asked.

"Well, I'm not exactly in the best mindset to be drinking and dancing all night."

Simmons smiled softly, "we're not going there to  party, you don't need to worry about that."

"No, but, come on. Seriously?" She whined, "did Mack plan this or something?"

"No, I did not." Mack's deep voice answered her question as he stepped into the room, "and we're leaving soon, so get ready."

"Oh, no." Y/n began complaining as she pushed herself up from her seat, "Mack, come on, this has to be a joke. I mean- I don't even have anything to wear."

"Where do you think I've been for the past 3 hours? Everyone's outfits are in their bunks, don't take longer than half an hour." He announced.

"Are we seriously doing this?" She asked.

Instead of answering her question, Mack furthered into the room to occupy himself, leaving y/n with no answer. When she looked to the only person who was looking at her, she received an answer from them.

Bucky shrugged, "I guess we are."

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