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"Buck, could you pass me the bread?" Sam asked as he stretched his hand out.

Bucky, while chewing his slice of bacon, asked, "you want the salt too?"

"Why the fuck would I want the salt?" Sam sarcastically asked, "can I just have the damn bread?"

"Can you two seriously not just get along? We're trying to have a nice lunch." Wong shook his head in disapproval as he watched the two.

While the people at the table finished off whatever arguments they were having, y/n finally stepped out of the shower. She went in with the hope that the hot water would strip her of her worries, but it didn't. No matter how hard she tried to forget about Wanda, nothing worked. She just wished something would work.

She remained in the bathroom for a while. Whether she was staring into the mirror with hate, or looking down at the wounds she'd collected over the past months trying to get Wanda back, she lingered in the bathroom for as long as she possibly could.

At some point, she decided to push herself off the edge of the bath and leave the room to wander the halls again. With her hair drying at her shoulders, she wandered into the dining room where everyone else sat around the large table.

The moment she entered it to see it filled with people, she turned on her heel and attempted to slip away silently, but Strange caught her before she could leave.

"Ah, y/n. There you are. Would you like to join us?" He asked, waving his hand over the empty seat which happened to be beside Wanda. "Wong made a lovely array of sandwiches."

"Thank you for the offer, and thank you Wong, I'm sure they're lovely, but I'd rather... do literally anything else." She turned once again, trying her best to avoid looking in the direction of the beady emerald eyes she could feel burning into her.

"Come on, y/n," Wong waved her over, "I need someone with taste to appreciate what I've made."

"Yes, because apparently the four people around you aren't good enough." Strange spoke for himself, Sam, Bucky, and Wanda.

Wong shrugged and continued eating his food.

"Stephen, not to ruin the mood, but don't we have a witch to fight? Is it really the best use of our time to be doing this?" She asked.

Before Strange could provide his well-thought-out response to the question he knew y/n would ask, someone unknown entered the room and spoke for him.

"Someone's uptight." The voice mentioned.

"I'm not uptight, I-," y/n stopped herself from talking when she saw who it was.

It was a woman. With dark hair - braided from the scalp to the end - hanging delicately off of her back, she walked across the room between y/n and the table. Her dusky brown eyes that matched her skin followed y/n with a flirtatious look until she occupied the last empty chair beside Wanda.

Although slightly mesmerised by her beauty, y/n put back on her defensive mode, "who the fuck is this?"

"That's Robin," Strange casually answered as if he expected y/n to immediately understand, "and, y/n, we don't know where Agatha is. Until we find her, we can't do much. So unless you know where she might be, you've got to take it easy. It doesn't hurt to relax every once in a while."

"Yeah, y/n. Don't be afraid to let loose." Robin joined in again, smirking from where she sat.

While Robin's eyes stayed locked on y/n's frustrated face, Wanda turned to face her with a look of disbelief. For a moment there, she was ready to start an argument. Because, for a moment there, she forgot that she was the reason y/n wasn't hers anymore.

"I'm not trying to be a bummer, I'm just trying to stay practical," she tried to explain, "Agatha might be stronger than we know. I don't want to face her if we're unprepared."

Bucky shrugged his shoulders, "there's not much more I can do. Unless all it takes to kill Agatha is by crushing her with my metal arm, I can't really prepare anymore."

"And it's even worse for Sam," Wong mentioned, unprovoked, "he hasn't even got the metal arm."

Sam looked offended, "I'm sorry- did I do something to upset you?"

While he let the rest of the table bicker, Strange turned to y/n again, "you've already finished todays training. You're free to do some more by yourself if you'd like. You can train with your magic in the usual place, or there's a real nice punching bag down the hall to the left which might be what you're looking for."

"A punching bag? You really think that's what I need right now?" She sarcastically asked.

While she stood in place, her eyes trailed to where they felt most drawn to until they landed on Wanda. The moment their eyes locked, it was almost like before. That feeling of not being able to look away flushed over Wanda, and she smiled ever so slightly.

However, while Wanda's hope grew for all the wrong reasons, y/n's eyes effortlessly pulled away from Wanda's, and that hope was pulled from Wanda instantly. Y/n had never been able to take her eyes away from Wanda's before - not when Wanda was looking back.

"Fine," y/n looked away and headed for where Stephen pointed her, "that'll do."

Wanda's eyes desperately watched y/n as she walked away before her head dropped to the floor behind her. When she turned around and slumped back in her seat, Bucky squinted and gave her a look.

"You not gonna go after her?" He asked after watching the way she looked at her.

Wanda shook her head and looked down at her hands in her lap, "she wouldn't want me to."

With furrowed brows, Bucky took his eyes away from Wanda and put them on Sam, where he received a shrug. After finishing the last sip of his drink, he excused himself and headed for the gym where y/n ventured to.

The Scarlet Apprentice 2: The Multiverse Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now