A strange world

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The room they were in had many cutaway exits for the team to run through. Each wall had an open space - which once held a door, but now stood empty - so each team took one of them in order to get away. Sam and bucky ran to through the door which stood the closest to the bunch, daisy and Mack took the exit on the left, leaving deke and y/n to take the furthest one.

When whatever version of wanda it was began displaying her hands engulfed in magic, the team instantly split up without deciding on the teams. Of course, y/n knew she wasn't going to be happy being stuck with deke, but she couldn't find the time to complain about it while they ran across the room and ducked into a small passage.

Deke stuck as close to y/n as he could for the majority of their run for his own safety, and for once, y/n tried to protect him. None of the teams knew where they were running to, but they stayed close to their partners and tried to stay safe from whatever was chasing them.

"Keep an eye out." Y/n warned deke as she stretched her hand back to make sure he was still behind her. "I don't think wanda's the only thing that'll come out of this alternate universe, so don't trust anyone."

That was one thing each of the teams worried about. They didnt think that wanda was the only thing they'd be running from that day, but they didnt know what to expect either. All they could do was stick with their partner and trust them, and only them. No one else.

"How can i trust you?" He asked her.

She turned around from where she stood and lightly punched him in the arm with a look of annoyance. "Don't ask stupid fucking questions, we don't have time for this."

"Wha- it was a serious question!" He argued, subtly rubbing the slight pain in his arm.

"Just stop talking." She whispered and dragged him down the corridor by his sleeve. "Of course you can trust me, I'm-"

Their smooth walk through the dark and quiet hallway was interrupted the moment a red blast of energy struck the ground between them - a red blast of energy that could've only come from the scarlet witch.

The blast threw deke into an empty room they were planning on walking past, while it tossed y/n into the very wall they were trailing against. The bricks smashed as she hit them, then scattered across the ground as y/n slid across the floor. Coughing for her breath, y/n instantly rose to her feet while harbouring the numerous new wounds she'd gotten.

"God, what the fuck did i do to you in this other universe, wanda?" She asked, even though she knew wanda wouldn't rationally talk to her.

As she saw the red light moving up the hallway and heading to her, y/n turned immediately and dragged her weak body to the nearest exit in the room. A single and damaged wooden door hung onto its hinges in the corner of the room, and y/n didnt have time to question its purpose before she practically threw herself into it.

The moment the door closed behind her, everything changed. Everything around her changed - even the ground - but it felt natural. It was as if she'd left the building and entered the outside, but she knew that was impossible.

She knew she wasn't dreaming. It was all too real. Her pain was real, her emotions were real, her surroundings were real. But she couldn't figure out where she was. She'd left the old and broken room of the storage facility they were in, but entered the windy streets of New York.

Deke hadn't followed her into wherever she'd entered, so she was alone. However, the more she focused on her surroundings, the sooner she realised that she wasn't. A large group of people crowded around something in the distance, each person pushing past the next to get to the centre. There was something they were trying to see, but y/n paced over in hopes that one of them would tell her where she was.

She could hear the sounds of cars crashing and people screaming past the ringing in her ears and she didnt pay it any attention. Her legs picked up their pace before slowing down when she made it to the outside of the group.

"Excuse me - what year is it? Where am i?" She asked the woman furthest from the middle, but she got no response.

The woman didnt even acknowledge her presence at all, not even when she lightly pushed her shoulder to get her attention. Then she realised that she couldn't get anyone's attention. Everyone in the group had instructed their attention to be on whatever was in the middle of it, and nothing else.

With a small scoff, y/n pushed through everyone in the group, slightly wondering why they seemed to let her get through but no one else. When her eyes landed upon what they were all looking at, she froze immediately.

Lying on the ground, surrounded by all the residents of the nearby houses, was the body of her brother.

"No." Her strained voice told herself as she felt her heart sink. "No, no- this isn't real." She mumbled to herself as she backed up through the group in a desperate plead to get back to her reality.

The moment she turned to leave the group, she stumbled to her knees as the world changed around her again. She had returned to the dreary inside of the storage facility once again, her knees resting in a shallow puddle. She instantly pushed herself up and brushed the gravel off of her knees while trying to calm herself down.

"This isn't real- that wasn't real." She shook her head as she whispered to herself.

Whatever room she was in, she was alone. She leant against the wall and panted for her breath to try and stay as calm as possible. She knew she needed to stay sane. She needed to do it for wanda.

"You're okay, that wasn't real." She spoke to herself once again, and took a breath before she heard a voice.

"Y/n?" It called from the dark.

"Deke?" She instantly asked it without giving it much further thought, "deke, is that you?"

"If you're talking about that belligerent space goon, then no. I'm not deke." The voice became recognisable.

She released a breath in confusion, "Fitz?"

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