Haunted by memories

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"There's no way you'd make it, that tree is way too high." Wanda chuckled as she stepped through the tall grass of the field they were in.

The sun shone for them on that day, giving the two the perfect time to admire each other. For miles, the only noise they heard was birds chirping or the gentle flow from the streams waters.

"I've been climbing trees since I came out of the womb, wanda, I think I can handle that one." Y/n sarcastically scoffed back to her.

"I know you're exaggerating, but some part of me does believe that." She shrugged, "it's not that I think you can't do it, it's that I don't want you to love the outdoors so much. I miss my grumpy indoor girlfriend, I don't want the beautiful nature to steal you away from me." Wanda smirked.

With a smile, y/n stopped her slow walk and turned to wanda, taking her hands in her own and giving her a loving look, "nothing will ever steal me away from you. And definitely not the outdoors, wanda, I only come out here for you. I hate bugs and the heat."

"You hate bugs?" Wanda cocked her brow, "you literally lose your shit whenever you think I'm going to kill a spider I find in the cabin."

"Okay, I hate bugs, but I don't think you should squash it into the wall just because it's scaring you, just hide behind me while I get it for you."

Looking up into the eyes of her love, wanda smiled brightly, "I love you, you know that?"

Y/n faked a confused look, "I don't think you've told me that before."

Chuckling softly, wanda perched herself up on her toes and kissed y/n's lips to stop her sarcasm. When she pulled away, she saw the smile that remained on y/n's face.

"I love you too." She reminded her.

"You do?" Wanda asked, a daring light shining in her eyes, "you should probably do something about it then."

Instead of replying with a witty comment or sarcastic joke, y/n chuckled softly at bit her lip. However, her girlfriend didn't have any time to admire the blushing on y/n's face until she was picked up from the ground and held tightly in her arms.

Y/n wrapped her arms around wandas waist and held her tightly close to her, while wanda wrapped her legs around y/n's to keep stable. When wandas legs wrapped around her, y/n cautiously moved her hands down to hold wandas thighs and secure her where she sat. With an excited giggle, wanda wrapped her hands around y/n's neck.

"You're so beautiful, wanda." She told her, studying every part of her face with her loving eyes.

"I love it when I bring out the soppy y/n." She pouted.

Y/n faked dropping her smile, "she's going away now."

"No, come on, I love her so much." Wanda whined.

"Well," she shrugged, "looks like you're stuck with the normal y/n for a while."

The witch tilted her head and smiled to her girlfriend while giving her a look, "I'm sure I'll manage."

With a smile but no explanation, y/n slowly began turning with Wanda still perched against her. She watched the way wandas eyes dropped to a playful fear, and she felt the way wandas arms and legs tensed around her.

"Stop, we're gonna fall!" She squealed in a giggle as she held on tightly to y/n.

"Oh, no, we might fall and land on this beautiful grass where we could lay in each other's arms until the sun sets, what a scary scenario." She theatrically panicked.

"Well when you put it like that..." she grinned before dropping herself backwards, which she knew would pull y/n down with her.

However, during the seconds that they were falling for, y/n turned in the air and made sure she was the only who would take the impact by hitting the floor. When her back hit the ground and Wanda landed on top of her, the girls chuckled to each other.

"Well, would you look at that." Wanda smiled down at her, "looks like I've got my own little superhero."

Y/n cocked her brow, "says the avenger."

With a soft smile, wanda looked into her eyes for a long moment before leaning down and placing another soft kiss on her lovers lips.


"Y/n?" Mack asked for the third time. When y/n finally snapped out of her daydream and lifted her head, he repeated, "you okay?"

She sighed deeply, "yeah. I'm fine."

"You've been really quiet this whole trip." He noticed.

"Do you expect me to be talkative right now?" She sarcastically scowled.

"No, no." Mack shook his head, "that's not what I meant, but you're usually talking to someone."

"Well, I'm so sorry that I'm not entertaining someone or discussing the weather, but I'm kinda stressed if you didn't fucking realise that, mack."

That was the final straw that caused Sam to gently push himself out of where he sat and walk over to the two. His attention was caught when Mack first called y/n, and it remained throughout their conversation so he could assure that she'd be okay.

"Hey, why don't you go give Monica some company?" Sam suggested to Mack with his soft tone, "I'll sit with y/n."

Just by hearing Sams voice, y/n dropped her head down into her hands and looked at the floor while bunching her hair between her fingers. Sam slowly sat down on the seat beside her, his eyes cautiously staying on her until one of them decided to talk.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take, Sam." She began shaking her head as she mumbled.

"You can do it, you've been doing so well." He softly reminded her.

"No- no, Sam, I-..." she huffed to stay calm, "I can't keep doing this."

He nodded, "I know you can."

"You don't know that." She kept her head low.

"I do." He assured her once more, "I know it, I've seen it."

Y/n sniffed, "I'm faking it. I'm barely managing to get through this."

"You're doing a brilliant job."

"I'm not, I'm-."

"Y/n." He firmly said, and she finally lifted her head, but not to look at him. She dropped her head back and looked up at the ceiling, sighing herself to calmness while tears stained her eyes. "You are one of the strongest people I know, and I haven't even known you for that long. From the very first moment I met you, you've been determined and strong. You've not given up, you've been hopeful, and you've still managed to make everyone laugh and smile while you deal with whats literally the hardest thing you're ever gonna have to go through."

While he gave his speech, she dropped her head to look at him, their eyes instantly locking, which amplified the connection.

"This situation is completely fucked, but if there's anyone who can do it, it's you." He assured her, "I admire your determination, y/n, I really do. And I hate seeing you be disappointed, but I'm waiting to see just how happy you'll be when we finally get her back."

"What if we don't?" She asked.

Sam looked her in the eyes with assurance, "we will. I promise you... we will."

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