Soaring through other worlds

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As Wanda hit the ground of the first destination Agatha was dragging her through, she let out a groan. Agatha, on the other hand, recovered quickly and rose to her feet before waiting for wanda to also get up. After what felt like ages of fighting through the borders of universes, the two witches finally landed in the first one.

The moment wanda hit the floor, she pushed herself back up and scowled at agatha. The desire to take her down was burning through her, fuelling her with rage and hatred.

"I'll kill you." She warned her once she had pushed herself up to her feet. However, the moment she saw her surroundings and recognised where the two of them where, she stopped. "Where are we?"

"Your home." Agatha told her, holding her hands out as if to display the inside of the cabin that they were in.

"What?" she mumbled before allowing herself to look around.

Something about the cabin was different, and she instantly noticed that. Although the walls and furniture were all the same, the cabin had lost the sense of home that Wanda loved about it. It didn't give her the same sense of comfort that it usually would, and she wasn't instantly pleased to be back in the shell of her safety. That's when she realised that it wasn't the cabin that brought her comforts; when she had figured out what was missing.

"Where's y/n?" Wanda asked.

"Y/n left." Was the answer she got, "months ago."

Wanda turned, her face flushing with confusion and worry, "what do you mean she left."

"You see, wanda," the evil witch began trailing the room, "this is what your life would be like if y/n wasn't so stubborn. If she'd have just let you help her the first time you offered, she would've made it to the village and gone back to sword. Not only would she have been unknowingly stuck with an organisation who wanted her in control or out of the picture, but she never would've been forced to stick around long enough to fall in love with you."

"No, it was the rain that kept her inside." She corrected her.

"No, wanda. She would've made it to that village before it started raining if she wasn't persistent to get away from you." Agatha shook her head.

Wanda kept her head up, but dropped her eyes down to process what she'd been told. She felt her chest become heavy as she thought about what her life would've been like if she never met y/n.

"Why are you showing me this?" she finally asked.

Instead of simply answering her question, Agatha waved an illusion from her hand and watched it mimic the fight they had not long before, when they were on their original universe. Wanda, seeing another version of Agatha and y/n in the room, made her way over to the illusion, even though she knew that not one part of it was real.

Moments before Wanda could get close enough to feel y/n next to her again, the illusion of herself busted through what would've been the ceiling, showing how it looked from a third perspective. She watched the events play out until she made to the part where herself and y/n were talking.

"Y/n stop." Her past self said, "please, stop being persistent, I hate it. Just stay here, let me do this."

Wanda's face dropped once she saw y/n's hurt facial expression. Now that she was out of the moment and away from her immediate worry, she was able to see that what she previously said hurt her girlfriend.

"Now she's universes away, thinking that you hate that about her." Agatha reminded her.

"No, I didn't-." wanda shook her head, "I didn't mean it like that. I just needed her to stay away."

"I'm not the one who needs to hear that."

"Why are you doing this?" She asked as she fought back the urge to blast her.

"I just want you to know how she's doing right now. How she probably thinks that you don't trust her."

As she listened to agatha's words, her red energy began swarming at her hands. She held eye contact with her, so agatha was able to see the anger radiating from her opposing witch.

"You can try and hurt me all you want, but that won't change anything. I've already tried to take your magic before, I just need to take y/n's and I'll be unbeatable."

"She'll never let you." Wanda told her, "she's stronger than you know, and she'll never give that to you."

"I'm afraid she won't have a choice." Agatha shrugged.

Wanda kept her hand ready beside her while she listened to whatever Agatha would say, making sure to stay cautious and prepared for a trick.

"She can feel you whenever we're close to her universe. Her and her little scientist friends have found a way, and she'll reach in to get you back using her magic." Agatha began explaining, "but what she won't be able to do is reach her magic in without me draining it from her. Just like how I almost managed to drain it from you."

Wanda realised, "you'll kill her."

"It's a small price to pay for what I've always wanted." She shrugged. "I'm not the villain here, wanda. I'm not taking her powers to use them against her, I'm taking them because she doesn't know how to use them. You should know what I mean, think of all the people you've hurt with your powers. She's just as powerful, do you really want her to go through the pain you have?"

"Don't make yourself seem like the hero." She snarled.

"In a way... I am. I'm doing this for you two, you can live a normal life as normal people. You won't be feared, you won't be labelled as weapons, because you will be normal."

"We are normal." She told her, "you want our power for yourself, you want to use it for bad things."

Agatha sighed when she realised that wanda would never understand her point. "If you won't give it over willingly then I'll just drain the life out of y/n and use it to take your powers away too."

Without hesitation, wanda lunged herself at agatha with anger, which sent them both flying through another layer of universes, where they'd stay until they landed somewhere else.

The Scarlet Apprentice 2: The Multiverse Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now