Having fun

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Though the thought of defeating Agatha lurked in the back of her mind, y/n couldn't help but indulge in the excitement of the night. To everyone's surprise, she didn't hesitate when someone asked her to dance or whenever someone dragged her to the bar or the food tables because they didn't want to be alone. No one knew if it was y/n's pivotal realisation of how much she would love letting the stress go, or if it was the amount of drinks y/n had managed to get herself between every dance that made her so relaxed. Whatever it was, people easily began to love this side of her, even if they knew they'd never see it again.

After her dance with Shang-Chi had finished, y/n had greeted some of the other guests - laughing with the men and dancing with the women - until she finally circled back round to her own group.

At one point in the night, Shang and Katy had swarmed the dance floor and forced everyone to move away and form a circle around them. There, in the centre of the crowd, the two performed a team dance that they'd clearly been practising for a while. As the two drunkenly danced together, the interested crowd around them clapped and cheered them on.

Then the crowd blended together as one again while Shang and Katy went to replenish their energy by devouring the best foods at the food tables. While Bucky was busy dancing with a different woman, Sam and y/n shared a dance. Although, they couldn't dance for long after being interrupted by Bucky's claim to be a better dancer than Sam. Y/n wished he would've let it go and continued dancing with her, but Sam immediately departed to compete in a competition against Bucky in order to determine who the better dancer was.

So, while the two immaturely battled it out on the dance floor, y/n wandered around in a search for finding someone to annoy. During her wanders, she found Wong hanging around the back of the room, almost hiding away from the crowded bunch.

"Wong!" Y/n shouted over the music to get his attention while she pushed through people to get to him, "you alright? Why are you hiding over here, don't you wanna dance?"

He shook his head and formed a lie, "these songs aren't getting to me."

She gave him a look, "that's bullshit, Wong. Beyoncé is literally in your playlist."

"Who told you that?" He instantly asked before clearing his throat to dismiss it, "I just don't like dancing."

"Everybody likes dancing," she said, "you just need a few drinks in you."

"That is not what I need- and I am not taking advice about drinking from you."

"What? Why?"

"Y/n, this entire time you've been talking to me, you've been looking at the wall," he clicked his finger to get her attention, "I'm over here. Someone needs to calm it down with the drinks, hmm?"

"That's ridiculous, I don't know who you could possibly be talking about," she shook her head and finally looked at the real Wong instead of the wall, where she drunkenly thought he was, "look, if you don't want to dance with me, I'll just send someone over here to sweep you off your feet. Believe me, I'll find the right person."

"You don't even know the first thing about my type, y/n," he told her as she began walking into the crowd.

"I'm an excellent guesser," she shouted back, smirked at him, then turned back around and merged into the crowd.

She headed wherever her feet seemed to guide the rest of her body, which was back to the comforts of her group. Bucky and Sam had finally finished their dance battle and left each other after the crowd proclaimed Sam as the winner; Sam walking away with pride and confidence, while Bucky pretended not to care about the loss.

When Bucky saw y/n walking to the group, he made his way over to her with his hand out in front of him, poised like that of a traditional gentleman.

"May I have a dance?" He asked.

All it took was one glance at how happy Sam seemed to be in the background, and y/n smirked in Bucky's face, "you lost the dance battle, didn't you?"

"Alright," he playfully rolled his eyes before pulling y/n in for a dance.

Although he pulled her in as his way of trying to avoid accepting his loss, he made sure to be gentle at all times. It was no secret that Bucky avoided touching people with his metal arm as much as he could, but when he placed it around y/n's back and saw no anxious reaction from her, he could relieve himself of that worry.

"I've had a lot of compliments on this," he smiled down at her, referring to his hair, as he gently placed his other hand on the small of her back, "so, thank you."

"I have to say, I have always wanted to style your hair," she told him, her hands hanging behind his neck as her arms rested on his shoulders, "since the day I first saw you, I began imagining different ways I could style it."

"Don't get too cocky, this is the only style you're allowed to try," he warned her.

"You can think that if it makes you feel better," she hummed, "but we both know you'll give in at some point."

For a moment, she turned her head away from Bucky and scanned the crowd for no reason in particular other than to be curious. Then, when she caught the glimpse of red in the corner of her eye, she tried to look away, but she couldn't.

When her eyes unwillingly latched onto the witch in the distance, she couldn't pull them away. The pace she danced with Bucky with slowed, and her focus remained solely on Wanda's thoughts raced around her mind.

"This should be her in my arms," she thought to herself - and only herself - as she stood, almost still in the movement of it all, "I should be hearing her laugh, drowning in her voice. My hands shouldn't be on the shoulders of Bucky as we dance, they should be resting on the silk of Wanda's dress as we sway to the music. My laughter isn't true if I'm not laughing at one of her jokes. My smile isn't there if I'm not watching her dance in the kitchen as she makes me pancakes. Is my excitement even there if I'm not play fighting with her in the living room of the cabin we shared? Can I ever allow myself to enjoy waking up if it's not beside her, in our bed, with her hand in mine."

"Y/n?" Bucky called, his tone making it clear that it wasn't the first time.

Shaking her head, she looked at him and plastered a smile on her face, "yeah?"

"You alright?" He asked, looking down at her with such a genuine love and compassion in his eyes.

"I'm okay, Buck," she weakly smiled before taking her arms off of his shoulders, which caused him to take his arms off of her waist as he worried if he'd done something wrong, "I'm just gonna get a drink, okay?"

Although he looked worried, he nodded and mumbled ever so softly, "okay."

"Don't get too busy dancing with someone else, alright? I wanna continue this when I'm back," she jokingly told him, hoping that her mood change would convince him that she was alright.

But it didn't. Of course, it didn't. The care he had for y/n would never have allowed him to drop his worries so quickly. His eyes followed her on her way to the bar, but he soon had to stop watching when a rather drunk friend of his bumped in to him.

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