Getting out of hand

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As the night progressed and the darkness began taking over the city around them, guests at the party soon became noticeably intoxicated as the delights of the open bar enticed them. Though not many members of the team had allowed themselves to get too drunk and out of hand, some of them still treated themselves to drinks to ease the mood.

Strange had spent a lot of his time reuniting with some of the friends he had made during his time as a doctor or charming many of the women who attended, apart from the few times he'd join the group to make sure y/n was still enjoying the party, or to annoy Wong whenever he tried to have a moment to himself. As for the rest of the group, however, they had stuck together for most of the night. Sam and Bucky wouldn't leave each others sides - they said how it was because they constantly wanted to annoy the other, but y/n knew it was because the wanted to dance together but they were both too shy to ask. There were times where she had considered daring them to do it just so they'd dance together out of spite, but she soon became distracted.

Not distracted by the music or the general atmosphere the party created, but by the way the alcohol soon took control of her mind and body. It was an unconscious decision to punish herself with a strong taste of alcohol whenever her eyes fell to Wanda. Whenever she glanced at the red dress that seemed to be in the corner of her eye no matter where she looked, she'd forced herself to take another shot. Soon, without realising it, she'd given herself so much that it became noticeable in the way she walked and talked.

While she had hoped to keep her drunken behaviour hidden for the rest of the night, it became clear that she wasn't holding up alright when she stumbled into Bucky on her way to the bar once again. Although confused, Bucky gently held out his arm to support y/n, even though she had managed to stand herself back up on her own.

"Hey, y/n," he changed his tone when he realised something was wrong, "you okay? you didn't come back for our dance."

"Heyy- ... b... bucket," her words slurred from her mouth.

"Y/n, you're-," he paused, "you're really drunk, are you okay?"

Her mouth opened as she tried to say something, but nothing came out. Instead, her eyes focused on Bucky for a minute before she broke out into an unexpected and continuous laughter. Brows furrowed in confusion, he started to gently laugh with her. Then, during their laughter, Sam bumped in to Bucky once again which had distracted him enough for y/n to slip away from his sights.

Before he could find her again, she had managed to stumble her way back over to the bar. When the bartender refused to serve her a drink out of his worry for her safety, she scoffed to herself and lingered around the few people sitting there.

"You okay, beautiful?" A stranger beside her asked, "you want some of my drink?" When she turned to the stranger to see that he was nothing but a drunken, old, white, man, she turned back and rolled her eyes while groaning. "I'm being nice, you don't need to be such a bitch about it," he scoffed.

Y/n turned to the man once again, "do me a favour and go fuck yourself."

"God, what is wrong with you?" He asked as he turned away and sipped from his glass of alcohol, "is it your time of the month?"

As she bit back her urge to hurt the man, she put on a fake smile and turned to him once again, this time with a lighter energy, "I'm sorry. You know us girls, always being so grumpy when we should be respectful when talking to men like you. I will have some of your drink."

"That's more like it," he smirked while handing her the drink.

She smiled as she took the almost full glass from his hand, but that smile soon turned into a devilish smirk as she tipped the rich liquid onto the mans expensive suit and forcefully slammed the glass onto his crotch. He instantly stood up and began exclaiming in anger, whereas y/n stood up and laughed at the stain on his trousers.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!?" He yelled, which soon caught the attention of the other partiers, as well as y/n's team.

Without a snarky reply, y/n began to laugh at the angry man, which only made him more enraged. While they argued, they began getting comments from the surrounding crowd. When no one from the crowd could step in and take y/n away from the potentially dangerous situation, someone who had the courage to finally did.

"Y/n, stop- stop!" Wanda yelled over the noise as she pulled y/n away.

Y/n pushed herself away from Wanda with shock before pushing her hair out of her face and smirking at her, "or what?" When she said that, the people around her seemed to go stiff and silent. Bucky and Sam were the closest to y/n, but they did not intervene, they simply watched cautiously. "Or what, Wanda?" She asked again, but Wanda remained, silently staring at her while obviously holding herself back from speaking. "Why do you even do this? Why are you still acting like you give a shit about me or anything I do? Don't you have a robot to go fuck?"

"Y/n, you're drunk," Wanda finally spoke to tell her, "and we're leaving."

"Oh, come on, it was just getting good!" Y/n shouted before forcing a swig of alcohol down her throat from a bottle that she'd somehow gotten ahold of.

When she pulled the bottle from her lips, Sam stepped forward with his hand outstretched as he attempted to take the bottle away from her. However, y/n immediately pulled it away from him and laughed, "don't," she mumbled before turning to Wanda, "she should be the one to take it, right?" The people around her began looking, "since you care about me so much."

"Y/n," Wanda flashed her a look, noticeably becoming more annoyed at her behaviour.

"Go on, Wanda," Y/n continued, "why don't you just cut me off from this drink exactly like how you cut me off from you?"

She gave her a softer look, "Y/n, please."

"Or do you not do that anymore since you don't love me. You love the robot, don't you?" She blurted out and began to raise the bottle to her lips once more.

In a spirt of anger, Wanda summoned her energy and threw the bottle against the wall, causing it to smash to pieces after snatching it from y/n's grip. The people in the vicinity gasped or yelled as they stepped away from Wanda, and from the smashed bottle.

After looking at the fragments of glass with a grin on her face, y/n turned to wanda, "there it is."

While the red sizzled out in her eyes, Wanda repeated, "we're leaving." Although the rest of the crowd looked shocked and haunted, y/n turned on her heel while a weak laugh escaped her breath. Wanda looked at the rest of the team, "we're leaving."

The group had made their way to the exit as quickly as they could to get away from the situation, but y/n's drunken manor had caused her to stumble to the doors, and eventually knock into a man, causing his drink to spill over the end of his sleeve. Despite her not thinking much of it, the man turned to her with an exaggerated anger.

"Can you not see that I'm standing right here? Stupid fucking whore," he mumbled under his breath before turning back to the friend he was talking to.

Y/n should have let it go. Everyone else knew she should've let it go, but of course she wouldn't. If anyone on her team was close enough to her, they would've stopped her. But no one was. No one could have stopped her. Mixed with an argumentative spirit and the amount of alcohol she'd taken, she didn't think before taking the glass out of the mans hand and smashing it over the side of his head.

As the glass shattered and blood dripped from his head, he instantly swung back. If y/n's drunken mind would've expected the retaliation, she would've easily dodged or protected herself, but the influence of the toxins didn't help her at all.

The punch he'd swung had collided into the side of her face and knocked her back entirely until she was suddenly caught by Shang-Chi, who'd just managed to step in in enough time.

Before the man could think to do anything else, Bucky jolted forward and swung his fist into the man's face before he could do to hurt y/n. When the metal hit the mans face, he dropped to the floor and stopped arguing entirely. Bucky pulled his fist back and looked down at the man with disgust and anger before softly turning to y/n with worry and care as they took her out of the building.

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