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The moment the boots of Captain America's suit touched the floor of the sword facility, the eyes of all the agents turned to face him. His head remained looking forward with determination, whilst simultaneously appreciating the support he got.

Of course, there were people who didn't like the fact that Sam wilson had taken the mantle of captain america. Most of them were people who couldn't get over the fact that anyone else could represent the same things steve did, but Sam didn't listen to any of those opinions. In fact, he made it quite clear what his opinion on the matter was when he announced to the world that he wasn't just a stand in.

Sam wilson embodied freedom in a way that Steve never could. He knew struggles, and he also knew how to overcome them in a way that would not only inspire his close friends and family, but the world. Even if there were people who didn't want to accept who he was, it was an undeniable fact. Sam wilson was, and forever would be, captain america.

So, as he left his spot on the quinjet and made his way through the sword facility, he garnered stares of all kinds. Beside him at all times was, of course, the white wolf: Bucky barnes.

Bucky also gained looks, just as Sam did. Although, his weren't so much looks of disagreement, but more looks of judgement and the slight hint of fear. He wore a jacket that covered the metal arm he had, but that didn't stop the stares. There was nothing he could do to stop them, so he simply ignored them.

When the two made it through the main building and to the briefing room, mack greeted them and thanked them for their fast arrival. He'd already laid out everything for them to make a plan, while Monica, Darcy, and Jimmy sat at the table beside it.

However, even though Sam and Bucky gained the most attention with their arrival, they weren't the first ones to show up. When mack realised the seriousness of what they were going to have to do, he called in all the people he thought could help.

The biochemist, Jemma Simmons, sat beside the engineer, Leopold Fitz, in the room as they waited for more to arrive. Although they were planning on retiring away to their Scottish cottage with their daughter after everything that happened to them, they were more than happy to help mack and, most of all, y/n. While fitz packed anything he thought could be useful, Simmons dropped off their daughter with the only people she thought could be trusted with her; Phil Coulson, and Melinda may.

Without wasting any time, the scientists were picked up and brought to the sword facility to help mack instantly. They sat themselves down and began running through the possibilities, waiting until the rest of their recruits arrive, which would allow them to start planning.

Sam took his place around the table and Bucky joined him at his side, like always, and they all began to listen to mack's speech.

"Now that most of us are here," he looked around at the team they'd formed, "we need to get to the bottom of this. No idea is too crazy, not when we're dealing with witches and magic. We need to check for energy signatures that match the readings we got from Agatha, that's our best chance at finding the two."

"Assuming agatha's still with Wanda." Monica added.

"We need to do this." Mack announced, "for y/n."

While the rest of the bunch thought to themselves, Bucky furrowed his brows, "where is she? Y/n?"

"I've told her to rest. She needs time to calm down, we can't let her run straight into this." He explained.

"Sword has satellites that track energy signatures that have the same readings as wanda's and agatha's." Fitz began analysing, "if we can find a way to track the energy before it's at its peak, we can go there to see if it leads us to the two."

"And how would we track it before it's out?" Sam asked.

"It's simple, really." Jemma shrugged, "we need to tune all of swords equipment to look beyond the obvious and strong layer of the energy. If this magic is coming from the multiverse, which is what we all predict it is, then we can pick up traces of energy before it rips a hole through into our universe. It's a matter of observing and measuring space and time. If we look at these readings so far, it's a very weak but existing energy reading that's just circling the map. They're travelling around earth, just not our earth. So, when they do come to this earth, we can stop them from leaving it."

After she'd finished speaking, Sam still looked at her for a while in confusion before he cleared his throat, "simple, right?" He rhetorically asked  with a small smile as he turned to mack, "these are the scientists, I'm guessing."

"I'm fitz, shes simmons." Fitz instantly blurted before jemma could speak, which attracted a confused stare, "big fan. Sorry."

"That's okay, I don't-." He began to say until he saw Fitz's eyes focus on something behind him. So, out of curiosity, he turned to take a look for himself.

Y/n paused at the doorway while fidgeting with her fingers, but she didn't say anything. Her eyes instantly went to Mack's face, and she cleared her throat, "I couldn't sleep."

"That's alright, we were just getting started, come on." Mack moved to clear a space for her.

As she began making her way over, her eyes caught on to the fact that captain america stood in the room. It took her a moment to question it, but once she came to the conclusion that it was real, she paused once again.

"Captain america." She noticed, "wow, hi."

"Hey, y/n." He smiled softly and held his hand out for her to shake. Then, when she took his hand, he gently placed his other over the top of it and looked at her, "I promise you, we are going to try everything. We're not gonna stop until we get Wanda back."

She inhaled a deep breath before releasing it gently and smiling, "thank you." Once she let go of his hand, she turned to the rest of the group who were already looking at her, "thank you. All of you, thank you for coming."

The Scarlet Apprentice 2: The Multiverse Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now