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The morning arrived with the sun shining brightly followed by a soft and gentle breeze which was barely audible through the open windows of the offices at the sword facility. Jimmy, as always, brought the morning coffees to the designated office he and his little team had been assigned to, which brightened his friends days. Yo-yo smiled softly while taking the cup from his hand, while darcy offered him one of the cookies they'd previously bought from the cafeteria.

They spent the first few hours of the morning preparing to welcome their friends back home. They'd been told that the zephyr was returning to sword, but they weren't told why it was coming back. Frankly, they didn't think to ask why they were coming back. The group were just excited to see their friends again after a stressful and challenging battle they'd all fought in together.

When the wind coming through the window picked up its pace and began blowing darcys paperwork away from her, she chuckled softly, "I'd say we've got a visitor."

Yo-yo spun round excitedly in her chair, "the zephyr?"

"Yep." She repeatedly nodded while pushing herself from her chair.

With smiles on their faces, jimmy and elena followed darcy as she paced out of the front door of the sword headquarters to see the zephyr dropping to its land. Though the wind beneath it blew harshly, they stood in place and watched it with wonder.

"Does this ever get old?" Jimmy asked.

"Nope." Yo-yo smiled to him, "never."

Once they plane finally secured itself on the ground and began dropping its hatch open, the trio stood back and awaited to see the faces of their friends again. Then, it finally dropped and revealed everyone standing by it with a smile on their faces as well. The groups instantly met each other in the middle and hugged while they reunited.

"I missed you guys so much." Yo-yo told them before turning to y/n, "did you get her?"

"Actually, we are just about to leave for the last time." Y/n answered with confidence.

"Oh, my god." Her face dropped to a panic, "you're not sacrificing yourself are you?"

"Wha- no, no, I meant this is gonna be the one." She hastily corrected herself, "we're gonna find her soon. But we need to let some us the team go."

She looked at the group with confusion, "is there something wrong?"

Bucky began to answer, "the next place we're going can't have more than f..."

"Five." Sam nodded.

"Five of us." Bucky finished with a polite smile.

"Please tell me Monica is staying." Darcy blurted, then looked at y/n hiding her smile, "I want her to help you, of course. And I'm sure she's an integral part of the team, I just... miss her, that's all."

"Yes, Darcy, she's staying." Y/n mentioned, which brought out a bright smile on Darcy's face, "She's all yours."

"Oh, thank god." She huffed as she rushed into her girlfriends arms.

With a smile, y/n stepped back from the two while they reunited to give them room. As she watched on at how excited they were and saw how tightly they held each other, she began to feel an aching in her heart, and she dropped her head down so she wouldn't have to look at it anymore. Noticing the sudden change in y/n's mood, daisy bit the skin on the inside of her cheek and prepared to go over to her. Her hopes were to comfort her in any way, like telling her one of their inside jokes, or reminding her of the times they had when they were agents of shield together. She'd gone over the story of when the two of them faced off in a prank war with fitz and simmons when she first joined to allow her to settle in with the team a dozen times in her head because that was what she was going to remind her of. However, moments before she could leave her spot to get to y/n, fitzsimmons stepped forward in front of her which stopped her from getting over to her. When she looked up again and saw y/n distracting herself by talking to jimmy, she stood back in place and cleared her throat.

"I'm still gonna help you, y/n." Monica reminded her to ease any of her worries.

"Thank you, monica." Y/n smiled, "I'd convince you to stay with us, but someone needs to be the director of sword."

"Temporary." Monica corrected her.

"Whatever." She jokingly rolled her eyes.

Monica smiled for a moment before her face returned to her sympathetic stare, "I hope you get her. I really do."

"I'm going to." Y/n nodded, "don't you worry about that."

"I know." Monica smiled.

With a sigh of relief, y/n turned to jimmy, "jimmy. God, have I missed you and your coffee."

"I could get you one right now if you want, i'll just-."

"Just give me a hug." She chuckled softly as she pulled him into a hug to stop the ramble she knew was coming.

Instead of continuing with his excited ramble, he accepted the thing he'd wanted to do since he heard of her arrival: hug her. Once she pulled away, she was met with his bright smile, which made her smile too.

"It's really good to see you, y/n." He smiled.

She chuckled softly, "we can binge watch all the James Bond movies when I get back, if you'd like."

"If you're watching James Bond movies, you have to invite us." Darcy joined in, "a James Bond marathon is a thing for the sword quartet."

"Guys, we're not actually calling ourselves that, come on." Y/n shook her head, "but yes, we will do that."

"Y/n." Sam cleared his throat, his hands buried in his pockets, "we've got to head out if we wanna make it there on time."

"Right." She nodded as she stepped back up onto the zephyr. Once she stood on the floor, overlooking the agents who'd helped her so far, she took a deep breath and thought for a moment. "I can't thank you guys enough for what you've done for me. I've dragged you around the world with me, and you've followed. Whether it was you coming along physically, or staying connected with me from here, you've done your best for me. And your best for Wanda. I think I've made it very clear how much I miss her. And you guys have made it possible for me to get her back." She smiled, "its been a while without her. But the next time you see me, I'm going to have wanda with me."

The Scarlet Apprentice 2: The Multiverse Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now