Following a reading

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Sam cleared his throat to speak, "okay, everyone. We're all eager to be there for this reading, but this is a public area. The most important think is getting kids away from and spots the energy might come from."

While the rest of the team scurried off of the ramp of the zephyr to step onto the grassy land of the park, y/n lingered at the back of the crowd, despite her desperate need to run out in front and find Wanda as quick as she could.

Few people that walked past her sent a look her way out of confusion, but she took no notice. Her posture didn't change until mack - who was the last person out of the zephyr - began leaving the plane.

The moment he stepped near her, she slipped into a walk and travelled beside him without saying anything at all. That was, until, she looked up at him once the door of the zephyr closed.

"You didn't say anything about inviting daisy." She mentioned, then turned her head to look at the floor her feet walked on.

"We didn't exactly have time to go over who's coming and who's not." He tried to excuse himself.

"You could've mentioned that I'd have to have the person I used to love with all my heart tag along with the mission to find the person I now love with all my heart." She put it bluntly to get her point across without leaving him any opportunity to make an excuse, "that's just going to make this whole thing a little awkward, or do you disagree?"

He sighed and looked off into the area of the park that was available to his view. Y/n turned her head up to look at him, and he knew that, but he didn't return the stare, "I didn't do it to make things awkward. We're chasing two witches who are travelling through a universe that isn't even ours. We need all the help we can get, and I'd say someone who can tap into the vibrations of anything and everything is pretty good help."

Before she could provide a counter response to his reasoning, he sectioned off to the area of the park that called to him the most. Y/n stood in the same spot for a moment while watching him walk away, before her eyes trailed off.

After a while of glossing over the delicate leaves of the trees and the gentle flowing of water in the nearby streams, her gaze led her to the sight of the girl she used to love.

Daisy was simply doing her job and was about to look in the eyes of the person she was doing it for, but y/n didn't let herself look in that direction for longer than a few moments. So, she pulled her eyes away and allowed them to fall on whatever they wanted.

Then, she saw something else that caught her attention. A man, whose face was shielded by a blue cap, sat on the furtherest park bench he could and sipped a slushy through the straw of a cup. Y/n furrowed her brows at first and squinted, because she felt like she recognised the man, but she couldn't quite figure out where from.

However, she didn't have any time to stand around and figure out who it was before an uproar arose that was noticeable through the coms they all wore.

"Here we go." Bucky called out, even though everyone could hear him through the coms.

"You don't need to be so loud, man." Sam grunted as he stepped down from the small hill he ventured up.

The team soon gathered around the spot where they saw sparks emerging and waited for it to turn into something bigger and open up an opportunity. When y/n made her way over to the bunch, they all moved away from it and allowed her to be the closest.

"Can you get through to her?" Mack asked.

She looked up at him, "I don't know." Then looked back down and sighed, "but if this fucks up and we all die, I guess we know it doesn't work."

"Is this really the only plan we've got?" Bucky sarcastically asked.

"You got a better one?" Monica, who stood closer to the back, asked.

"I just... don't really trust this logic." He shrugged and shook his head.

Before anyone else could disagree with her or consider a fault for the plan, she forced a burst of energy into where she saw any kind of opening. Immediately, there was an attachment as her powers latched onto something on the other side, which made her gaps with relief.

"I feel something." She smiled, and once she realised that the person she was feeling held the same connection to her that wanda did, she was able to know what it was, "it's her- it's wanda."

"Okay, hold it, y/n, focus it. We've got to bring wanda back." Mack directed.

"No- no- I'm losing it." She panicked, "I'm losing it." She muttered as she felt the energy being pulled from her arms.

The people around her could do nothing. They couldn't help y/n keep her hold on the energy she found, and they couldn't help pull wanda out of it. All they could do was watch and look out for any detail that they'd need to point out to help the witch.

They watched on intensely until all of them began spotting the same detail that caused them to all panic.

"Y/n, your hands!" Sam was the first to announce it.

Y/n looked down at her hands through the ball of red energy encasing then to see that her fingers were being drained of their life and health. Instead of worrying, she shrugged it off kept using her magic.

"You need to stop, it's getting worse." Monica told her.

"No, I can't- I need to get her out." She argued while ignoring the pain she started to feel in her hands.

"This could kill you, y/n, stop it."

"I can do it." She assured them.

"Y/n, you-."

The desperate witch couldn't make her decision for herself before the connection she had with Wanda was split in two, and the energy disappeared from the surrounding area. She stood still once she realised the energy was gone, and when she looked down at the ashy stone form her hands had taken, she let go of the breath she held and dropped to her knees.

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