Seeing her

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After all the tossing and all the turning, y/n finally managed to get to sleep. Sam and bucky had fallen long before her, so she didn't want to bother them with her inability to fall asleep herself. She kept her eyes closed despite any surrounding noise she heard, and she tried to stay still until her body naturally decided to fall asleep. Of course, it took more time than she'd hoped it would, but it was better to have a few hours of sleep over none.

When her body finally allowed her to fall asleep, she fell into a spiral of dreams. Some were good, some were boring, but they all lasted only a brief moment before she was tossed to the next one. Although, there was one dream in particular that she seemed to be stuck in. It was one of the boring ones, which was evident in the fact that she was standing, frozen in the same spot with nothing to do and nothing to see.

Then, something different occurred in that dream - something she hadn't experienced in the others. She was able to understand that she was in a dream, which made her question if it was something more.

"Is this a glimpse into the other universes?" She thought to herself. "Can i finally make contact with my wanda?"

She stood in place for as long as she could without getting bored, but her impatience soon caught up to her, even if she was just dreaming. When she tried to turn her head, it wouldn't move. However, the second she opened her eyes again after trying, there was a completely different sight before her.

From what she could now see, she was standing outside of a house. She was at the window, looking through into the empty living room that had its lights on. On the table - which she could just about see - was a small picture frame that faced her, a picture frame which held what looked to be a family portrait. She couldn't see who the people in the picture were, but she didn't focus on that in the moment she was in.

She waited a few more moments for any kind of movement within the house, but it seemed as though no one was home.

"Hello?" She called, even though she didn't really believe anything would happen.

After a long moment of silence, a soft tune began playing from a radio which seemed to turn itself on. She tried to move her head to see if someone turned it on, but the radio was out of view, hidden away on the kitchen counter. She gave up trying to find the radio the moment she saw two silhouettes enter the living room. They were holding each other lovingly in their arms and swirling from side to side as the sound of the music continued radiating through the house.

At first, she couldn't figure out who the two people were because of the darkness that seemed to engulf them and only them. But, when she squinted her eyes, the sight before her revealed itself. That's what seemed to happen in the dream state she was in, everything revealed itself just when she needed it to, but she wasn't able to experience it. She was stuck on the outside looking in at the scene that unravelled itself before her eyes.

That's when she realised exactly who it was in the picture frame. When she looked at it again, it was as clear as ever. Encased in the wood of the photo frame was the family picture of two young boys, the famous vision, and lastly, wanda Maximoff. When she looked up again, she was met with something even more unbelievable. There they were. Dancing in the living room. With the kids tucked up in their beds upstairs, the couple were twirling and dancing to the melody that played. Wanda Maximoff looked happy. Happier than she ever seemed around y/n.

The windows were closed, the doors were locked, and the hatches were sealed off. There was no way for y/n to get into the perfect life she saw that wanda was having. All she could do was stand by the window and watch. For whatever reason, her body couldn't move. Her head was frozen in place, and her legs were stuck to the ground with no room to wiggle.

"Wanda?" She called, her voice breaking with her nerves.

Wanda didn't hear her. The woman held her husbands hand while looking him lovingly in the eyes as he twirled her around the room. On her finger was a beautiful ring, one that was instantly recognised to be a wedding ring.

"Wanda?" She repeated, that time tapping her fingers gently on the glass.

Unlike last time, the woman turned her head away from her husband and looked out of the window to where y/n stood. Y/n smiled when she saw wanda slowly walking over to her, and she took a step back to prepare for her to open the window and let her in.

"Wanda, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, can you let me inside, please?" She shouted through the glass, which was clearly catching her attention.

Instead of answering, the married woman tilted her head to try and figure out who it was standing on the other side of the window.

"Can you hear me?" Y/n shouted, watching the way her face changed, "wanda, let me in please. I'm stuck- i just wanna hold you. Can you please just let me in so i can kiss you?"

With furrowed brows, wanda extended her hand to get closer to the window. Her husband, who remained in the background, kept his eyes on his wife for the entire time she stood by the window. Wanda pressed her hand against the glass for a moment, which gave y/n hope.

"Yes." She gasped and smiled, "thank you, wanda."

However, instead of opening the window like y/n planned, she grabbed ahold of the wire on the blinds and pulled them to a close. They dropped down quickly and immediately put a barrier between the two girls, so that y/n could no longer look through at the love of her life, and wanda could no longer have the chance to understand the woman who claimed to love her so much.

"Who was that, darling?" Vision asked her from where he remained.

"No one, dear." Wanda thought to herself before turning to face her husband with a smile, "no one at all."

Hearing the mumble of words through the blocked out window, y/n dropped her hope. Her heart sank, and her hopeful smile dropped to a blank and lifeless facial expression.  As she placed her hand on the glass in the frame once more, the sky began shedding its tears. It started with a gentle drip of rain before rushing to a harsh downpour of the earths tears that drenched y/n where she stood.

"I love you, my darling." Y/n heard vision say through the blocked out window.

"I love you, too." Wanda returned. "I love no one, but you."

That was the final thing - the final moment that lunged y/n right out of the sleep she tried her best to fall into. She pushed herself up the second she opened her eyes, and looked around to make sure she was okay. When she saw sam and bucky tucked away in their own beds, she sighed to herself through the flush of pants that escaped her panicked breath.

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