A flush of worry

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The early morning shifted to the delightful state of day while the sun rose to its usual podium in the sky. By now, Darcy and wanda had made it to the food court, leaving y/n and Monica to remain obsessing over the new load of tech.

Wanda sat at the table furthest from everyone else on her own, with her hand circling the surface of the table to entertain herself during her wait. Then, when items were dropped onto the table and Darcy joined her, she sat up straight again.

"They didn't have any sandwiches, which is bullshit, but I got you a sub." Darcy explained as she dropped herself down into the seat.

"Oh, that's perfect." Wanda took the sub from Darcy with a smile, "thank you for this, I'm so hungry."

"If there's one thing sword should be known for, it's that they make some good subs." She told wanda.

"Really?" Wanda jokingly furrowed her brows, "not the fact they can save people and get rid of dangerous weapons."

Darcy chuckled softly, "that too, I guess."

After hearing darcy's laugh, wanda couldn't help but chuckle with her, which allowed a calmness to flow over any kind of tension in the area. In that moment of calmness, Darcy looked at wanda and thought to herself.

"So, how are you?" The scientist asked as she sipped from her cup of coffee.

Wanda began nodded, "uh- good. Things are good. Y/n and I have had great days these past-."

"Sorry, wanda, I meant you specifically." Darcy - somehow politely - interrupted her.

Clearing her throat, wanda asked, "what do you mean?"

"How are you?" She repeated with a clearer tone and look, "I know y/n, I know when she's hiding her feelings. I want to know how you are, wanda."

Slightly surprised to hear the genuine support from anyone other than her girlfriend, wanda softly smiled, "I'm... good. I'm sleeping well, I'm not as anxious anymore, and I'm..." she shrugged as she realised, "I'm happy."

"That's good, wanda. I'm really glad to hear that. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be at peace, and I'm glad y/n makes you feel that way. God, you deserve a break after every thing Agatha Harkness put you through."

A lump harshly formed in wandas throat and she practically felt her own heart stop in her chest at the mentioning of her name. She hadn't thought about that name in a while because she never had to. But the moment she was reminded of it, her head suggested all of the horrible possibilities that could come from her again. Then, suddenly and unintentionally, all of her worries and anxiousness found a way to relate it to y/n. Then, not only was she worried for her own safety, but for the safety of who she loved the most.

"Would you- uhm.." Wanda stammered, looking around the court, "would you excuse me for a minute? I'm just gonna use the restroom."

"Yeah, sure." Darcy politely waved her to it, "can you see it?"

"Yes, I can. Thank you, Darcy. I'll be back in a minute." She assured her before leaving her at the table alone.

Back in the storage room, Monica held up a small, grenade - like, weapon, "imagine using this in a fight."

"Well, I'd probably just use my powers, if I'm being honest." Y/n smirked to her.

"Okay, smartass." She jokingly scoffed, "you know, just because you're like a powerful witch now doesn't mean you can't enjoy good weapons."

"I am enjoying good weapons, what do you think I've been doing for the past hour?" She sarcastically.

Before the two could bicker any further, their attention was snatched by who had joined them in the room. To y/n's surprise, it was the witch who entered the room not long after she'd left it, which brought the familiar smile out of her girlfriend.

However, wanda wasn't entering the room with her usual and previous light footed step. Instead, her walk seemed heavy and her emotions seemed to be muffled by a visible panic. When y/n saw her enter the room, she, of course, smiled and opened her arms wide once again.

"Hey, wanda, are you-." Her happy tone began washing away as she saw the worry on wanda's face the closer she got, "what's wrong?"

"Can we go?" Wanda mumbled, tugging at the sleeves of her top.

"What?" Y/n furrowed her brows with loving sympathy, "why? did something happen?"

"No, I just want to go home." She mumbled once again without looking her girlfriend in the eyes.

While gently gripping onto her hand, y/n tried to calm her down, "I thought we were gonna stay all-."

Then, wanda finally raised her head in a quick movement and looked her girl in the eyes, "y/n, can we please leave."

After seeing the visible panic in the witches eyes, y/n stopped trying to argue against it. She brushed away her practical thinking and nodded, "yeah- yes, of course."

"I'm sorry, I just need to go home." As she panicked further, tears began pooling at her eyes, which y/n noticed.

"No, no, don't apologise." Y/n softly hummed to her as she cradled her head, holding it against her own chest, "I'll take you home if you want, you don't need an explanation."

With a sniff, wanda muttered while her face remained buried in the fabric of y/n's top, "thank you."

"It's okay." She pulled back and cupped wanda's face, "do you wanna go wait in the quinjet? I'll get us out of here once I say goodbye to Monica."

Wanda shyly nodded and wiped whatever tears formed in her eyes, and just as she walked away, y/n raised wanda's hand to her own face and placed a gentle, loving kiss on her knuckles before releasing her hold and allowing her to walk away.

As she watched wanda turn to a blur the further away she got, her senses faded to a focus, and her hearing was clouded, which is why she didn't hear Monica trying to catch her attention.

"Y/n." Monica called, significantly louder than any other time she'd done it before, "everything alright?"

Snapping out of her daze, y/n turned and began fidgeting with the rings on her finger, "yeah, but... Monica, wanda's getting really homesick, and I'm gonna take her home, okay?"

"Oh." Monica mumbled, "yeah, yeah, that's fine. I didn't even consider that she might get homesick, I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry, it's fine." Y/n walked closer to Monica and lowered her voice, "every time she's been in this building, bad things have happened. She just needs her home, but I'll come back whenever I can."

"Should I get Darcy and Jimmy on the radio to come say goodbye?" She suggested.

"I can't leave wanda waiting, I'm so sorry. Just tell them I said goodbye, I'll be back before you know it."

"They'll understand." Monica smiled, watching y/n edge closer to the door, "goodbye, y/n. For now."

"Bye, Monica." Y/n smiled while lingering at the doorway, "tell Mack I said it was great to see him."

"Will do."

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