Returning to familiarities

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"You okay?" Y/n asked.

The ride had been smooth for most of the time, but it started to become slightly bumpy as they got closer to their destination. They'd been picked up in the morning, and then spent most of the day in the air, then they began entering the vicinity at evening. Like Monica suggested, they brought the basket of fruit onto the jet with them, so they had enough to eat.

As they neared the end of the route, the jets fly grew more coarse and noticeable to its passengers, but they tried to ignore it. Monica had taken the controls and the seat at the cockpit, while y/n and wanda slumped at opposite sides of the jet.

"Yeah." Wanda replied, her head down as she fidgeted with the few rings on her fingers.

Y/n looked at her - studied how her face seemed to hold no expression - and eventually, lifted her head and spoke to her, "Wanda, I can feel you from here. I know you're not okay. What's wrong?"

When wanda figured that y/n wasn't going to give up trying to know, she sighed deeply and pulled her head to look up at her. Her eyes looked tired, though she'd slept for long enough; they seemed to be tired from the exhausting thought process happening in her mind.

"Y/n, I-... are you sure it's the best idea to go back there?" She asked, "to sword, I mean."

"Why wouldn't it be?" Y/n cocked her brow.

"Well, I mean... just consider what happened last time we were there." She answered.

Y/n inhaled and thought, "I think it'll be fine."

Wanda furrowed her brows with uncertainty, "are you sure?"

"Yeah." She shrugged, "honestly, it'll be alright."

"But what if it's not fine?" She blurted, her voice clearly more distressed than the last time it was heard.

She squinted, "Wanda, they're not gonna hurt you, if that's what you're-."

"I'm not worried about what they'll do to me I'm worried about what they'll do to you." She finally admitted.

The space in the jet plunged to a silence, and the two girls looked at each other from where they sat, opposite sides of the jet. The tension in the space thickened to an uncomfortable point, until y/n rolled back her shoulders and quietly cleared her throat.

"What do you mean?" She asked her.

"You were a dedicated, high level sword agent, and now you're a powerful witch whos run off with their worst enemy." She explained, "what if they think of you as a traitor? What if they hurt you?"

"I'm not worried about that." She assured her.

"But I am." Wanda gave her a look of desperation and defeat, "I don't wanna see you get hated by the people you used to work with."

With a deep sigh, y/n pushed herself off of her seat and crossed the empty space of the jet to get to wanda. She crouched down and placed her hand on wanda's knee while looking up into her eyes.

"Look... hayward is dead, anyone who helped with the mishandling of west view has been arrested, and the sword agents standards have been rewritten. I can't promise that we won't get stares or comments..." she shrugged, "but what I can promise is that I'll kick their fucking asses if anyone gives us shit."

"I know." Wanda nodded softly, "I know you will, I'm just... I can't stop thinking about it, and it's making me worried."

"How about we just find something to do to distract you from it until we get there?" Y/n suggested.

"Like what? We're confined to the tiny space of this jet, we can't do much." She hopelessly shrugged.

"Come on, we can find entertainment in just about anything." She told her as she stood up straight and stretched her legs for a brief moment.

During her stretch, her eyes fell upon monica in the cockpit, and she squinted. With a casual stroll, she made her way over to the cockpit and stopped right behind Monica's chair.

Y/n cleared her throat, "Monica, you mind if I take over?"

"No, not at all." Monica nodded as she began lifting herself out of the chair, "we're not that far away, actually."

"You should try some of that food in the basket, it's good stuff." She suggested, smiling to her as they passed each other.

Once Monica had left the seat of the cockpit open for y/n to sit in, y/n turned around and caught wanda's attention by waving her hand.

"Wanda, come here." She softly ordered.

Without question or hesitation, wanda stood up and joined y/n. She took the hand that y/n held out and sat down in the seat beside her as comfortably as she could.

"Are you planning on flying us to somewhere fun?"

"I wouldn't consider sword fun, so no."

"Dangerous?" Wanda suggested.

Y/n turned her head, "wow, you still don't have faith in me, do you?"

She smirked as she turned her head to look out of the window, "so are we here to look at clouds?"

"If you want." Y/n shrugged.

"Or do we guess if we can see anything on the ground below us?" Wanda asked as she leant forward to look out of the window.

"If you want." She shrugged once again.

"Do you not have anything planned?" She asked, "you just sat up here and thought you'd come up with an idea as we went?"

"Yep." She nodded.

Wanda chuckled, "right."

"We haven't got that long, we just need to enjoy the view until we're there." She shrugged. However, before she could say her next words, she was cut off by an excited squeal wanda let out.

"Look at that cloud!" Wanda pointed with excitement.

"That one?" She asked, "what about it?"

"It looks like a giraffe holding a flower out of its mouth." Wanda told her.

"Oh, yeah, it does." Y/n hummed.

"Doesn't it?" She smiled proudly.

"Yeah. If you squint your eyes, tilt your head, close your eyes, and imagine a giraffe holding a flower out of its mouth, then it does look like a giraffe holding a flower out of its mouth."

Wanda chuckled and playfully shook her head, "shut up."

"Oh, look at that." Y/n pointed to the flock of birds that were flying right outside of the plane.

When wanda caught on and saw the birds, she smiled, "awh, they're so cute."

"Aren't they?... what would you do if I just flew right into them?" She joked while pretending to turn the controls of the jet.

With a tut, wanda lightly slapped y/n's arm, "don't even joke about that."

"Come on, I was kidding- I was kidding."

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