The old cabin

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When the stars lit up the blanket of the night sky, Wanda and y/n set off for their night out. The car ride there was mostly silent, the only noise being the soft pace the girls breathed at.

Bucky and Sam had helped y/n get ready - both mentally and physically - for most of the day, whilst Wanda hid away in her room to plan and arrange things for the night out. It took a while to tailor one of stephens best suits to fit y/n, but the trio did eventually get it perfect. As well as the suit, y/n borrowed rings and a watch from Stephen's closet to decorate herself.

When Wanda found out that Katy was a skilled driver and valet woman, she made a deal with her. The surprise of seeing Katy at the wheel to pick the two of them up caused y/n to smile to herself and feel hopeful for their night out.

"Where are we going?" Y/n found herself asking more than once on the journey there.

But no matter how many times she'd asked, Wanda always replied with a simple, "you'll see."

After a half an hour drive to the middle of nowhere, Katy stopped the car and waited for the two to get out. Although confused, y/n got out of the car and instantly noticed the huge, golden circle that was beside where they'd parked.

Before heading over to it and following Wanda, y/n leant into the open window and high-fived Katy with a smile. Then, without wasting any more time, she made her way to where Wanda waited by the opening of the crack in reality.

"What is this?" Y/n asked, "how is this possible?"

"You're still so impatient," she playfully rolled her eyes before giving her a look, "close your eyes."

"Wanda," y/n paused, "you're not planning to kill me, are you?"

"Stop fussing about it, just close your eyes and take my hand," she softly ordered, scooping y/n's hand into her own.

"How did you even manage to get this-," y/n asked, referring to the portal.

"Strange helped me out," she shrugged.

"But how did he-,"

"God," Wanda groaned before gently pulling y/n into the portal with her.

As if it was never there, the portal vanished, and new surroundings quilted the girls. It took y/n a moment of adjustment, but when she started looking around at the environment, she found herself speechless.

"Our cabin," she mumbled.

The wooden walls were still holding together perfectly with runes etched into them, whilst the furniture sat like it always did. The wooden carving of the lighting bolt was still hanging on the wall, looking over the rest of the cabins memories. The red blanket, the killing eve books, the painted rocks.

When Wanda saw y/n's eyes fall to the array of food on the table, she explained, "I didn't really know what food you'd want, so I did a whole bunch of different ones."

Excited and intrigued, y/n gestured to the table with an open hand, "please, do give me a tour of this feast, Ms Maximoff."

After smiling softly at the nickname, Wanda excitedly held her hand out, "we've got some fruit, it's cherries, apple slices - specifically red apple slices because I know you don't like green ones."

"How do you remember that?" Y/n furrowed her brows.

"How could I forget that my big, strong, powerful girlfriend doesn't like the skin on green apples?" She rhetorically asked, "it's such an odd weakness."

Just at the mentioning of the word, y/n grew flustered and practically melted. "What else have we got?"

"Pancakes, with whipped cream, of course," she continued.

"Pancakes for dinner?"

She shrugged, "I thought it would be cute."

"Oh, no, it's perfect," y/n assured her, "it's perfect."

"I've also got all the episodes of killing eve ready on the tv, I've got that book that I can finish reading to you, we can go cherry picking again. I'll teach myself to make a cherry pie so we can finally do it. It's dark, but it'll still be fun," Wanda began listing, "we can bake. Or we can start to bake but end up having a flour fight again. You can teach me to carve wood. You can make us some of that soup again. We can paint rocks, we can play that mining and crafting game. Whatever you want. Tell me what it is you want to do, and I'll do it."

"Wanda, this is..." y/n was rendered speechless at Wanda's effort and willingness, "this is incredible. How do you remember little meaningless details like that?"

"Because they're not meaningless to me, y/n," she pleaded, "nothing you do is meaningless to me. Every little good thing you've ever done for me, every time you've fought for me, every time you've looked at me when it seems like I don't realise it, those mean everything to me."

"Wanda, I don't know what to say, this-," again, she couldn't find the words to describe how she felt in the moment, "this is amazing."

Taking both of y/n's hands gently in hers, Wanda looked up into her eyes, "I have a lot to say," she began, "and I'm just gonna say it. I'm not going to keep any more secrets from you, but-... I need you to promise me you'll let me explain. It might not make sense at first, but I promise I'll tell you everything."

Y/n's hands cupped softly around Wanda's as she felt the shaking begin at her fingertips, "Wanda, it's okay. I know you've got a lot to say. You can take your time, I'll be patient for once. For you."

Wanda released and deep and shaky breath, but she needed to get her words out. She couldn't keep lying to the person she loved most in the world.

"I didn't fall back in love with vision. I didn't choose him over you."

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