Closer than ever

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After y/n cleared the outside of the building - which prevented them from being interrupted - all of the groups began meeting at the room. Mack, daisy, and Fitz had already made it to the room long before, which was evident in the way they looked relieved when deke and y/n finally showed up to join them. It didn't take long for Monica and Simmons to make their way over to the bunch, leaving them waiting for the last team, Bucky and Sam.

"So how did you two get on?" Monica asked, mostly to relieve the team from being in silence, "did you have any trouble?"

"I watched y/n take down four guards in the span of five minutes, which was pretty impressive. Other than that, we didn't have any other problem while we got here." Deke shrugged as he answered for the both of them.

"Well, I wouldn't give myself all the credit, deke... hit a guy round the head with a bar." She mentioned.

"Oh, that's impressive. Managing to take down a guy with just a metal bar means you've got a strong throw." Simmons smiled proudly to him.

"Oh, no, I didn't take him down." Deke shook it off with a smile, "he turned around and was about to kill me before y/n stopped him."

"That sounds accurate." Fitz nodded while looking at the ground.

"Bet you wish you could've used your powers there, huh?" Mack asked, resting his hands in his pockets while standing opposite y/n.

"You know what? I actually miss fighting with my hands." She told him.

Deke joined in, "I guess it's good for the mind to release stress by doing things like exercise and training."

"Yeah, of course. And murder." She added with a deadpan expression.

Moments before Mack could lecture her about safety and self control, the last team made their way down the hall and over to the group.

"What took you guys so long?" Simmons softly asked.

"We got lost." Bucky shrugged.

"We ran into trouble." Sam answered at the exact same time.

While the team looked at them with confusion, y/n tried to contain the grin on her face, "so which excuse is it? Getting lost or facing obstacles?"

"It doesn't matter, can we go in?" Bucky awkwardly asked, "we don't wanna miss it, do we?"

While Bucky eagerly made his way in the room first, y/n lingered at the back of the bunch to wait to speak to Sam, who hesitantly waited for her. Biting her lip to suppress a smile, she looked down to the ground, which Sam noticed.

"It's not what you think-" he tried to explain himself.

She lifted her head up and looked unconcerned, "oh, believe me, this is non of my business."

"Oh..." he paused, surprised with her answer, "okay, good."

After giving it a moment while they were all in the room, she leant closer to Sam, "but you're gonna tell me later, right?"

"Of course." He hid his words with a cough before standing up straight.

As the energy began appearing from thing air, the team collectively moved to the back of the room. Y/n tensed and took a breath as she stepped closer to it, preparing to put all of her force into getting in there. The team scattered out against the wall furthest from it so they wouldn't interrupt her, but so they could be there if she needed help. Deke, who was pushed around through the reforming of everyone's position in the group, rolled his shoulders when he realised Monica - someone he'd never spoken to before - was standing beside him.

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