Chapter 95 - 18th Novemeber 2014 - One year

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*Jessie's pov*

I met Emma at the gates. I was determined I was going to treat her that night. The night of our one year anniversary. The fact that we had been together for one year made me so happy. I wanted our relationship to go far into the future. If she was old enough then maybe I would've even proposed. But she's sixteen and I'd understand that, if in a few years time, she'd want to be with someone else so so she could experiment a bit more. I wouldn't want her to sign her life over to me just yet when she has so much of it left to live.

I wasn't going to dwell on that though. I needed to focus on the here and now. I needed to focus on what was mine, not what wasn't. And as far as I was aware, Emma was mine. She was my everything and made up my world.

I felt safe as soon as Emma's arms had wrapped around me. I'd missed her that day. I hated not being able to spend the day with her but Emma's a smart kid and I still refused to get in the way of her education. "Happy anniversary!" Emma beamed up at me. I leaned down and kissed her soft lips.
"Happy anniversary, beautiful." I smiled and pulled away but kept my arm firmly around her waist. "I haven't got that much prepared for tonight, I'm sorry."
"Do not apologise." Emma warned. "Whatever it is that you've done I'm sure will be more than I ever deserve."
"I wanted to take you out." I mumbled.
"I prefer a quiet night in with you without your fans trying to know everything."
"That's true." A comfortable silence passed over us as I held Emma close to me and thought about how she had changed since I first met her.

She's grown up and matured, a lot. Not that she was immature in the first place, but it's almost as if she's had ten years added on to her behaviour in only sixteen months. She's no longer the vulnerable girl I met. She's strong, powerful and can easily stand up for herself, and I admire that.

She's now less attached to her phone than she was, I think that is a shame though. I'd hate to think that I'd stopped her talking to her friends that she met because of me in the first place. Come to think of it, she hadn't talked about them for a while.
"Talking about my fans..." I started. "What about them?" Emma asked with a confused expression on her face.
"Do you still talk to those girls you used to talk to? There was one called Emma that use to Skype every night wasn't there? You haven't mentioned her in a long time."
"Oh... We just drifted apart. She got a bit jealous of us and it got annoying." Emma shrugged. "It's cute that you remembered though." Her beautiful smile made an appearance.
"Oh..." I furrowed my brows. "What about the Bush Bashers?" I failed to hold back a smile at their name.
"I still talk to them." Emma grinned. "Jade is still someone I would consider as my best friend. Heds, Jeff and I are cool too still. Amy though... Amy doesn't deserve to have Jade as a best friend. None of us talk to her any more."
"Oh, what happened?"
"She chose a guy over her best friend. Ain't nobody got time for that." The both of us burst into laughter. Her rendition of the YouTube video to cute and funny to stay serious. "But let's not talk about that." She spoke again after we composed ourselves. "Because tonight is about me and you." I leaned down gently to kiss her to show her that I agreed because she got that so damn right. That night was about me and her and not us trying to please anyone, not our fans or our friends and family. That night was about pleasing each other.

I lead Emma into the house where there was lamb slow cooking in the kitchen. Emma's favourite. "Is that lamb I can smell?" Emma grinned whilst rubbing Jackson's head.
"It is!" I smiled. "It's nearly done now. Go and get changed and I'll sort everything out for you."
"Okay, baby." Emma tip toed to peck my lips before running up the stairs with Jackson following behind her. The feeling that I got when she called me baby. It was the best feeling anyone's ever given me, apart from our love making that is, but nothing, and I mean nothing, can top the way Emma makes me feel whilst we make love.

During the time that Emma was getting ready, I decorated the table with candles and rose petals, I laid down the best cutlery I had and made sure everything was in the correct place before playing up the food. I wanted, no, needed everything to be perfect and romantic.

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