Chapter 82 - Telling Mum and Dad

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*Emma's Pov*

"I've got a plan about those homophobes at your school." Jess randomly spoke up in the car on the way to Essex. We're going to tell Jessie's, well our, parents that we're together. I still can't get over the fact that Jess is mine. She really is the girl of my dreams.

If I said I wasn't nervous going to tell mum and dad, I'd be lying. I'm absolutely terrified. They've accepted me as Jessie's friend. They've accepted me as one of the family, but what happens if they don't want me to be Jess' girlfriend? What if they suddenly decided they don't want me as part of the family any more? Jess placed her hand on my knee and squeezed lightly.

"What have you come up with then?" I asked, trying to hide the nervousness in my voice and failing, the shaking in my voice more than noticeable. Jess furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well, I could go and give one of those assembly things. You know explaining about equality and how lesbians and gays are no different to straight people?"

"I suppose that could work. It's a good idea but whether the school would let you."

"I'll go and speak to Mr Pratt when we get back. Besides, a little promotion of Alive wouldn't hurt either." I sighed.

"Jess, Alive is doing fine." If I had to count how many times we've had this conversation on my fingers I'd need about five extra hands and feet.

"It's not though Em, they've been talking about dropping me." Jess panicked.

"They would've dropped you by now if they didn't believe Alive would be good enough."

"How do you know that?" She flicked her head around to me quickly and then back to the road.

"I've been speaking to Claude... But he said if you can get another album out quickly and that does better than Alive they won't even doubt keeping you."

"You've been talking to Claude about me?" Jess sounded angry.

"He e-mailed me because he's been getting it bad as well. He's just worried about you Jess. We all are. I've never seen you so stressed." Jess took a few breaths before speaking again.

"I'm sorry Em, I just can't lose my place at Island. I don't know how to do anything else. I don't know how to live a normal life that isn't in the press. This has been my dream job since forever."

"I know Jess. It'll be fine. You'll still be performing Do It Like A Dude at sixty with all the slut drops. Don't worry about it." Jess giggled.

"Imagine a sixty year old woman doing slut drops..."

"So hot..." I said in my best actors voice.

"I'll get you a granny prostitute for your birthday then." We both burst out into fits of giggles, causing Jess to have to turn off into the service station to compose herself before driving the rest of the way to Essex. At least she cheered up.

The nervousness visibly showing as we drove through Seven Kings. I couldn't sit still and there was a dull ache in my back. It was starting to get difficult for me to breathe. Jess glanced over and took my hand in hers. Her thumb softly gliding over my knuckles. "I don't know why you're so nervous." Jess spoke.

"I just... What if they think in not gonna treat you right? What if they decided I can't be part of the family anymore?" I spoke the last question quieter.

"Em, they already love you. Mum wouldn't have bought us these necklaces if she didn't like you."

"But she bought them before she even knew me." Jess pulled up on the side of the road outside her old childhood home.

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