Chapter 6 - Heartbeat

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*Emma's pov'

Don't tell Jess this but I came round when she was just just finishing 'Without You'. I had to put all my effort into not crying, that song fitted perfectly into the Harrison situation. I didn't want to disturb her singing. It was gorgeous. She moved onto 'Wild'. Her new song. It only came out a few weeks and I learned all the words including Dizzee's and Big Sean's rap in a matter of days! I was so pleased with myself.

Jessie paused when she got to Big Sean's rap. She was probably unsure whether to do it or not as rapping is not her speciality. Before she started I decided to rap for her.

"That's where you start singing." I teased and hinted at the same time, once I had caught my breath and she was just staring at me. "What?" I asked smiling

"You know all of Sean's rap?" She asked bewildered

"Yeah! And Dizzee's... Why?"

"But it's only been out for a few weeks?"

"And your point is...? I'm a dedicated Heartbeat... I can't not know the lyrics to one of your songs!"

"But even I don't know all of the rap yet!"

"You don't listen to it whenever you've got a chance to though do you?" No reply, "didn't think so!" I winked as the doctor came in.

"Ahh, Miss Smith, you seem to be doing fine. You should be able to go home in a bit." The doctor smiled. I'll go get the discharge forms for Miss Cornish to sign and then I'll talk you through what happened and give you antibiotics and cream to put on your stitches. The cream will need to be applied twice a day and whenever it hurts okay?" I nodded and the doctor left

Forty minutes later were leaving the hospital. It was 11:20 pm and I was feeling really sleepy and I think Jess was too. We helped each other to the car and Jess obviously drove. The conversation went something like this...

"So Jess..." I asked, "You're heart condition..." She winced at the thought "do you still have problems with it?"

"Why?" She asked and just looked ahead

"Well you asked me a load of questions on the way here... So it's only fair." No answer... "I know I already know a lot about you... But I want to know the real you. I'll ask you a question and you answer and ask me one back. One condition though... We have to answer."

"I guess it's only fair... Okay. My irregular heart beat... I was bullied because of it and that still has its problems... People think they know me now... Idiots. I know what you mean though... If I'm going crazy on stage then sometimes I will start to feel a bit dizzy. That's generally why when I'm playing live I don't have too many uptempo song in a row." She smile and paused, "okay so... What would you say if I said I wanted to move to Caerleon?" I laughed, "You said that you had to answer!"

"I know, I know! It's just... This isn't my question but why would you want to move down here? My first reaction would be really selfish and be like: Yes move here now! We can be best friends and do stuff together! It would be brilliant! But then I'd think about your friends and family. Manchester and London are so much closer to Essex than South Wales. I know how much family and friends mean to you. I wouldn't want to take them away from you. Then I'd kick my self for telling you that and regret it." I paused to think of a question and I couldn't think of one... I knew so much about her. I knew one but seriously now. I'm not even 15 and she's 25 I can't ask her that! "Okay... I can't think of one... So... Why would you want to move down here?"

There was a long silence as I waited for Jess to answer...

*Jessie's pov'

Emma just asked my why I would move down here. Shit. I can't tell her the truth. The truth is that I love her and I don't want anyone to hurt her. But I'm 25 and she's not even 15 yet! How would that look? Okay I'm shit at lying so I'll tell her the truth... Just not the whole truth. I smiled... Emma looked at me in a strange way.

"I'd move down here Em, because of you." Her face went into complete shock. She wasn't expecting that! It was so cute!... Did I just call her cute?! "Seriously. Family and friends do mean a lot to me and I want people to be happy. My friends and family will be happy as long as I'm happy. I'd be happy if I was down here with you, being your family... With Rach of course but I'd be there for you whenever you need me. You are one of my Heartbeats and you are what keeps me going. I know that someone kicked you in the ribs on purpose just because of your sexuality. And don't deny it. It's not rocket science! You need someone you can trust... Someone like me. Also I saw some of your notes in your bedroom. They're brilliant lyrics... You could perhaps help me write? That's not my question by the way. It's an offer. I saw a nice house on my way down here that's for sale on the end of Trinity View. Maybe I'll go and have a look round. Anyway... My question... You're gonna kill me for this... Buy oh well... It helps to talk about it... You're previous relationship?"


*Emma's pov*

Jess said she'd move down here for me!? Omfg! I can't believe it! I feel so selfish now though it feels like I'm stealing her away from everyone... However then she asked me about my previous relationship... I get an irregular heart beat just by thinking about him... Every time I talk to him I nearly pass out. The worst thing is we're still friends, best friends, so I see and speak to him everyday...

I could feel my heart going strange. My palms became sweaty and I was shaking. I looked at Jess and she looked so concerned it was kinda cute. It made me feel a bit better, my heart started to return to normal and I stopped shaking... That was until she put her hand on my leg and my heart started going back to strange. It's the same feeling I have about Harrison. She's never gonna choose me though is she? I was regretting my idea about the question and answer session.

"Emma?" She asked softly bringing me out of my thoughts and back to reality...

"Huh? Oh yeah... Ha... Harrison... I fell for him hard... So bloody hard. We split two weeks ago. Just before I came out to the whole school unintentionally. It's another long story and if I can I'll tell you later. The truth is I fancied Harrison for roughly a year before he asked me out and I managed not to tell anyone for a few months about how I felt about my best friend. We flirted and I was cool with that. I didn't really want it to go anywhere because it would get so awkward if we split up. We'd all become friends by now you see and I wouldn't want to be the reason we all fell out. Ha... Harrison and me... We went out for a month before everything started to stop. He put full stops in texts without kisses or smiley faces. He didn't talk to me as much in school... I let this go on for two weeks before I dumped him in front of all our friends..." I paused as tears fell down my cheek, "I still love him though Jess. I've never really stopped."

I looked at her and her smile wavered when I said that. She looked slightly hurt. We were at a red light so she wiped my tears away.

"You'll get over him one day. I promise." She crossed her heart when she said that. She promised that I'd get over him on her irregular heart beat. It's a good job I don't believe in stuff like that because otherwise I'm pretty sure she'd be dead. I could see no light at the end of the tunnel. I started to cry again. "Em..."

I shook my head. Pull yourself together! He clearly didn't want you. "Sorry..." I started to apologise

"Don't apologise... Tears don't mean you're losing." She really is there for me. She really does care about me and every other Heartbeat out there. She is the most amazing woman I have ever met... And I'm madly in love with her... I could feel myself smiling. It was a good job she was driving now and not looking at me...

"That one." She said pointing out of the window indicating the house at the bottom of trinity view. Trinity view is a street that goes up the hill. It takes me about two minutes to walk there. She would be soooooo close! I smiled even more at the thought. She smiled too. My heart skipped a beat. "I'd build a recording studio in the basement. Claude could come down here for a bit. I think it would do him good to get away from London and New York."

"That would be awesome!" I almost screamed. "Sticking with the ex relationships... Going back to the questions now... In your book... You were asked what was your best kiss but you didn't answer it... Now I'm asking it...."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: It's My Party video is amazing! Thank you for reading and giving it over 250 reads, I really wasn't expecting that. Feedback is appreciated so much :D

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