Chapter 80 - I Love You

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*Jessie's pov*

I could've kissed Emma all day if we didn't need to breathe. We pulled away and leaned our foreheads against each other. I felt moisture on my cheek once again as tears of happiness fell down them. Emma quickly wiped them away and smiled back at me. "Can we speak later?" I whispered. Emma nodded so I pecked her lips before pulling away and returning to the real world. I took Emma's hand as we climbed out of the recording booth. "How was that then?" I asked as I sat down and pulled Emma on to my lap.

"Hot." Danny and Claude replied in unison. Typical blokes.

"It wasn't even a heated kiss." I sighed. "I meant the song anyway."

"Oh..." Danny blushed. "It's better than when we sang it." Danny mumbled, but I heard every word of it.

"Wow. It must have been good then." Emma sounded amazed.

"Your harmonies at the end were... Perfect. I can't find a better word for it. I though you said Emma's a songwriter, Jess?" Claude asked.

"Oh she is. Wait until you read some of the stuff she's written. She's got files and files and files of songs at home. She'd be able to release at least three albums with what she's got there." I said excitedly. Whilst Emma turned a deep shade of red.

"Well, if you're as good as Jess says you are," Claude turned to Emma, "because there's absolutely no reason why she'd be biased." He muttered sarcastically "I'd love to work with you some time in the near future." Emma's jaw dropped.

"That would be amazing... Thank you so much." Emma replied. She didn't know what to say bless her.

We spent until six o'clock brainstorming ideas and lyrics for new songs. Emma and I actually ended up cowriting a song called 'Keep Us Together'. It's all about how you have to try your best in your relationship and put effort into it even though it may scare you. It's a good thing and you need to do everything you can to keep you together. Its one of my favourite songs at the moment. The fact Emma helped write it and it's generally about us... I love it.

At six I made a lamb lasagne which everyone enjoyed. "Do you want me to go home and get some of my songs?" Emma asked after swallowing her food.

"Yeah that would be great." Claude replied and smiled.

"Jess, maybe we could walk down afterwards?" Her tone of voice hinting that we can talk then.

"Yeah it sounds like a good idea. I'll take Jackson too. He hasn't been on a long walk for ages."

So after I'd put the plates in the dishwasher Emma, Jackson and I set off on our walk. Instead of going directly to Emma's, Emma lead us down the lane. Which was dangerous because it was dark, so don't do that at home. We made it through the lane alive and turned into the cycle track by the pigs. They were nowhere to be seen however. They're probably tucked up in their little pig styes. Emma pulled us to the bench where you could see right out across the sea. "Remember the first time we sat on this bench together?" Emma asked as she looked out across the sea. I nodded.

"You tried telling me something." I reminisced.

"Yeah... I tried telling you that I was falling for you." She turned her head to look at me as she spoke and turned it back towards the scenery again. There was a small silence. "You said it was beautiful." She paused again and looked at me. "And I said-"

"The more I look at her, the more beautiful she gets." I ended.

"I've REALLY liked you for a long time Jess. You're special, I've never felt this way about anyone before." I looked Emma directly in the eye.

"When I first saw you, I knew I would like you, maybe not as much as I do now, but I knew I would like you. Soon enough, I was proved right as I tried to do whatever made you happy. I tried my hardest to protect you from everything. But failed." I sighed. "I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt. I know I've put you through shit and you'll never understand how sorry I am for that. I'll never do it again. I know I won't because I know something else. I-" I stopped myself.

"What is it Jess? What do you know?" Emma held onto my hand my hand and stroked the back of it with her thumb.

"I... I love you. I really really love you." I confessed. There was silence. Emma had even stopped rubbing my hand. Shit. I shouldn't have said that. "Forget I said that. It's just how I feel. You don't have to say it back or anything. I just needed you to know. It was too early wasn't it? I'm sorry Em, I should get back. I-" I was cut off from my rambling by Emma's lips being placed on mine.

"Jess, I love you too. I just didn't say anything back because I never expected you to say that. I've loved you for a long time Jessica." Emma pecked me on the lips once more.

"You do? You actually love me? You're not just saying it?" I asked all in one breath.

"I wouldn't do that. I'm being one hundred percent honest with you. I love you with all my heart. I love you from the moon to the bottom of the deepest ocean and back again. You really are my rock and my world and I'd be nowhere without you." Emma said softly. A tear dripped down my face as she opened her heart up for me.

"You're the sweetest person ever, you know that? I promise I'm going to try even harder to protect you. I'm going to look after you when you're ill and support you in any decisions you decide to make. I'm going to be strong for you, when the days get rough." I sang the last line which cause both Emma and I both to giggle, "Seriously though, I'm here for you now. I'm not going anywhere."

Emma and I chatted for a while longer before Jackson started to get impatient. So, hand in hand, we continued along the cycle track. "Jess?" Emma asked tentatively.

"Yeah?" I asked and smiled towards her.

"The reason why I distanced myself from you after you... You know... Was because I love you. I distanced because staying close to you kind of hurt... And you needed to remember that you're as straight as a roundabout by yourself. I didn't want to pressure you into anything. Anything I do is for you. Anything I do is because I love you."

"I love you so much. You're so cute. I just can't believe that you feel the same... I've had my fair share of relationshps... but I've never felt like this before. Never ever, ever. This feels like it could be the start of something absolutely amazing." I smiled brightly at Emma. Nothing is going to bring me down tonight. Not after our kiss, not after Emma told me she loves me. I'm on cloud nine right now. Emma and I have finally expressed our feeling for each other and they're the same. I've been a fucking idiot for the last few months but the fact is she still loves me like I love her. I'm never going to stop reminding her that I love her. She needs to know just exactly how much... Although that may be impossible. It's my job to protect Emma and keep her happy, and that is exactly what I'm going to to try to do. I love Emma so much, nobody is gonna hurt her when I'm around.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So here's my attempt at a cute chapter and as you can tell it's clearly not my strong point... But I thought you'd want one :D

Dedicated to Jade because I love you and you're helping me with my welsh that I should have been doing instead of this... Oh well... I love you honey :*

I know I haven't been reading as much recently but I'm finding it difficult to concentrate on things for longer than five minutes at the moment... It's not you it's me *sigh*

Also has anyone put up on YouTube when Jess chipped her tooth last night? I really wanna watch it...

Thanks for reading, commenting and voting :)

Emma xx

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