Chapter 34 - Dislocation

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*Emma's pov*

Fuck. My head hurts so much. What happened to make it hurt this much? Lets assess the situation. I'm lying down... I think. But I'm moving. There's something digging into my hand. Maybe I should open my eyes. That would probably help. My eyes fluttered open to closed doors. I'm in a van with a tube sticking out if my hand. Ahhh must be an ambulance. I must have hit my head.

"You're awake! That's always a good sign. My name's Kathleen. I'm a paramedic. Can you tell me what your name is?" She asked

"Yeah..." My voice cracked so I coughed to clear my throat, "It's Emma. Emma Smith."

"Okay, can you tell me what year it is?" I definitely had hit my head. I've watched enough episodes of Casualty and Holby City to know that they ask this to make sure you haven't got concussion or amnesia or something.

"Two thousand and thirteen." I answered confidently.

"Brilliant. Well we're on our way to the Gwent Hospital. Can you tell me what happened?" This annoyed me. I couldn't quite remember and I knew she knew exactly what had happened.

"Well, I was late for Chemistry because I was talking to the police." I said slowly thinking about it out loud and thinking about what could have happened next, Kathleen just 'mm hm'ed, "Miss Stevens. She wasn't in so we had a supply." As I said this a picture of a small person with blonde hair and an annoying voice flashed before my eyes. "Blonde Bitch covered us. She hates me. I wouldn't be surprised if she had anything to do with it." I stated still not remembering what had happened.

"So you don't know what happened to end you up in here in this marvellous ambulance?" She gestured around the place. I've never been in an ambulance before and I never realised how hi-tech they were. People's live are saved in here. On this very bed/chair thing I'm half sitting half lying on. I tried to sit up properly but my head hurt too much.

"Umm no." I sighed. It was really frustrating. I heard someone shuffle at the other end of the ambulance. I slowly looked over so not to cause my head anymore pain. Obviously it was stupid to even try, but after I opened my eyes again I notice Rachel, police officer Rachel sat there awkwardly. "Hi." I smiled that oh so familiar awkward smile. It felt good to have it on my face as I haven't been in many awkward silences recently so there was no need for my awkward smile. Why am I even thinking about this? I definitely hit my head and I must have it it hard.

"Hello Emma. We really need you to remember what happened. It could be important." What? It Could be important? That means it would be important. Something really bad must have happened for the police to think its important. I sat there for a few moments thinking about it and then my ankle twitched which hurt so my natural reflex was to sit up.

"Ahhh fuck." I gently lay myself back down. "So I've obviously banged my head and done something to my ankle." I have to say these things out loud otherwise I'd forget them even though what I just said was blatantly obvious.

"Well you got that one right." Kathleen smiled. The ambulance stopped and the doors opened causing me to shut my eyes because it was too bright outside.

"I was late for chemistry and we had Blonde Bitch. She asks me why I was late and..." You know that thing you do when your trying to remember something and you look up it's as if you're trying to read your brain or something? Yeah well I did that. "I wouldn't tell her and she accused me of fucking some girls in the toilets." I smile as my memory was starting to come back.

"Fucking girls in the toilets?" Kathleen asked

"Yeah I'm gay and she's homophobic so she hates me."

"Can you remember what happened next?" Rachel asked. I thought for a moment before replying.

"Nope." There was a hint of annoyance in my tone that I didn't mean to come out. I always manage to get annoyed at Rachel. "Could someone tell me the time please?" I asked

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